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configuration file warning


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:blink: this is the message i get at the top what do i do step by step please.Thanks

Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /home/erniel/public_html/cat/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.

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Well first I would have to know how did you upload the files to your site?


If you used FTP you can go to cat/includes/configure.php and just right click on it then select chomd from the list.


Then you will see a box pop up with 9 check boxes.

Check the first 3 boxes across the top and leave the rest empty.

Then click OK, this will set it to 444 and your done.

You will have to do that for both configure.php files.


One is located in:


the other as you already now is located at



If you did not upload the files with FTP and just used some other form of file manager from your host it might be easier just to ask them how to do it and where it is located in your file manager then it would be for me to try and explain it here because there are a few different types of file managers out there.

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I am experiencing the same error. I have changed from 755 to 644 with no change. I still have the error. I have tried to ChMOD to 777 and back to 444 with no luck. I still have the error on the site. I need help ASAP.



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Hi I am a newbie and have installed Oscommerce for 2 stores I am building with the same :


Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /services/webpages/w/i/domainname.com/public/catalog/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file.


I have set permissions to both 644 and 444 with no results. Anyone figure out what we need to do to solve this?









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Ok, I just got off the phone with my host and they say it is a bug in Oscommerce in the: application_top.php located in the includes file.


His fix was to change one of the last lines at the bottom:




define('WARN_CONFIG_WRITEABLE', 'true');




define('WARN_CONFIG_WRITEABLE', 'false');


Which makes sense to me.


Both of my sites are working fine after this change and he mentioned it wasn't really a security problem. Any feed back?









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If it was a bug in osCommerce, then the code could be changed to stop throwing the warning. Instead, that solution just doesn't bother to check. The host may be correct that the file is not writeable...or he may not be. If he is correct, then he is apparently unable to configure PHP to correctly check the writability of a file (as that is all that is done to determine if the message should be printed--it's not complex enough to have intermittent bugs). I don't know about you, but I would find that worrying.


Good luck,


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