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Need for figure Insurance (older version of osC)


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Hoping someone can help me...

I'm running an older version (TEP) of osCommerce (I didn't realize that my host was providing a 2-year old product) and I've finally gotten almost the whole site built and 80 products input into the database. The one thing left to do is figure out how to include insurance charges (1.5% of pre-tax order total), and I can't seem to figure out a way to do this.


I've tried all of the Contributions written for this, but none seem to work with this version of osCommerce. If I can't get this to work then I'll have to rebuild the whole site and database in a newer release...and I REALLY would rather not. My client wants his site up as soon as possible, before the holiday shopping season really kicks in.



Any ideas? All help is most appreciated.




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Wanted to add:

My programmer boyfriend has managed to add insurance to all parts of the website shopping experience-- but when the order is placed via Check/Money Order, insurance disappears-- it doesn't get placed on the customers receipt, or come through in Admin/Orders, and by extension I don't think it will come through in PayPal.


So, maybe there's just a few more things that need to be added somewhere, to get the insurance from the check-out form to all necessary places in the database??


Please toss any and all ideas my way. Thanks again!


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