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Removal of 'Welcome Guest.. would you'


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My store.. www.distraektrecords.com/shop


Could anyone point me to where i would remove the line..


Welcome Guest! Would you like to log yourself in? Or would you prefer to create an account?


I would also like to remove the image in the top right corner of this same page (it is currently a Visa/Mastercard icon at my store), and shift the whole 'New Products for..' table up to the top of the page.. can this be done..?


I have already placed a link on my new title banner to login, and as you cannot checkout without having first visited the login/new account page anyhow, i don't see the need for that particular line to be there..


Any help would be much appreciated.. i am sure it is quite simple, but i just don't know which page to access and alter the code..


Thanks again,

Distraekt :D


This is my index.php (named default.php).. can't seem to see it anywhere in this.. (sorry about the big post)




$Id: default.php,v 1.20 2003/02/14 12:51:58 dgw_ Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright © 2003 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License


// define('TABLE_HEADING_UPCOMING_PRODUCTS', 'Hot New Promos now available');




define('TEXT_MAIN', '


<table border="0" cellspacing="0" width="550" cellpadding="2">

<tr height="10">

<td width="10" height="13" bgcolor="#D8D8D8">

<p><img src="http://www.distraektrecords.com/shop/news/newsicon.gif" width="10" height="12" border="0"></p>


<td width="377" height="13" valign="middle" bgcolor="#D8D8D8">

<p><font face="Verdana" size="1"><span class="newstitle">


<a href=http://distraektrecords.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=28 target=_new><font face="Verdana" size="1" color=000000><b>Featured Release </font></b></span></font></p>


<td width="101" height="13" align="right" bgcolor="#D8D8D8">

<p><font face="Verdana" size="1"><span class="newstitle">2003-11-17</span></font></p>




<td width="6" height="27">

<p> </p>


<td valign="top" height="27" width="550" colspan="2">

<p><font face="Verdana" size="1"><span class="newstext"><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="blue" vlink="purple" alink="red">

<br><p align="left">

<a href=http://distraektrecords.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=67><img src="news/distr010.jpg" align="left" border="1" style="border-color:black;"></a>


<b>The culmination of an awesome year</b> for Distraekt Records. We are <b>proud to present to you</b> the mighty <b>Piliavin & Zimbardo</b> with their <b>Beatmasters Vol.1 EP</b>. This Ep has seen support so far from an <b>awesome array of the worlds top DJs</b> including, <b>Robbie Rivera, Victor Calderone, That Kid Chris, Oscar G, Paul Woolford, Tom Stephan,</b> and many more.. read below what <b>Tom Stephan (Superchumbo, KISSFM)</b> had to say about it.. <br /> <br />


<b>Its tough to explain</b> what makes one tribal

record better than another. Its just that<b>

groove that makes you move</b>. These guys

seem to have <b>the secret formula. </b>

Beatmasters Vol.1 confirms that these guys

<b>are exactly that - masters of the beat</b>.

<i>(courtesy of www.discoid.it)</i>







<br />






define('TABLE_HEADING_NEW_PRODUCTS', 'New in For %s');




if ( ($category_depth == 'products') || ($HTTP_GET_VARS['manufacturers_id']) ) {

define('HEADING_TITLE', '');

define('TABLE_HEADING_IMAGE', '');

define('TABLE_HEADING_MODEL', 'Model');

define('TABLE_HEADING_PRODUCTS', 'Product Name');

define('TABLE_HEADING_MANUFACTURER', 'Manufacturer');

define('TABLE_HEADING_QUANTITY', 'Quantity');

define('TABLE_HEADING_PRICE', 'Price');

define('TABLE_HEADING_WEIGHT', 'Weight');

define('TABLE_HEADING_BUY_NOW', 'Buy Now');

define('TEXT_NO_PRODUCTS', 'There are no products to list in this category.');

define('TEXT_NO_PRODUCTS2', 'There is no product available from this manufacturer.');

define('TEXT_NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS', 'Number of Products: ');

define('TEXT_SHOW', '<b>Show:</b>');

define('TEXT_BUY', 'Buy 1 \'');

define('TEXT_NOW', '\' now');

define('TEXT_ALL', 'All');

} elseif ($category_depth == 'top') {

define('HEADING_TITLE', '');

} elseif ($category_depth == 'nested') {

define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Categories');




Cool, i found it.. but when i commented out the 'define' line.. there is still a message in its place on the page saying..




Doh! presumably there must be somewhere else i should edit tooo?


Oh, woe is me.. help me out of my misery.. ;)




Just to make it clear what it is i am trying to do..


I want to Remove the line.. 'Welcome Guest.. blah blah' and also the image above it.. 'TABLE_BACKGROUND_DEFAULT', so that my 'New Products' table is nearer the top of the page.


Am i making things really difficult for myself, or is this poss.. of course it must be poss, but just needs an expert to point me in the right direction i think..


Thanks again all posters so far for your help... shout back!




So i am not the only one.. phew! makes me feel better.. hopefully there is an answer waiting.

I am sure someone with good knowledge of OS can help out..




Thanks Jeremy, can you go a little further on this one.. any more pointers..


and Nick (fluentdesigns) if you sort it out, give me a shout!


thanks again,


My store.. www.distraektrecords.com/shop


Could anyone point me to where i would remove the line..


Welcome Guest! Would you like to log yourself in? Or would you prefer to create an account?


I would also like to remove the image in the top right corner of this same page (it is currently a Visa/Mastercard icon at my store), and shift the whole 'New Products for..' table up to the top of the page.. can this be done..?


I have already placed a link on my new title banner to login, and as you cannot checkout  without having first visited the login/new account page anyhow, i don't see the need for that particular line to be there..


Any help would be much appreciated.. i am sure it is quite simple, but i just don't know which page to access and alter the code..


Thanks again,

Distraekt :D

Looks like you'll never find out how to get rid of that without my help :P


In the catagories.index.php was the right file anyway, but look for

            <td class="main"><?php echo tep_customer_greeting(); ?>



and delete it.

Best Regards


He means Catalog/index.php (or default.php as in my version of OS). And it works!!!


Nick, open the index.php (default.php) and look approx. 35 lines up from the bottom of the file.. and you will find the line 'Bearded One' mentioned. I removed the <tr> too, just cause i felt like it ;)


But, blow me it works!! wonderful, and thanks to John for that!!!


Now all i have to do is find out how to remove the image from the top right too, and i'm done!


Thanks again,

Distraekt :)


Found it!! Nick, go to the same default.php (index.php) and find the lines..



<td class="pageHeading" align="right">

<?php echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'table_background_default.gif', HEADING_TITLE, HEADING_IMAGE_WIDTH, HEADING_IMAGE_HEIGHT); ?>




and also delete these too! and hey presto, problem solved!! and looks a damn site better now..


check it.. www.distraektrecords.com/shop


Thanks to everyone for helping me think through this one.. i appreciate it a lot!




Hmmm, I wonder what I was looking at last night? It's line 301 of index.php. Sorry to misdirect you there fellas! The more you poke around in the bowels of the code, the more you begin to understand how the files work together. It helps if you have a program that displays what the page will look like, and if you highlight an area, then you can view the source code relative to that area, like GoLive or Dreamweaver. Even notepad will do in a pinch, but it doesn't always put the source in a nice format. Jeremy

I cant seem to find a catagories.index.php file?  where is the file you are talking about located?

That was a typo error on my part, it was supposed to be catalog/index.php, brain fart.

Best Regards

He means Catalog/index.php (or default.php as in my version of OS). And it works!!!


Nick, open the index.php (default.php) and look approx. 35 lines up from the bottom of the file.. and you will find the line 'Bearded One' mentioned. I removed the <tr> too, just cause i felt like it ;)


But, blow me it works!! wonderful, and thanks to John for that!!!


Now all i have to do is find out how to remove the image from the top right too, and i'm done!


Thanks again,

Distraekt :)

Your very welcome.


Now if I can get someone to help me get the Installment contribution working, I know wrong topic :lol:

Best Regards


To: distraekt (Gary Wilson).


Can you pls tell me how to shrink your page to 800x600 resolution? Thanks heaps. Ive been looking for this solution ages but nobody seems to help me :( . Pls help. Thanks heaps.





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