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The e-commerce.

No SIDs at All


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My site doesn't assign any oscIDs at all.

So, if I am in the store and go to checkout on the secure server, the cart loses all the contents.

I tried changing Force Cookies to true, but this makes a "Cookies Must Be Enabled" page come up after I click on checkout. (My browser has cookies enabled but still that page comes up.)

Why is the store not assigning SIDs?


Here's the store link: http://www.plezuretoyz.com/oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog

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With the login as well, if I choose Secure Login, it takes me to the non SSL login page. I forget how I made the SSL login link correctly but when I did and tried to login, it didn't register, it just brought me back to the front page with Welcome, Guest. This is really bugging me.

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