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osCommerce Step by Step Instructions


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I struggled with 2.2 installation for 2 straight days and I can almost pass out as I write this.


Here're the instructions.


What was this installed on.


RedHat 8.0

PHP 4.2.2


MySQL 3.23.52


1) Extract the archives, and save it under your web root. ie: /var/www/html/oscommerce2.2


2) Move the /catalog dir from your /oscommerce2.2 dir. ie: so it will now look like - /var/www/html/catalog/



Pre-Configuration Setups


-change the permissions on the following files 777: /catalog/includes/configure.php & /admin/includes/configure.php ie: chmod u+rwx configure.php


-import a sample osCommerce.sql database. This is done as follows. Issue the commands w/o the quotes.


From shell: "mysqladmin create osCommerce -u mySQLuserName -p"

It'll prompt you for your password. This will create the initial database.


Now from /catalog: "mysql osCommerce < ./install/oscommerce.sql -u mySQLuserName -p"

This will import the oscommerce database values into your newly created SQL database.


End of Pre-Configs.


3) Call the install.php from your web browser: ie: http://mysite.com/catalog/install/install.php


4) On the first screen under "New Installation - Please customize the new installation with the following options" uncheck the "Import Catalog Database:" since you've already imported this as part of the pre-configuration setups above. Press continue.


5) Now you're at the "osCommerce Configuration - Please enter the web server information". Substitute the info according to your site. Don't forget the "/" at the end of the directories!

www Address: http://www.mysite.com

webserver root: /var/www/html/catalog/

http cookie domain: mysite.com

http cookie path: /var/www/html/catalog/

enable SSL Connections: yes


6) Now you're at the "osCommerce Configuration - Please enter the secure web server information". These will be automatically filled in for you from the previous dialog. Press continue.


7) Now you must be at step 6 - "osCommerce Configuration"

The most problematic part for most of us. Comments are marked with a "//"

Database Server: localhost //only if mySQL server resides in the same

//machine as you're running the script. Else, type

//in the IP or domain name.

Username: yourUserName //if you don't have one for your mySQL DB create

//it by issuing the command on Unix/Linux shell

//"mysqladmin -u root password new_password"

//where "root" is a default superuser created by

//mySQL at the beginning of the installation.


Password: enter your new password from above


Database Name: ie: osCommerce


Persistent Connection: Yes


Session Storage: Database


And when you click "Continue" you should able able to continue and establish a test connection to your database server. If it fails or shows a half page;


a) check the "Database Server" parameters such IP or domain name.


B) your PHP-mySQL connection module is missing.

This can be established by obataining the correct php-mysql*.rpm and

installing it. Install it with the "nodeps" option.

ie: rpm -ivh --nodeps php-mysql*.rpm.


Then edit your php.ini file and enable the following line by removing the

";" in front of the line "extension=mysql.so"

This will enable mySQL support for PHP. Then restart apache server by

"service httpd reload"


If you get any warning messages or script errors check the path variables from step 5.



At this point you must be able to establish a connection to the mySQL server.

Press continue and you're DONE. Now you prompted for "Catalog" or "Administration Tool". This is another story altogether! :)






XOR Solutions Canada

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  • 3 weeks later...

I didnt have so much trouble. I unziped to windows then using SmartFTP I transfered the catalog and admin dirs and sub dirs. The just ran http://mysite.com/catalog/install/install.php. I had to set a few file permissions. That was the worst because sometimes the messages are a bit cryptic. I dont like the idea that world has write permission on certain directories.


Maybe the install.php could be a bit more intelegent and do a su to a privilaged user to change the permissions as required? Prompt for either user name and/or password of said superuser?


Im still strugling, but getting there.

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