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The e-commerce.

Can't get to step 2 on installation


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I am trying to install the oscommerce shopping cart. I am running OSX and the safari browser. I followed the directions, and am trying to finish the install. I got the install screen, got to the step where you enter your database name, password, etc. and hit the continue button. Then I get an error message saying:


Could not open the page ?http://www.ceoutfitters.com/catalog/install/install.php?step=2? after trying for 60 seconds.


Could this have anything to do with my database (I just set it up an hour ago or so on our servers site), or could their be a problem with the files I ftped? (I uploaded the ' catalog ' folder with the admin folder inside the catalog folder, and I renamed the admin folder like it said to do in the instructions).


I was just wondering if anyone knew why the browser couldn't open the url it was trying to, so maybe I can fix it.


Thank You,


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