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The e-commerce.

1046 - No Database Selected


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I recieve the following error after I click the admin button after I installed osCommerce on a windows 2003 server running php 4.3.4 mysql 4.0.9 ..


1046 - No Database Selected


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration




This is after it creates the database entries and everything seems ok. If I goto http://my_url/catalog/ it will redirect me to the /install/index.php to re install it again. I enter in the information that is requested and it says everythings fine and worked.


I host several phpnuke sites and several other php forums with no problems on them. Any and all help is greatly appreciated

Thank You.

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It wasnt a password issue it was a permission issue. What I did was after I uploaded everything to the server I changed the permissions on the include and admin section to linux equivalent 777 or everyone/IUSR to have full modify permissions. Then went thru the install and got the db configured. Once the install was done I put these 2 directories back to everyone/IUSR back to list folders only and set configure.php to read only and everything is working fine. I havent quite figured out what exact files need to have write permissions in them 2 folders yet for the initial install but I will narrow it down

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Thanks for the information TomThumb as it wasnt a password problem but when I looked in the configure.php file I noticed that after the install it still was blank. This is how I figured out that it was a permission issue causing my problem.

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