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The e-commerce.

Shipping Query


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I am currently using the UK Recorded delivery shipping contribution

as well other delivery options. Basically I want to know if this would

be hard to write and implement:


I want to be able to put a maximum weight limit for each shipping

option so if the weight of the order was above that limit instead of

showing the top price it would just display "Service not available

at this weight"


The problem I have is that UK Recorded Delivery is only viable

below a certain weight - above that it becomes too expensive for

the cutomer. So rather than putting a high price in I would rather

it just display a message.


Now I know how to write this in Perl but PHP is another thing altogether

and am very new to this :o


Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks in advance.






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I am not sure you can limit the maximum shipping weight for each

different shipping option. I know you can set a maximum limit overall

in the admin section but I want to be able to set them differently.


How do most people configure shipping?


As an example say I have 3 x Shipping options


1 = Royal Mail (Cheapest option for deliveries weighing upto 2kg)

2 = Acme Couriers (Cheapest option for deliveries weighing 2Kg-70kg)

3 = Pallet Delivery (Cheapest Option for deliveries weighing 70 kg+ )


Say the customers order weighs 50KG


the Royal Mail Option will show a really high price for delivery - but obviously

the cheapest option will be selected. What I want it to do is for weights over

2kg the Royal Mail Option shows a message "To heavy for this service"



Is this possible? Would it be hard to modify one of the shipping options to

do this?? Could you have it not to display the most expensive??


Does anyone understand my incoherent ramblings? I am not sure if

I have explained it well enough :blink:



Any help greatly appreciated though - please :huh:






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You may try modifying any of your shipping file in /catalog/includes/modules/shipping/....php .


Add the following lines in function quote():


$order_total = $shipping_weight;

if ($order_total >= 2) {

          $this->quotes = array('module' => $this->title,

                              'error' => 'To heavy for this service');

      } else {


$this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code,

                            'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_TEXT_TITLE,

                            'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code,

                                                    'title' => MODULE_SHIPPING_TEXT_WAY,





you need to configure the above code as per your shipping module values.


Hope this helps!

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I tried your code but unfortunately couldn't get it

to work. I changes the variables to match my settings

but it didn't seem to have any effect. I installed and

re-installed just in case that was the problem but all to

no avail.


In the end using a some of your code and some gleaned

from another shipping option I put together a fix that *seems*

to do the job that I wanted. The question is - as I don't know

much about PHP or OC will it cause any problems??

I have detailed the code below and would appreciate it if you

could take a look at it for me:


//Modification for maximum weight     


      $order_total = $shipping_weight;

  if ($order_total >= 2) {

  $error = over;

      } else {


  $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code,

                            'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_UKRD_TITLE,

                            'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code,

                                                    'title' => $shipping_method,

                                                    'cost'=> $shipping_cost)));



//end of maximum weight



Then at the end of the function quote I have added the following line

just before the return $this->quotes;:


if ($error == over) $this->quotes['error'] = 'To heavy for this service';



It all works as it should but is the coding OK??



Many thanks in advance - much appreciated!







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Following code is working fine:


function quote($method = '') {

      global $order, $shipping_weight;


    $order_total =  $shipping_weight;

if ($order_total >= 2) {

          $this->quotes = array('module' => $this->title,

                              'error' => 'To heavy for this service');

      } else {


$this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code,

                            'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_TEXT_TITLE,

                            'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code,

                                                    'title' => MODULE_SHIPPING_TEXT_WAY,




      return $this->quotes;


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Many thanks again for that!! Unfortunately it still doesn't

seem to do it. I have added it and tried it, then changed

to reflect my variables and tried it but it just doesn't seem

to do anything - sorry.


I don't mean to be a pain - honest :rolleyes:


Was the snippet I put together no good then??

Seemed to do the job but I was worried that it

may cause problems later on?? not sure really?


Thanks again




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Your code is fine.


But I will put the word over in quotes in both the lines like :


$error = 'over';


if ($error == 'over') $this->quotes['error'] = 'To heavy for this service';

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Sorry I am unsure what you mean. I have

added some code to the UKRD module which

seems to be ok and is working well now.


I am unsure which code you mean.


Please let me know






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