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Please help with my store.. need input badly!


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I am trying to put together a website and I am trying to be different a bit.. after a few days doing it.. I am stuck.. I need help


Please be precise tho since I am no expert here. I am learning.. if there is a contribution you suggest me please also include the link.


Thanks so much for taking your time to post here.


here is the site: http://www.polymotorsport.com


Body Kit

Body Kit Forum


One thing I noticed straight away is that if you have been working on the site a few days then why is there so much old news down the side of the website....


$50 DISCOUNT - Thursday 15 May, 2003


You will automatically received $50 discount for any order more than

$500. This offer is time sensitive! Discount will be expired on June 1, 2003, so hurry place your order today.


Invader Tiburon 2000-2001 - Thursday 01 May, 2003

Hot selling Hyundai Tiburon 2000-2001 Invader Body Kit

Price is only $599 for limited time, order now!


SPONSORSHIP - Thursday 01 May, 2003

Attention Southern California rider! We are currently looking for vehicle to be sponsored. Cars and Trucks! Please call us for detail.


NEW BODY KIT - Thursday 01 May, 2003

Just Added! Kaminari Body Kit, Hood, Spoilers and Other accessory are now available. Buy it online or call if you don't see what you want on the website.


Update the site regularly and keep the content from looking old....


The site does look nice, and is different....


I am still trying to achieve this myself, so not much more I can say about that...


Keep it up

One thing I noticed straight away is that if you have been working on the site a few days then why is there so much old news down the side of the website....


$50 DISCOUNT - Thursday 15 May, 2003


You will automatically received $50 discount for any order more than

$500. This offer is time sensitive! Discount will be expired on June 1, 2003, so hurry place your order today.


Invader Tiburon 2000-2001 - Thursday 01 May, 2003

Hot selling Hyundai Tiburon 2000-2001 Invader Body Kit

Price is only $599 for limited time, order now!


SPONSORSHIP - Thursday 01 May, 2003

Attention Southern California rider! We are currently looking for vehicle to be sponsored. Cars and Trucks! Please call us for detail.


NEW BODY KIT - Thursday 01 May, 2003

Just Added! Kaminari Body Kit, Hood, Spoilers and Other accessory are now available. Buy it online or call if you don't see what you want on the website.


Update the site regularly and keep the content from looking old....


The site does look nice, and is different....


I am still trying to achieve this myself, so not much more I can say about that...


Keep it up



I am using old database, thats why you saw old old date there..

This site is not advertise anywhere, nobody knows.. its running but no one visit except me and you guys..


Thanks for the reply


The one that is up and running for public is http://www.speedzmotorsport.com


Body Kit

Body Kit Forum


I don't see anything wrong with a static width of 800x600 but in 1024x768 it is crammed over on the left side. It would look better centered on the screen. If you need help there is a contribution that people have mentioned called 'centered shop' I think.


I agree that this page looks a bit odd pushed over to the left. If you center it, use a different background color outside the page, and possibly some sort of frame around the page content would look good.


The header has a very nice look, and is very appropriate to the product. It does take up a lot of room though. Maybe it could be slimmed down a bit.


I would get rid of the Tell a Friend or move it to the bottom. I'm not going to tell somebody else about your site untill I've looked it over first.


There's a lot of white space under those first four boxes on the front page. You need to move your Welcome and Featured Products up so they are visible.


That Shopping Cart box takes up a lot of room when it is empty. I would also make your Latest News text a smaller size; it's so big that it is hard to read.


Clicking on one of your Categories doesn't change anything on the page, I have to scroll down to see your subcategories or products.


Have you looked at your site using Netscape or Opera? You are probably not going to like what you see.


You have a great design here, very different from the standard osCommerce pages. I think that you have succeeded very well in your goal of being different.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


Nice work - can't wait to see it when it's finished ;)


If you want center contribution use my Dead Easy Center Thingy - if you do I don't know that you'd want to keep the border becuase the right side of your site frames nicely... if you do keep border have cellspacing at 1 and main bgcolor as the same grey as your right hand boxes.


Thanks everyone.. thanks for the time to stop by here and give me some support and suggestion. Like I said I am a stupid guy here so I will need more time to finish this up. If you have more suggestion please email or post here..


Body Kit

Body Kit Forum


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