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boxes configuration


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I am trying to remove the currency and language boxes that appear on most of the pages, i have commented out the area to remove them but when i did that the pages that use to have them on it become all messed up, as far as the other boxes become distorted and the content of the pages become misaligned.


Can somone please help.

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I have the same problem I commented from the column_right.php document away the the language and currency boxes and added login box fron the contributions.


It seems that the infoBox class returns HTML only partially, so that some closing tags are not echoed and a partially printed closing tag comments out next closing tag, which makes the HTML invalid. The strange things is that this seems to happen always when I'm echoing the third box, regardless of the box. So if I change the order of the boxes the problem remains at the third box.


I found a very bad way to go aroung the problem by echoing the infobox inside a html comment just before echoing the infoBox echos the HTML. I have no idea why does this resolve the problem.


I would also be more than glad if someone would have better solution to this problem.

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When i had a older version of os2.2ms1 i was able to do this with no problem,but i wanted the newest version of os2.2ms2 so i can use cookies this is different.


I have checked all things that i can no matter what i do it will not function.

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In column_right.php change near the bottom:



// if (substr(basename($PHP_SELF), 0, 8) != 'checkout') {

// include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'languages.php');

// include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'currencies.php');

// }



(add the '//' in front)


That will remove this boxes from showing on any page. If Lineup is still broken - this may be a known PHP bug - (in PHP 4.2.2) - ask the host to upgrade....

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