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Master Products - MS2


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I looked over the internet but i haven't found the answer !!


Whats to do in this case:

"1366 - Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'products_master_status' at row 1


insert into products (products_quantity, products_model, products_price, products_date_available, products_weight, products_status, products_listing_status, products_master_status, products_tax_class_id, manufacturers_id, products_master, products_date_added) values ('10', '', '2234', null, '100', '1', '0', '', '1', '35', '300', now())"


Thanks in advace!


PS: Sorry for double post!

Edited by destept
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Tracy S and Kawazu, thank you for your advice. After I made this post l was trying to figure out how MyPHPAdmin works. I saw that I could find these entries using browse. I am assuming that I can remove the exta ones using drop. I will try this, of course making a back first. Thank you again for your help.

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Hello, I have changed and modified my site quite a bit, so I wouldn't be surprised if noone could help me with my problem, but I'll try anyway. I changed the master listing so that there would be an "add to cart" button next to each slave on the master_listing. This works great, the only problem is the redirect. when you add the slave to the cart.




This works but then it goes to:



I would like it to redirect back to the master page.



this is the code in master_listing.php that I changed:



$lc_align = 'center';

$lc_text = '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=buy_now&products_id=' . $listing['products_id']) . '">' . tep_image_button('button_buy_now.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_BUY_NOW) . '</a> ';




can you guys help me?

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How do I alter the default "Select" value for a slave product from 1 to 0?






for an example. I want the default value in the text box under "Select" to be 0, not 1.


This is clearly a product of the code here, around line 156 of shopping_cart.php:


'text' => tep_draw_input_field('cart_quantity[]', $products[$i]['quantity'], 'size="4"') 


but I can't figure out where the value for "$products[$i]['quantity'] is stored or how to alter it.



There is similar code in modules/master_listing.php:


$lc_text = tep_draw_input_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $listing['products_id'], '1', 'size="4"'); 


but changing the 1 to a 0 doesn't seem to have any effect...



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How do I alter the default "Select" value for a slave product from 1 to 0?


What you need do is to open includes/modules/master_listing.php and look for


$lc_text = '<b>Quantity</b><br />' . tep_draw_input_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $listing['products_id'], '1', 'size="4"');


and change it to


$lc_text = '<b>Quantity</b><br />' . tep_draw_input_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $listing['products_id'], '0', 'size="4"');


This will be useful if you have more than one slave product and you don't want your customers to add all the slaves when they click the add to cart button . The customer will obviously have to input the quantity required.


Hope that is what you wanted.



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This contribution looks to be (maybe) what I need. I've read much of this HUGE thread, but I'm still unsure if it can do the following, so I thought I'd ask... :)


We sell small router boards that have various cards & options. Right now, we have pull down menus using the Attributes, which from the customer side is pretty much OK. However, from our side, shipping weights aren't updated with attributes (although there is a contribution for that I see) and attributes don't update quantities of the 'optional items', some of which we also sell as individual items, and some we don't. We want to have accurate real time stock quantities, and I think this Master/Slave contribution might be the ticket. Right now we have people order a bundle, but might not know that one of the 'options' is sold out.


Also, we have the Qty Price Break contribution module installed, which is fine right now, EXCEPT that I'd like to allow customers to purchase in quantity blocks like: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 25. Right now, if I set it at blocks of 5, then a customer that wants just 2 boards is out of luck. If I set it to 1 each, customers can order 13 or 19, which is a pain for me.


And finally, some customers want to buy bare boards, while some want 2 or 3 or 5 options. I don't want to allow a customer to buy 1 board and then 50 power supplies at the special bundled price. However, if they want to order 25 boards but only 10 power supplies, that would be fine - so basically a limit that each of the slave options would be limited to the same or less than the master or primary item.


Thank you for your help / suggestions.

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This contribution looks to be (maybe) what I need. I've read much of this HUGE thread, but I'm still unsure if it can do the following, so I thought I'd ask... :)


We sell small router boards that have various cards & options. Right now, we have pull down menus using the Attributes, which from the customer side is pretty much OK. However, from our side, shipping weights aren't updated with attributes (although there is a contribution for that I see) and attributes don't update quantities of the 'optional items', some of which we also sell as individual items, and some we don't. We want to have accurate real time stock quantities, and I think this Master/Slave contribution might be the ticket. Right now we have people order a bundle, but might not know that one of the 'options' is sold out.


Also, we have the Qty Price Break contribution module installed, which is fine right now, EXCEPT that I'd like to allow customers to purchase in quantity blocks like: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 25. Right now, if I set it at blocks of 5, then a customer that wants just 2 boards is out of luck. If I set it to 1 each, customers can order 13 or 19, which is a pain for me.


And finally, some customers want to buy bare boards, while some want 2 or 3 or 5 options. I don't want to allow a customer to buy 1 board and then 50 power supplies at the special bundled price. However, if they want to order 25 boards but only 10 power supplies, that would be fine - so basically a limit that each of the slave options would be limited to the same or less than the master or primary item.


Thank you for your help / suggestions.


This will help with the quantity / inventory issues. I have not used Qty Price Break yet (will be installing the version for SPPC soon but haven't yet) so I'm not sure if that can handle multiple different quantity price breaks. That would be a good question for the forum thread for Qty Price Break. You can have attributes for your master or slave products as well (not sure if you need that or not - but jus tin case).


Hope that helps at least a little :blush:


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WooHoo!!!... Finally got everything installed (thanks all) and at first glance seems to be working.


I am starting up a T-Shirt site and will be matching the design transfer to the t-shirt after sale. I would like to have OSC track inventory on each.


I gave qty 1 to both a test master design (no cost) and test slave shirt (costed & hidden) and ran them through a sale, I now have the following issue...


Only slave showed in the invoice, packing list, and reduced inventory.


1] There is no way to tell what design the customer was wanting.

2] Master did not reduce inventory.


Is this the way Master Products is intended to work, or is there an issue with it?




I'm in need of the exact same functionality. (Did you ever figure it out, DailyLunatic?)

I have a shop where I produce Crystal Blocks, with all kinds of engravings inside.

I do not need "Master Inventory Tracking" though, because all my designs are digital, and I can't run out of those.


But I do want to be able to use the Slaves to represent Crystal Block shapes, so I can use these products on a lot of different Masters.

This way the quantities of the Slaves (the Crystal blocks) are always correct, no matter what Master (what design) was sold.


Any help is much appreciated.

Like Eek said... It never hurts to help!

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Just to clarify:

The only thing I need, is when a Slave is put in the cart, I can see what Master it was selected from. (Same way you can see what attributes were selected)

Later on I want to add Slave Option Type Attributes, but I've seen solutions for that already.

Edited by Zappo

Like Eek said... It never hurts to help!

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Hi There.

I've just set up Master Products for my shop to sell mp3 downloads.

I am using the slaves as tracks on an album (which is the master)

When choosing quantities for each track, would it be possible to set

the default to 0 rather that 1?

better still change it to a drop down (like the master) and limit it to

0 or 1?

or better still .....sorry.... just turn it into a check box (i'm sure people don't want to

download multiple copies of mp3s!)


i think i'm asking too many questions here, so i apologise...




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Hi There.

I've just set up Master Products for my shop to sell mp3 downloads.

I am using the slaves as tracks on an album (which is the master)

When choosing quantities for each track, would it be possible to set

the default to 0 rather that 1?

better still change it to a drop down (like the master) and limit it to

0 or 1?

or better still .....sorry.... just turn it into a check box (i'm sure people don't want to

download multiple copies of mp3s!)


i think i'm asking too many questions here, so i apologise...





Hi "Primaudial"


I can't seem to find it in a "normal" way, but try this adress: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/lofiversion/i...67284-1350.html (I search the forums with Google: Much more accurate results)

Your question seems to be answered before, somewhere in this topic's 89!!!! Pages...


Hope this helps.



Ask away, :thumbsup: no harm in that!

Edited by Zappo

Like Eek said... It never hurts to help!

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I have searched the forum but I can not find an answer to this.

I believe that I have installed master products correctly

I can go through assigning a master and slaves to the master in the catelog under admin, but on my website the slave products do not show up with the master product. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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I fixed the problem in my previous post.

Now I have a more general question.

When setting the slave product to be visible, when you click on the regularly listed slave (i.e. as an individual product not listed under the master product, you are taken to the master product information page. Is this normal behavior. I would like for someone who selects the slave product, not through the master product. To see an info page just for that product. Is this how it is supposed to work or is the a problem with the way I copied the code for product_info.php?

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Hi "Primaudial"


I can't seem to find it in a "normal" way, but try this adress: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/lofiversion/i...67284-1350.html (I search the forums with Google: Much more accurate results)

Your question seems to be answered before, somewhere in this topic's 89!!!! Pages...


Hope this helps.



Ask away, :thumbsup: no harm in that!

Hi Zappo, thanks for the reply & help.. I'm still looking through the 89 posts but so far no luck... <_<

I'll let you know when I solve the problem...



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Hi dickydixon,


I am using digital music downloads for this example here. Actually it's not too difficult depending on how you have stuff set up. What I did is have 2 separate forms on the product_info.php page each with it's own add to cart button.


One to post the Master Product (e.g. if you have an album and just want to add the album)

The second to post the Slave Products (e.g if you want to select just a couple of tracks from the album)

To allow only one Product to be bought.


1. The first form around the master product, I have the form pass the default post action of action=add_product (which is the default action in the unmodified Os commerce installation) and I uncomment the lines that draws the pull down menu which is ( tep_draw_pull_down_menu('Qty_ProdId_' . $product_info['products_id'], $qty_array) ; )

To add checkboxes to the Slave products instead of the pull down menu do this.


Resources with information to do this tasks.


1.) The catalog/includes/modules/master_listing.php page builds the Slave Products layout.

2.) The catalog/includes/functions/html_output.php contains the functions to build various form elements from form fields to hidden fields etc.


In the catalog/includes/modules/master_listing.php look for the switch statement with the case " case 'MASTER_LIST_BUY_NOW': " That switch statement builds the pull down menue of the slave listings.


"Comment Out" or delete it and replace it with



$lc_align = 'center';

$lc_valign = 'top';

$lc_text = tep_draw_checkbox_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $listing['products_id'], $value = (int)1);



The important variable is the $lc_text which contains the call to the function located in the catalog/includes/functions/html_output.php page to output a checkbox field.


That's it and you're doen . Have fun.


Investigate the functions in the catalog/includes/functions/html_output.php for other variable you can pass to that function such as have the checkbox checked by default etc.


Hope it helps.

Hi There Top Rasta

Many thanks for your reply (last year!!)

I have got the check boxes to work on slaves but not the first bit

(the extra add to cart button which bypasses buying the slaves)

is there any way you could make this a bit clearer??



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Hi dickydixon,


I am using digital music downloads for this example here. Actually it's not too difficult depending on how you have stuff set up. What I did is have 2 separate forms on the product_info.php page each with it's own add to cart button.


One to post the Master Product (e.g. if you have an album and just want to add the album)

The second to post the Slave Products (e.g if you want to select just a couple of tracks from the album)

To allow only one Product to be bought.


1. The first form around the master product, I have the form pass the default post action of action=add_product (which is the default action in the unmodified Os commerce installation) and I uncomment the lines that draws the pull down menu which is ( tep_draw_pull_down_menu('Qty_ProdId_' . $product_info['products_id'], $qty_array) ; )

To add checkboxes to the Slave products instead of the pull down menu do this.


Resources with information to do this tasks.


1.) The catalog/includes/modules/master_listing.php page builds the Slave Products layout.

2.) The catalog/includes/functions/html_output.php contains the functions to build various form elements from form fields to hidden fields etc.


In the catalog/includes/modules/master_listing.php look for the switch statement with the case " case 'MASTER_LIST_BUY_NOW': " That switch statement builds the pull down menue of the slave listings.


"Comment Out" or delete it and replace it with



$lc_align = 'center';

$lc_valign = 'top';

$lc_text = tep_draw_checkbox_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $listing['products_id'], $value = (int)1);



The important variable is the $lc_text which contains the call to the function located in the catalog/includes/functions/html_output.php page to output a checkbox field.


That's it and you're doen . Have fun.


Investigate the functions in the catalog/includes/functions/html_output.php for other variable you can pass to that function such as have the checkbox checked by default etc.


Hope it helps.

Hi there Top Rasta!

Thanks for your great help with this post.

I'm setting up an mp3 download shop as well ...

I've managed to get the second bit working (check boxes for slaves) but

not the first one (posting Master Product)

I'm confused as to what you mean by 'uncommenting' and also if I actually

need to add some code... CAN YOU ENLIGHTEN ME?? - as this is the last piece

of the jigsaw for me!

many thanks in advance


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Need urgent help with this statement - Im getting a parse error -


<td class="pageHeading" align="center" valign="top"><?php if ($product_info['products_price'] > 0) { echo $products_price : TEXT_BUTTON_CONTACT_US;

} else {

($product_master['products_price'] > 0) echo $products_price : '';




Many thanks.

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I could use a little help. For some reason my slave products will not add to the cart when I click the add to cart button. Is there some code I am missing? What do I copy and paste here for someone to check?



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My apologies in advance if I missed this somewhere, but i did search for several hours.


After I have added one off the slave products to the shopping cart I click on the product in the shopping cart and is taken back to the Master/Slave product page. This all works great, but the quantities on the product page are then set back to "1" for each slave product, it is not "linked" to the quantity in the shopping cart eg. Shopping cart says "5" has been ordered, but on the product page it defaults back to "1". Is there any way to display the actual already ordered quantity on the product page? Thanks is advance for any assistance. This is a great module and I hope the above will be possible.

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I could use a little help. For some reason my slave products will not add to the cart when I click the add to cart button. Is there some code I am missing? What do I copy and paste here for someone to check?




I just downloaded the latest update (v1.2 assembled) and it worked fine. Did you run the the SQL file master.sql ? Try installing it on a fresh osc installation to test it and make sure every thing works ok.

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Hi - please can someone help me as I am beyond frustrated! :'(


Whenever I install this contribution, even on a fresh installation of osC, it causes problems with the attributes for the master products. The problem is that when you select an attribute and add it to the cart, the attribute and the respective price increase dissappears and does not return even when you try to confirm the order.


You can see this problem at the following url:




I have searched this forum hoping someone would have experienced the same issue and have found a resolution but I have not found any such resolution. I am on the verge of giving up on this project. :blush:


I am more than happy to paste my code here to have it checked...


Greateful in advance for any assistance.





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Has anyone been succesfull yet with running Master Products, SPPC and Quantity Price Breaks for SPPC ? I've got the Quantity Price Breaks for SPPC installed and it is working as far as changing the price of the slave product based on the quantity ordered - but no matter what I seem to do, if I have more than one slave product for a Master product, it always adds One of each product that was not wanted when the "Add to Cart" button is clicked.


So say I enter a quantity for one slave product showing I want to buy 3 of those. The other slave products have an empty quantity box. I click Add to Cart, and the item I want to order goes into the cart with a quantity of 3, but the other slave products also go into my cart with a quantity of 1. Even if I enter 0 into the quanity box for the one's I don't want to order, it still puts them into my cart with a quantity of 1 :huh:


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Exactly the contribution I've been looking for! I've been so frustrated with my site...I may have one product that is custom made for every jet ski model out there, so I've been making a new product for each model. Very ugly on the site.


Thanks so much...I'm trying it tomorrow.

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Hi first of all big thanks to everyone who has made Master Products work. It is perfect for my website.


I hope to have the below features and i was wondering if this is possible and if anyone has already achieved this?


Attribute Listing

It would be ideal if we can take this feature one step forward and hopefully display all Attributes Outside of the Drop Down box in Rows or in

Tables along with Tick Boxes for the visitor to tick each product they want to buy.



Price Prefix

There seems to be conflictions with various contributions that resolve Price Prefix issue in Attributes. It would be best if we can remove the

prefix and just include the Price only. Meaning the price that is shown is the actual price.



And it will also be good if after each product in master listing, an Add to Cart button will be displayed. This along with the above, will be a big step and it will complete my

walk down the long road.



If anyone can assist with the above please get in contact to discuss moving this forward. I do really need the features above and appreciate

any help anyone can give.


Many thanks



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