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The e-commerce.

Open Page, Account, Cart, Checkout *.gifs


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On the open page, and everypage there after there are both links in the bar, and icons above the bar that are the exact same thing. Can I remove the icons?


If so what do I need to edit?


Thanks alot.

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Yes. The icons are in includes/header.php if you want to delete the code.


For those who are uncomfortable editing code, you can also make them disappear by copying pixel_trans.gif to the filenames for each of the icons.




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i don't really have any problem editing the code. I am just very new to php. I fully understand html. I see that they are not that much different. Php appears to be much more flexiable in many ways however. can I just // the lines out sort of like a rem in dos? Or do I actually have to extarct them so to speak?


Thanks again for the tip, wil lok into it now.

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