TracyS Posted February 2, 2007 Share Posted February 2, 2007 I was looking at my Cross Sell installation and see that it is working because I have the first product (the one that the cross sell is to show on) set by the Master Product - and then the cross sell product is the slave. I can't do that with the 2gether Discount thought because it has you add both products to the cart at the same time with a "buy now" button. The Master Product is not a purchasable product - only the slaves are. Any thoughts? I'm at a loss here :blush: I'm guessing what I need to change is the following query ?? $together_query = tep_db_query("select distinct product_1_id, product_2_id, discount, type from ". TABLE_2GETHER ." where product_1_id = '" . (int)$_GET['products_id'] . "' or product_2_id = '" . (int)$_GET['products_id'] . "' and status = 1"); $num_together = tep_db_num_rows($together_query); if ($num_together > 0) { $record = tep_db_fetch_array($together_query); $discount = $record['discount']; $discount_type = $record['type']; //edit for SPPC if ($customer_group_id != '0'){ $aq ="select p.products_id, p.products_image, IF(pg.customers_group_price IS NOT NULL, pg.customers_group_price, p.products_price) as products_price, pd.products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_GROUPS . " pg using(products_id), " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id='". $record['product_1_id'] ."' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and products_status = '1' and pd.language_id ='". $languages_id ."' and pg.customers_group_id = '".$customer_group_id."'"; }else{ $bq ="select p.products_id, p.products_image, p.products_price, pd.products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id='". $record['product_2_id'] ."' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and products_status = '1' and pd.language_id ='". $languages_id ."'"; }//end edit for SPPC } Is there a way to tell the query that the products_id should be equal to a slave of the (int)$_GET['products_id'] ?? :huh: Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TracyS Posted February 5, 2007 Share Posted February 5, 2007 Along the lines of attempting to get the 2gether discount working along with Master Products - I know somehow I need to change the query so that it is looking for slaves of $_GET['product_id']. But I also need to edit the includes/application_top.php to add both items to the cart. Both items are slave items - so I'm guessing I need to edit the case 'add_slave' : Here is what I currently have for this attempt - but I'm getting an error that there is an unexpected '{' and I can't seem to locate it :( case 'add_slave' : reset($HTTP_POST_VARS); while ( list( $key, $val ) = each( $HTTP_POST_VARS ) ) { if (substr($key,0,11) == "Qty_ProdId_") { $prodId = substr($key,11); $qty = $val; if(isset($HTTP_POST_VARS["id_$prodId"]) && is_array($HTTP_POST_VARS["id_$prodId"])) { // We have attributes $cart->add_cart($prodId, $cart->get_quantity(tep_get_uprid($prodId,$HTTP_POST_VARS["id_$prodId"]))+$qty, $HTTP_POST_VARS["id_$prodId"]); } else { // No attributes $cart->add_cart($prodId, $cart->get_quantity($prodId)+$qty); } if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['buy_tinn_add']) && is_numeric($HTTP_POST_VARS['buy_tinn_add'])) { if (tep_has_product_attributes($HTTP_POST_VARS['buy_tinn_add'] && is_numeric($HTTP_POST_VARS['buy_tinn_add'])){ tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $HTTP_POST_VARS['buy_tinn_add'] && is_numeric($HTTP_POST_VARS['buy_tinn_add'])) } }else{ if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['buy_tinn_add']) && is_numeric($HTTP_POST_VARS['buy_tinn_add'])) { $cart->add_cart($ HTTP_POST_VARS['buy_tinn_add'], $cart->get_quantity(tep_get_uprid($HTTP_POST_VARS['buy_tinn_add'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['id'))+1, $HTTP_POST_VARS['id']); } } tep_redirect(tep_href_link($goto, tep_get_all_get_params($parameters))); break; This is what is listed to be done to your application_top.php file on the 2gether discount contribution page: in application_top.php add in the big case : case 'buy_tinnx' : if (isset($_GET['products_id'])) { if (tep_has_product_attributes($_GET['products_id'])) { tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $_GET['products_id'])); } else { if (tep_get_products_stock($_GET['products_id']) > 0) { $cart->add_cart($_GET['products_id'], $cart->get_quantity($_GET['products_id'])+1); } } } if (isset($_GET['buy_tinn_add'])) { if (tep_has_product_attributes($_GET['buy_tinn_add'])) { tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, 'products_id=' . $_GET['buy_tinn_add'])); } else { if (tep_get_products_stock($_GET['buy_tinn_add']) > 0) { $cart->add_cart($_GET['buy_tinn_add'], $cart->get_quantity($_GET['buy_tinn_add'])+1); } } } tep_redirect(tep_href_link($goto, tep_get_all_get_params($parameters))); break; so that both products are added to the basket. But the only example of this I've been able to download was changed for the $HTTP_POST_VARS rather than the $_GET (I'm not sure what difference it makes, but I'm assuming the $HTTP_POST_VARS is more appropriate as that seems to be throughout the application_top.php file) and it doesn't have anything for if the product has attributes. //// bof: Added 2gether (contribution 3929) case 'add_product' : if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_id']) && is_numeric($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_id'])) { if (tep_get_products_stock($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_id']) > 0) $cart->add_cart($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_id'], $cart->get_quantity(tep_get_uprid($HTTP_POST_VARS['products_id'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['id']))+1, $HTTP_POST_VARS['id']); } if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['buy_tinn_add']) && is_numeric($HTTP_POST_VARS['buy_tinn_add'])) { if (tep_get_products_stock($HTTP_POST_VARS['buy_tinn_add']) > 0) { $cart->add_cart($HTTP_POST_VARS['buy_tinn_add'], $cart->get_quantity(tep_get_uprid($HTTP_POST_VARS['buy_tinn_add'], $HTTP_POST_VARS['id']))+1, $HTTP_POST_VARS['id']); } } tep_redirect(tep_href_link($goto, tep_get_all_get_params($parameters))); break; //// eof: Added 2gether (contribution 3929) So I'm attempting to combine what I was able to download + the instructions + merge it into the add_slave case and I'm having a heck of a time. >_< Can somebody please help to me get the 2gether Discount contrib. working with Master Products? :blush: Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TracyS Posted February 5, 2007 Share Posted February 5, 2007 Along the lines of attempting to get the 2gether discount working along with Master Products - I know somehow I need to change the query so that it is looking for slaves of $_GET['product_id']. But I also need to edit the includes/application_top.php to add both items to the cart. Both items are slave items - so I'm guessing I need to edit the case 'add_slave' : So I'm attempting to combine what I was able to download + the instructions + merge it into the add_slave case and I'm having a heck of a time. >_< Can somebody please help to me get the 2gether Discount contrib. working with Master Products? :blush: PS - using what was listed on the contribution page or using the example I was able to download both result in not adding any items to the cart. Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TracyS Posted February 5, 2007 Share Posted February 5, 2007 Here is the includes/modules/2gether.php file in it's entirety - how do I correct the queries and should I change the "buy now" button in order to get it to work for slave products? <?php if (!$together_id) $together_id = $_GET['products_id']; if ($together_id) { include(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/2gether.php'); global $sppc_customer_group_id; $show_money_savings = true; // show money savings $show_percentage_savings = true; // show percentage savings $show_original_prices = true; // show origibal prices of the products //BOF Separate Pricing Per Customer if(!tep_session_is_registered('sppc_customer_group_id')) { $customer_group_id = '0'; }else{ $customer_group_id = $sppc_customer_group_id; } ?> <tr> <td> <?php $together_query = tep_db_query("select distinct product_1_id, product_2_id, discount, type from ". TABLE_2GETHER ." where (product_1_id = '" . $together_id . "' or product_2_id = '" . $together_id . "') and status = 1"); $num_together = tep_db_num_rows($together_query); if ($num_together > 0) { $record = tep_db_fetch_array($together_query); $discount = $record['discount']; $discount_type = $record['type']; if ($record['product_1_id'] == $together_id) { if ($customer_group_id != '0') { $aq ="select p.products_id, p.products_image, IF(pg.customers_group_price IS NOT NULL, pg.customers_group_price, p.products_price) as products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, pd.products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_GROUPS . " pg using(products_id), " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id='". $record['product_1_id'] ."' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and products_status = '1' and pd.language_id ='". $languages_id ."' and pg.customers_group_id = '".$customer_group_id."' and find_in_set('".$customer_group_id."', products_hide_from_groups) = 0"; $bq ="select p.products_id, p.products_image, IF(pg.customers_group_price IS NOT NULL, pg.customers_group_price, p.products_price) as products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, pd.products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_GROUPS . " pg using(products_id), " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id='". $record['product_2_id'] ."' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and products_status = '1' and pd.language_id ='". $languages_id ."' and pg.customers_group_id = '".$customer_group_id."' and find_in_set('".$customer_group_id."', products_hide_from_groups) = 0"; } else { $aq ="select p.products_id, p.products_image, p.products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, pd.products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id='". $record['product_2_id'] ."' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and products_status = '1' and pd.language_id ='". $languages_id ."' and find_in_set('".$customer_group_id."', products_hide_from_groups) = 0"; $bq ="select p.products_id, p.products_image, p.products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, pd.products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id='". $record['product_1_id'] ."' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and products_status = '1' and pd.language_id ='". $languages_id ."' and find_in_set('".$customer_group_id."', products_hide_from_groups) = 0"; } } $product_a_query = tep_db_query($aq); $product_a = tep_db_fetch_array($product_a_query); $product_b_query = tep_db_query($bq); $product_b = tep_db_fetch_array($product_b_query); if ($discount > 0) { $together_image = '<img src=' . DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'save-icon_blink.gif alt="$" title="$">'; if (stristr(basename($PHP_SELF),'b2offers')) { $together_text = ''; } else { $together_text = TOGETHER_HEADING_TEXT_SPECIAL_OFFER . '<br>'; } if (($show_money_savings) or ($show_percentage_savings)) { $together_savings_string = TOGETHER_TEXT_YOU_SAVE; } else { $together_savings_string = ''; } if ($discount_type == 'p') { $together_price = tep_round(($product_a['products_price'] + $product_b['products_price']) * (100-$discount)/100, 6); if ($show_money_savings) { $together_savings = $product_a['products_price'] + $product_b['products_price'] - $together_price; $together_savings_string .= $currencies->display_price($together_savings, tep_get_tax_rate($product_a['products_tax_class_id'])); } if ($show_percentage_savings) { $together_savings_string .= ' ' . $discount . '%'; } } else { $together_price = tep_round($product_a['products_price'] + $product_b['products_price'] - $discount,6); if ($show_money_savings) { $together_savings = $product_a['products_price'] + $product_b['products_price'] - $together_price; $together_savings_string .= $currencies->display_price($together_savings, tep_get_tax_rate($product_a['products_tax_class_id'])); } if ($show_percentage_savings) { $together_percentage = ($discount /($product_a['products_price'] + $product_b['products_price']))*100; $together_savings_string .= ' ' . $together_percentage . '%'; } } } else { $together_price = tep_round(($product_a['products_price'] + $product_b['products_price']), 6); $together_savings_string = ''; $together_image = '<img src=' . DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'info_blue_small.jpg alt="i" title="i">'; $together_text = '<font color="orange">'.TOGETHER_HEADING_TEXT_SUGGESTION . '</font><br>'; } $together_string = $currencies->display_price($together_price, tep_get_tax_rate($product_a['products_tax_class_id'])); ob_start(); echo '<table width="80%" class="borderGray" cellpadding="2" align="center">' . '<tr> <td valign="top" width="1px" align="left">' . $together_image . '</td>' . '<td colspan="5" class="pageHeading">' . $together_text . TOGETHER_TEXT_BUY . ' <a href="' . tep_href_link('product_info.php', 'products_id=' . $product_a['products_id']) . '">' . str_replace('\'','`',$product_a['products_name']) . ' ' . tep_image('images/ico_arrow.gif', ICON_ARROW_RIGHT) . '</a> ' . TOGETHER_TEXT_AND . ' <a href="' . tep_href_link('product_info.php', 'products_id=' . $product_b['products_id']) . '">' . str_replace('\'','`',$product_b['products_name']) . ' ' . tep_image('images/ico_arrow.gif', ICON_ARROW_RIGHT) . '</a></td>' . '</tr> <tr> <td></td>' . '<td width="80px" align="center">';?> <script language="javascript"><!-- document.write('<?php echo '<a href="java script:popupWindow(\\\'' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE, 'pID=' . $product_a['products_id']) . 'ℑ=0\\\')">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product_a['products_image'], str_replace('\'','`',$product_a['products_name']), SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 'hspace="5" vspace="5"') . '</a>'; ?>'); //--></script> <noscript> <?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product_a['products_image']) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product_a['products_image'], str_replace('\'','`',$product_a['products_name']), SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 'hspace="5" vspace="5"') . '</a>'; ?> </noscript> <?php if ($show_original_prices) echo '<br>'.$currencies->display_price($product_a['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($product_a['products_tax_class_id'])); echo '</td><td align="center" width="100px"><img src="images/icon_plus.gif" border="0" style="vertical-align: middle"></td>' . '<td width="80px" align="center">';?> <script language="javascript"><!-- document.write('<?php echo '<a href="java script:popupWindow(\\\'' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE, 'pID=' . $product_b['products_id']) . 'ℑ=0\\\')">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product_b['products_image'], str_replace('\'','`',$product_b['products_name']), SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 'hspace="5" vspace="5"') . '</a>'; ?>'); //--></script> <noscript> <?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product_b['products_image']) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product_b['products_image'], str_replace('\'','`',$product_b['products_name']), SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 'hspace="5" vspace="5"') . '</a>'; ?> </noscript> <?php if ($show_original_prices) echo '<br>'.$currencies->display_price($product_b['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($product_b['products_tax_class_id'])); echo '</td><td width="2%"></td>'. '<td align="middle" nowrap valign="middle" class="buybothText">' . TOGETHER_TEXT_TOGETHER . ' ' . '<font color=#00>'.$together_string . '</font><br>'; echo tep_draw_form('together', tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, tep_get_all_get_params(array('action')) . 'action=add_product')); echo tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id', $product_a['products_id']) . tep_draw_hidden_field('buy_tinn_add', $product_b['products_id']) . tep_image_submit('button_buy_now.gif', 'Add Them Together'); echo '</form>'; echo '<table>'; if ($discount > 0) echo '<tr><td class="buybothText" nowrap align="center"><font color="red">' . $together_savings_string . '</font></td></tr><tr><td class="vsmalltext" nowrap align="center">(Receive your discount at checkout)</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; $contents = ob_get_clean(); echo $contents; echo '</td></tr>'; } } ?> Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TracyS Posted February 5, 2007 Share Posted February 5, 2007 Here is the includes/modules/2gether.php file in it's entirety - how do I correct the queries and should I change the "buy now" button in order to get it to work for slave products? I'm starting to run out of ideas on how to tweak the query :( Here are my two most recent attempts at getting this to show up when the $_GET['products_id'] is the ID of the Master Product - but the 2gether Discount product_id's are slave products :blink: <?php if (!$together_id) $together_id = $_GET['products_id']; if ($together_id) { include(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/2gether.php'); global $sppc_customer_group_id; $show_money_savings = true; // show money savings $show_percentage_savings = true; // show percentage savings $show_original_prices = true; // show origibal prices of the products //BOF Separate Pricing Per Customer if(!tep_session_is_registered('sppc_customer_group_id')) { $customer_group_id = '0'; }else{ $customer_group_id = $sppc_customer_group_id; } ?> <tr> <td> <?php $master_query = tep_db_query("select products_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " where products_master LIKE '%" . $HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] . "%'"); $thisquery = tep_db_fetch_array($master_query); if ($results['products_id'] != null){ $together_query = tep_db_query("select distinct product_1_id, product_2_id, discount, type from ". TABLE_2GETHER ." where (product_1_id = '" . $thisquery['master_query'] . "' or product_2_id = '" . $thisquery['master_query'] . "') and status = 1"); } $num_together = tep_db_num_rows($together_query); if ($num_together > 0) { $record = tep_db_fetch_array($together_query); $discount = $record['discount']; $discount_type = $record['type']; if ($record['product_1_id'] == $together_query) { if ($customer_group_id != '0') { $aq ="select p.products_id, p.products_image, IF(pg.customers_group_price IS NOT NULL, pg.customers_group_price, p.products_price) as products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, pd.products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_GROUPS . " pg using(products_id), " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id='". $record['product_1_id'] ."' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and products_status = '1' and pd.language_id ='". $languages_id ."' and pg.customers_group_id = '".$customer_group_id."'"; $bq ="select p.products_id, p.products_image, IF(pg.customers_group_price IS NOT NULL, pg.customers_group_price, p.products_price) as products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, pd.products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_GROUPS . " pg using(products_id), " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id='". $record['product_2_id'] ."' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and products_status = '1' and pd.language_id ='". $languages_id ."' and pg.customers_group_id = '".$customer_group_id."'"; } else { $aq ="select p.products_id, p.products_image, p.products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, pd.products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id='". $record['product_2_id'] ."' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and products_status = '1' and pd.language_id ='". $languages_id ."'"; $bq ="select p.products_id, p.products_image, p.products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, pd.products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id='". $record['product_1_id'] ."' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and products_status = '1' and pd.language_id ='". $languages_id ."'"; } } $product_a_query = tep_db_query($aq); $product_a = tep_db_fetch_array($product_a_query); $product_b_query = tep_db_query($bq); $product_b = tep_db_fetch_array($product_b_query); and <?php $master_query = tep_db_query("select products_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " where products_master LIKE '%" . $HTTP_GET_VARS['products_id'] . "%'"); if (!$together_id) $together_id = tep_db_fetch_array($master_query); if ($together_id) { include(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/2gether.php'); global $sppc_customer_group_id; $show_money_savings = true; // show money savings $show_percentage_savings = true; // show percentage savings $show_original_prices = true; // show origibal prices of the products //BOF Separate Pricing Per Customer if(!tep_session_is_registered('sppc_customer_group_id')) { $customer_group_id = '0'; }else{ $customer_group_id = $sppc_customer_group_id; } ?> <tr> <td> <?php $together_query = tep_db_query("select distinct product_1_id, product_2_id, discount, type from ". TABLE_2GETHER ." where (product_1_id = '" . $together_id . "' or product_2_id = '" . $together_id . "') and status = 1"); $num_together = tep_db_num_rows($together_query); if ($num_together > 0) { $record = tep_db_fetch_array($together_query); $discount = $record['discount']; $discount_type = $record['type']; if ($record['product_1_id'] == $together_id) { if ($customer_group_id != '0') { $aq ="select p.products_id, p.products_image, IF(pg.customers_group_price IS NOT NULL, pg.customers_group_price, p.products_price) as products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, pd.products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_GROUPS . " pg using(products_id), " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id='". $record['product_1_id'] ."' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and products_status = '1' and pd.language_id ='". $languages_id ."' and pg.customers_group_id = '".$customer_group_id."'"; $bq ="select p.products_id, p.products_image, IF(pg.customers_group_price IS NOT NULL, pg.customers_group_price, p.products_price) as products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, pd.products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_GROUPS . " pg using(products_id), " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id='". $record['product_2_id'] ."' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and products_status = '1' and pd.language_id ='". $languages_id ."' and pg.customers_group_id = '".$customer_group_id."'"; } else { $aq ="select p.products_id, p.products_image, p.products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, pd.products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id='". $record['product_2_id'] ."' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and products_status = '1' and pd.language_id ='". $languages_id ."'"; $bq ="select p.products_id, p.products_image, p.products_price, p.products_tax_class_id, pd.products_name from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id='". $record['product_1_id'] ."' and p.products_id = pd.products_id and products_status = '1' and pd.language_id ='". $languages_id ."'"; } } $product_a_query = tep_db_query($aq); $product_a = tep_db_fetch_array($product_a_query); $product_b_query = tep_db_query($bq); $product_b = tep_db_fetch_array($product_b_query); Both of the above result in no 2gether discount table being shown through product_info.php whether I'm viewing the master or the slave according to the products_id in the URL (original shows up only if I click to the slave product page). Anybody have any ideas on how to get this to show up when the products_id in the URL is the Master Product? :huh: Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DailyLunatic Posted February 7, 2007 Share Posted February 7, 2007 I'm getting double entries in the Slave Products. I think I added the master.sql twice, but do not know where to look. I've called myself looking in all the database, but am a newbie and need a pointer. Help, Thanks Quote Sterling (a.k.a. DailyLunatic) Useful Threads: Basics for Design. Useful URL's: Knowledge Base, SQL Tutorial, My Setup: Master Products v1.2, Need help installing Bundled Products v1.4. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TracyS Posted February 7, 2007 Share Posted February 7, 2007 I'm getting double entries in the Slave Products. I think I added the master.sql twice, but do not know where to look. I've called myself looking in all the database, but am a newbie and need a pointer. Help, Thanks Go to your database and open the Configuration table. Sort the table by configuration_key (if you use phpMyAdmin you can simply click on the heading configuration_key and it will sort by that column). Look for all rows where the configuration_key starts with MASTER_LIST_ Then delete the duplicates. When I had this problem I deleted with the duplicates with the higher number under configuration_key. They are assigned numbers as they are inserted into the database, so the higher the number, the newer that row is :thumbsup: Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DailyLunatic Posted February 8, 2007 Share Posted February 8, 2007 Go to your database and open the Configuration table. Sort the table by configuration_key (if you use phpMyAdmin you can simply click on the heading configuration_key and it will sort by that column). Look for all rows where the configuration_key starts with MASTER_LIST_ Then delete the duplicates. When I had this problem I deleted with the duplicates with the higher number under configuration_key. They are assigned numbers as they are inserted into the database, so the higher the number, the newer that row is :thumbsup: Quote Sterling (a.k.a. DailyLunatic) Useful Threads: Basics for Design. Useful URL's: Knowledge Base, SQL Tutorial, My Setup: Master Products v1.2, Need help installing Bundled Products v1.4. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DailyLunatic Posted February 8, 2007 Share Posted February 8, 2007 Sorry, hit the button too soon. (if you use phpMyAdmin you can simply click on the heading configuration_key and it will sort by that column). Which is the "heading" you are talking about? I've tried clicking on each with no luck. Sorry, Quote Sterling (a.k.a. DailyLunatic) Useful Threads: Basics for Design. Useful URL's: Knowledge Base, SQL Tutorial, My Setup: Master Products v1.2, Need help installing Bundled Products v1.4. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 8, 2007 Share Posted February 8, 2007 hello, how can i remove quantity drop down box in MASTER? --> has $0.00 PRICE i have eg, MASTER A --> slave 1, 2, 3 (each have it own quantity and price) when i all upload, i get quantity drop drop down box on BOTH master and slave! since if customer chose any quantity on master and click on 'add to cart" they will get the item for FREE... Uh? to see what i mean please go to: My Webpage please help....spend whole day reading up to page 30 on the support threat to find the solution no luck! michael Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TracyS Posted February 8, 2007 Share Posted February 8, 2007 hello, how can i remove quantity drop down box in MASTER? --> has $0.00 PRICE i have eg, MASTER A --> slave 1, 2, 3 (each have it own quantity and price) when i all upload, i get quantity drop drop down box on BOTH master and slave! since if customer chose any quantity on master and click on 'add to cart" they will get the item for FREE... Uh? to see what i mean please go to: My Webpage please help....spend whole day reading up to page 30 on the support threat to find the solution no luck! michael I'm not positive if this is what you are looking for or not - but read this post: If it helps you any, I've found the easiest way to search the forums to see if anyone else has experienced whatever I'm dealing with at the time is to use the google tip found here: That's how I found the post listed above :thumbsup: My Master Products are not purchasable, but I honestly don't remember what I did to make them that way - but at least it can be done :blush: Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trogette Posted February 8, 2007 Share Posted February 8, 2007 Sorry, hit the button too soon. Which is the "heading" you are talking about? I've tried clicking on each with no luck. Sorry, you need to be browsing the table for the heading to work, like this: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DailyLunatic Posted February 9, 2007 Share Posted February 9, 2007 WooHoo!!!... Finally got everything installed (thanks all) and at first glance seems to be working. I am starting up a T-Shirt site and will be matching the design transfer to the t-shirt after sale. I would like to have OSC track inventory on each. I gave qty 1 to both a test master design (no cost) and test slave shirt (costed & hidden) and ran them through a sale, I now have the following issue... Only slave showed in the invoice, packing list, and reduced inventory. 1] There is no way to tell what design the customer was wanting. 2] Master did not reduce inventory. Is this the way Master Products is intended to work, or is there an issue with it? Thanks, Quote Sterling (a.k.a. DailyLunatic) Useful Threads: Basics for Design. Useful URL's: Knowledge Base, SQL Tutorial, My Setup: Master Products v1.2, Need help installing Bundled Products v1.4. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 My first ever posting on any oscommerce forum so please be gentle with an absoloute beginner! Having read this support thread I have managed to install and configure Master Products and have it working perfectly, (brilliant addition - many thanks). My query is: When I set up slaves, they all have '1' selected as the default number for customer purchase. If I have 10 slaves under the master, with 10 T-shirts in various sizes or colours, the customer automatically adds 1 of each, (ie 10 in total), to his cart if he simply clicks Add to Cart. Is there ay way of setting the default slect to zero, meaning the customer has to physically enter the number he wants next to the slave he wishes to buy? Huge apologies if this has been covered but I truly have tried to read through every contribution to find the answer to this one! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mthierfelder Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 Yes, that's certainly possible (if I understand correctly). I had this complaint as well. I actually ended up using a Buy It button instead of the default set up, which required a lot of modification and I won't go into it here...that being said here's your fix: Go into the file catalog/includes/modules/master_listing.php and look for this: for ($i=0; $ns = 20, $i <= $ns; $i++) { $qty_array[] = array('id' => $i, 'text' => $i); $lc_text = tep_draw_input_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $listing['products_id'], '1', 'size="4"'); } } else { $quantity = tep_get_products_stock($listing['products_id']); $qty_array = array(); for ($i=0; $ns = (($quantity < 20) ? $quantity : 20), $i <= $ns; $i++) { $qty_array[] = array('id' => $i, 'text' => $i); $lc_text = tep_draw_input_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $listing['products_id'], '1', 'size="4"'); Change to this: for ($i=0; $ns = 20, $i <= $ns; $i++) { $qty_array[] = array('id' => $i, 'text' => $i); $lc_text = tep_draw_input_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $listing['products_id'], '0', 'size="4"'); } } else { $quantity = tep_get_products_stock($listing['products_id']); $qty_array = array(); for ($i=0; $ns = (($quantity < 20) ? $quantity : 20), $i <= $ns; $i++) { $qty_array[] = array('id' => $i, 'text' => $i); $lc_text = tep_draw_input_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $listing['products_id'], '0', 'size="4"'); My first ever posting on any oscommerce forum so please be gentle with an absoloute beginner!Having read this support thread I have managed to install and configure Master Products and have it working perfectly, (brilliant addition - many thanks). My query is: When I set up slaves, they all have '1' selected as the default number for customer purchase. If I have 10 slaves under the master, with 10 T-shirts in various sizes or colours, the customer automatically adds 1 of each, (ie 10 in total), to his cart if he simply clicks Add to Cart. Is there ay way of setting the default slect to zero, meaning the customer has to physically enter the number he wants next to the slave he wishes to buy? Huge apologies if this has been covered but I truly have tried to read through every contribution to find the answer to this one! Quote Installed Modules: Dynamenu, InfoBox Admin, Master Products v.1.2, Header Tags Controller, Multiple Products Manager, Quick Edit in Admin, Secure Admin, Ultimate SEO URL's, EZ Secure Order, Easy Populate v.2.76d MS2, AuthorizeNet_AIM, ChangeFinal Breadcrumb Title, FedEx Labels, Fedex Direct 2.06, How Did you Hear 1.5, Login a la Amazon, UPS XML 1.2.4, USPS Labels, USPS Methods API MS2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 Yes, that's certainly possible (if I understand correctly). I had this complaint as well. I actually ended up using a Buy It button instead of the default set up, which required a lot of modification and I won't go into it here...that being said here's your fix: Go into the file catalog/includes/modules/master_listing.php and look for this: for ($i=0; $ns = 20, $i <= $ns; $i++) { $qty_array[] = array('id' => $i, 'text' => $i); $lc_text = tep_draw_input_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $listing['products_id'], '1', 'size="4"'); } } else { $quantity = tep_get_products_stock($listing['products_id']); $qty_array = array(); for ($i=0; $ns = (($quantity < 20) ? $quantity : 20), $i <= $ns; $i++) { $qty_array[] = array('id' => $i, 'text' => $i); $lc_text = tep_draw_input_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $listing['products_id'], '1', 'size="4"'); Change to this: for ($i=0; $ns = 20, $i <= $ns; $i++) { $qty_array[] = array('id' => $i, 'text' => $i); $lc_text = tep_draw_input_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $listing['products_id'], '0', 'size="4"'); } } else { $quantity = tep_get_products_stock($listing['products_id']); $qty_array = array(); for ($i=0; $ns = (($quantity < 20) ? $quantity : 20), $i <= $ns; $i++) { $qty_array[] = array('id' => $i, 'text' => $i); $lc_text = tep_draw_input_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $listing['products_id'], '0', 'size="4"'); Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 FANTASTIC! Worked an absoloute dream first time! Really do appreciate that - solves the only niggle I had with this superb contribution. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostbone Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 In the slave section, (productinfo.php), on top of each column, theres a heading... Name, model, price... etc. Is there a way to remove the links. They are all links that change the order, is there a way to stop it from doing that? Please let me know. Thanks in advance. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostbone Posted February 11, 2007 Share Posted February 11, 2007 Another question... Lets say I have a product with three different styles. Each style has 5 colors. I wanna show all the colors under each style. Is there a way to divide that? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xhidex Posted February 12, 2007 Share Posted February 12, 2007 Hello, I got a problem during import the sql in to my db....I'm using the master product 1.12 ...this is the error: Errore query SQL: INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES ( 16, 'Slave Products', 'Slave Product Listing - configuration options', 16, 1 ); Messaggio di MySQL: #1062 - Duplicate entry '16' for key 1 What can i do? thx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mjr Posted February 14, 2007 Share Posted February 14, 2007 Errore query SQL: INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES ( 16, 'Slave Products', 'Slave Product Listing - configuration options', 16, 1 ); Messaggio di MySQL: #1062 - Duplicate entry '16' for key 1 What can i do? thx Replace 16 with the result of select count(*)+1 from configuration_group;? Hope that helps, MJR Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xhidex Posted February 15, 2007 Share Posted February 15, 2007 Replace 16 with the result of select count(*)+1 from configuration_group;? Hope that helps, MJR Can you explain better...? sorry but i'm not a real php programmer... thanks for ur support!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trogette Posted February 15, 2007 Share Posted February 15, 2007 (edited) it's not php it's sql :) In the sql file find the line that says INSERT INTO configuration_group VALUES ( 16, 'Slave Products', 'Slave Product Listing - configuration options', 16, 1 ); and change the 16 for whatever the next number is in the configuration_group table. I think if you put '' instead of 16 it would auto-increment but I can't be certain. Edited February 15, 2007 by trogette Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nordscan Posted February 21, 2007 Share Posted February 21, 2007 Hi i need in MP make a change before: model..........description..............stock.........price change to this model........................................stock.........price description........................................................ model........................................stock.........price description........................................................ model........................................stock.........price description........................................................ Can me someone help. thnx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Countess_Esdemonia Posted February 22, 2007 Share Posted February 22, 2007 Hi! I have too a problem combing the option type feature and Master Products Is there anyone that solved this problem? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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