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Master Products - MS2


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I need help with one small problem with my installation. I had replaced the default add to cart code on the product_info.php page, replacing


<td class="main" align="right"><?php echo tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id', $product_info['products_id']) . tep_image_submit('button_in_cart.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_IN_CART); ?></td> -->


with this, which adds a user-input quantity field:


<td class="main" align="right"><?php echo TEXT_QUANTITY . '<input type="text" name="quantity" value="1" SIZE="2" maxlength="2">' . tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '5', '1') . tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id', $product_info['products_id']) . tep_image_submit('button_in_cart.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_IN_CART, 'align=absmiddle'); ?></td>


This works great, on all pages except for Master products, where the default is set to 1 when add to cart is pressed, by this code:


echo tep_draw_hidden_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $product_info['products_id'], 1);


I want the value here to reflect my "quantity" input field. I tried changing the "1" above to "quantity", but then 100 were added every click.


How can i do this? thanks in advance!

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Great contribution, needed a way to display multiple price combinations for products and this contrib handles it pretty good. But now i am stuck with another problem. I am also using MiltipleCategories1.5. So in my case Master Product can belong to different categories, this creates a problem because now if i add slave then i would have to add it to same categories as Master. Else it wont display in ADMIN->Categories page. So its imposible to edit them.


It works fine in store front, the slaves show up in all the instances of product in categories. The problem is with editing slaves in admin section.


Any one been there, done it or any ideas how to handle it. I really need to get this going. For

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I need help with one small problem with my installation. I had replaced the default add to cart code on the product_info.php page, replacing


<td class="main" align="right"><?php echo tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id', $product_info['products_id']) . tep_image_submit('button_in_cart.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_IN_CART); ?></td> -->


with this, which adds a user-input quantity field:


<td class="main" align="right"><?php echo TEXT_QUANTITY . '<input type="text" name="quantity" value="1" SIZE="2" maxlength="2">' . tep_draw_separator('pixel_trans.gif', '5', '1') . tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id', $product_info['products_id']) . tep_image_submit('button_in_cart.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_IN_CART, 'align=absmiddle'); ?></td>


This works great, on all pages except for Master products, where the default is set to 1 when add to cart is pressed, by this code:


echo tep_draw_hidden_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $product_info['products_id'], 1);


I want the value here to reflect my "quantity" input field. I tried changing the "1" above to "quantity", but then 100 were added every click.


How can i do this? thanks in advance!


Try changing it with

tep_draw_input_field('Qty_ProdId_'.$product_info['products_id'],$cart->get_quantity($product_info['products_id']) ,'size="10"')

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Needed help please. Post a chat above regarding the problem with Master Products MOD on my newly installed OSC2.2. Had the problem of an empty shopping cart although things are added. Have some other related problems as well. Need some expert advise as I am a noivce or not even to mention know programming of PHP.

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your problem could stem from the basics of cookie settings in your configure.php file.

has the shopping cart worked at all?

post a question for each of your problems, in detail

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Needed help please. Post a chat above regarding the problem with Master Products MOD on my newly installed OSC2.2. Had the problem of an empty shopping cart although things are added. Have some other related problems as well. Need some expert advise as I am a noivce or not even to mention know programming of PHP.


This is long shot try this:




around line 368


find this code

      case 'add_slave' :    
                          while ( list( $key, $val ) = each( $HTTP_POST_VARS ) ) { 


change it to

      case 'add_slave' :    
                          //   while ( list( $key, $val ) = each( $HTTP_POST_VARS ) ) { 
                           while ( list( $key, $val ) = each( $_POST ) ) {


Try if it works, good luck

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appreciate the reply. i tried changing


echo tep_draw_hidden_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $product_info['products_id'], 1);




echo tep_draw_hidden_field('Qty_ProdId_' . $product_info['products_id'], $cart->get_quantity($product_info['products_id']));


and then it would not add any of the master product, only the slaves.


Any suggestions? All my code from product_info.php is in my previous post..


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This is long shot try this:




around line 368


find this code

 ? ? ?case 'add_slave' : ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? while ( list( $key, $val ) = each( $HTTP_POST_VARS ) ) { 
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?


change it to

 ? ? ?case 'add_slave' : ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? // ? while ( list( $key, $val ) = each( $HTTP_POST_VARS ) ) { 
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?while ( list( $key, $val ) = each( $_POST ) ) {


Try if it works, good luck


Hi Guys,


Am glad that someone responds. I tried the above solution but still have problems updating the items to shopping cart. Detailed problem as follows:


1. Add items to cart, sometimes added sometimes shows empty.

2. Add items to cart (afew) and sometimes the last one added will not be shown in shopping cart.

3. Remove item from cart. Sometimes work sometimes don't.

4. Checkout items and orders closed. But the ordered items still show in shopping cart. Have to removed them one by one. Sometimes happen sometimes don't.

5. Login and add items to cart. Checkout and login using a valid ID. Items empty. Sometimes also. The most weird thing is that after I login or whenever I click on the "Top" link, all things seems to be resetted. Eg. login shows empty, shopping cart all blank.


All the problems above could be related to the MODs I have installed. I know is a list of problems and very hard to troubleshoot but I do believe that they are of similar cause as the symptoms are quite identical. Below are the MODs I have installed for ref: They are in order.


1. Master_products-v1.1.5.zip

2. WYSIWYG HTMLAreaMS2v1_7.zip

3. categories_description_MS2_1.9.zip

4. Margin Report v2.56b.zip

5. Google Adsense Box.zip

6. news_scroller_with_ff-fix ver 1.zip

7. mail_validation_1_4.zip

8. disable_right_click_and_dragV1.2.zip


Infact, it's really easy to see the problems if you were to try them at the website: www.blueseatackle.com


However, you will get to see some of the problems even without creating an account. Sorry for such a long thread. Am about to give up and redo the whole thing again as this is really getting me no where. Good thing is that I do backup almost after each MOD installed. So I am trying to figure out which MOD may be the problem. Did suspected 4. Margin Report v2.56b.zip is the cause. Restore to the files before this MOD and it seems to be much better. place this MOD back and problem seems to come back although not so visible. However, even if i skip this MOD and proceed with


5. Google Adsense Box.zip

6. news_scroller_with_ff-fix ver 1.zip

8. disable_right_click_and_dragV1.2.zip


The problem seems there as well. So can't really pinpoint which is the real problem. Appreciate all possible contribution for the solution.

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Just installed and i get this error in the admin catagories/product page


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_get_products_master_status() in /home/shipyouf/public_html/ecommerce/os/catalog/admin/categories.php on line 1542


and there is no right column for edit or anything



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Hi guys,


Not to worry about my problem anymore. I have redone my website and skip some of the MODs which I suspected could be the problem. So far, it is working fine. Thanks for all the efforts to help me resolve my problem :)

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Is it possible to show a slaves price with a buy it now button on the category view next to its master? Say my master product is a 'tshirt' and my slave is 'red' $5,

'green' $5... how can I get this info in the category view so the user can purchase this immediatley without going into the master product details?


Thanks! Cheers,



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Is there a way to apply discounts then people buy a series of related slave products?


Currently I am testing Quantity Discounts. It works fine if people buy multiple copies of the same slave product. What I want to achieve is if a cusotmer buys, say

, 3 Medium T-shirts, 3 Larges and 4 Smalls and 5 footballs that I can give him a discount on each of the shirts based on his purchase of 10 shirts.


I can see how you might do this in the shopping cart class:


i) Prior to the regular processing scanning though the list of items and totalling them by product master as opposed to by product


ii) assigning to each product the total for all poducts which share the same master 'slave quantity'.


iii) continuing with the usual processing and applying the quantity discount based on the 'slave quantity' instead of the product quantity.

Unfortunately by skills with classes are nonexistent so I'm not sure how to do this.

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Does Master Products have these features?


1) Allow slave products to be downloadable using the download contirbution?


2) Allow population of master products with Easy Populate if additional fields are added. Would Easy Populate conflict with Master Products in any way?


3) Allow a discounted price when buying the master product as opposed to buying the slaves individually?


For example, we are selling individual music/song downloads here at http://www.latincoolnow.com and would like to start selling albums ...but by grouping songs into a master product/album.


So, any comments or suggestions would be helpful. If Master Product can do all of this now, can it with minor modifications? or am I best coding something from scratch?


Thanks for any comments or feedback.

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I get this warning after i installed this Master Product contribution:


Warning: main(includes/modules/FILENAME_MASTER_PRODUCTS): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home2/colotcom/public_html/colorama/product_info.php on line 255


Warning: main(includes/modules/FILENAME_MASTER_PRODUCTS): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home2/colotcom/public_html/colorama/product_info.php on line 255


Warning: main(): Failed opening 'includes/modules/FILENAME_MASTER_PRODUCTS' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php/:/usr/local/lib/php/') in /home2/colotcom/public_html/colorama/product_info.php on line 255


It appears in the store section under the master product item desription.


It would be great if someone can help me with this.



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Warning: main(includes/modules/FILENAME_MASTER_PRODUCTS): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home2/colotcom/public_html/colorama/product_info.php on line 255
Looks like you forgot to add these defines to catalog/includes/filenames.php:

// Master Products
 define('FILENAME_MASTER_LISTING', 'master_listing.php');
 define('FILENAME_MASTER_PRODUCTS', 'master_products.php');
// Master Products EOF

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Hi I am looking into updating my store with either this contribution or the option as image contribution. DOnt know which would be best. If you have a look at http://www.shootingcircles.co.uk and go to Oakley products. you can see that as the stor is the customers dont know which glasses are which. Which approach do you recommend. any advise?



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Thanks for the great contribution. I have it installed and it is working fine with the exception of 2 things.


1. When editing a "slave" product, in the input section:


Product Listing Display * Show Product * Hide Product


Neither radio button is selected. Although you can select "Show Product" or "Hide Product" and the changes ARE saved in the database, everytime you go back to edit, there is no button selected. So you don't know whether the slave item was set to show or hide.


2. When you select a Master product from the storefront, the next screen displays the master product and slave products with quantity drop down boxes for each. The default has these set to 0 however when I click the Continue button, the next screen shows qty of 1 where there was a zero on the previous page. I can change the quantity to a number greater than 1 and the changes are correct on the next page. It only happens when I select 0 for the quantity. Happens on both master and slave items.


For instance, I order Master Product-A which consists of 2 slave items, Slave1 and Slave2. I ordered 1 Master Product and 1 Slave1 and 0 Slave2. The next screen shows qty 1 for all. I can't select 0 qty and have it carry to the shopping_cart.php page.


Any suggestions? Thanks again for the contrib. :thumbsup:

Edited by datazen
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I want to be able to display my slave products under their master product on the category view. Can someone please help me?




My link: http://www.conditwestdevelopment.com/_Labo...ex.php?cPath=21


Since I have no price for the master itself, I want to display the price for my slaves with the 'buy now' buttons. I think I need to edit catalog>includes>modules>productlisting.php but I am not sure how to do this. I am in DIRE need and would appreciate any/all assistance.





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Oh and i need to apply it only to certain products, so what im thinking is i need to be able to turn it on in the admin, or have a min/max somewhere..



Has anyone tired this one yet? I have been messing with it for a bit now and cant seem to figure out how to change the quanity for some items to 2 - 4 - 6 instead of just reading the inventory.

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Okay, from a post about a year ago lol (here is original post: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?sho...dpost&p=357007) I was able to display my slaves under the price as a drop down with one 'buy now' button. Now I need to display each slave name with each their own buy now button. Anyone know how to do this?




Here is my testing area: http://www.conditwestdevelopment.com/_Labo...ex.php?cPath=21





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So far so good


I have installed the master Slave with rev 4 ammendments.


When I select an album in the catalogue I get a page listing all the tracks on the album with the option to purchase each of the tracks individually,


I click on the tracks and end up (after completing the purchase) on the Download Now page with however many songs I bought ready for Download


I would like to also have one button to purchase all the tracks on the album in one go


I am not sure at this point whether it would be better to end up with one Download button for all the tracks on the album or to have several download buttons.


Is this doable? And if so how?


I only came across OSC a week ago and am just blown away not only by the program itself but also the whole community thing




PS I posted this in General by mistake....apologies for the double posting

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I've installed the contribution, and set up Item A as a master and Item B as a slave. I've told it to hide item, so B does not show up on its own (only on the same page with Item A). However, it's still possible on that page to ignore Item A and select one or more of Item B. I need this to not happen - the only way they should be able to select Item B is if they have at least one Item A in their cart. Ideally, I'd like them to select some of Item A, hit Add to Cart, and then have the page come up offering B as the next step (before the cart). Is anyone doing anything like this? Any tips? Thank you.

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