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putting a <hr> between products


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I've looked at product_listing.php and boxes.php, but I haven't been able to figure out where I can put a <hr> tag between each product in the 'products overview'


Help is very much appreciated :)

OSC 2.2 MS2


Using the following contributions:

STS v1.8

Graphical Infobox Headers

Description in Product Listing Hack MS2 v.2.4


I still haven't figured it out...if anyone could give me some pointers I would be very grateful :)


In which page should I add the <hr> in order to have it show up between each product in the product listing?

OSC 2.2 MS2


Using the following contributions:

STS v1.8

Graphical Infobox Headers

Description in Product Listing Hack MS2 v.2.4


What I did is; in boxes.php I add this

$tableBox_string .=  "<tr><td><hr></td>/<tr>\n";

before the end of the tableBox_string here :


      $tableBox_string .= '</table>' . "\n";

     if ($direct_output == true) echo $tableBox_string;

     return $tableBox_string;


But now the <hr> shows up in boxes like the shopping cart as well.


What variable can I check against so that I can add an 'if then statement' in order to have the <hr> only show up with the product listing?

OSC 2.2 MS2


Using the following contributions:

STS v1.8

Graphical Infobox Headers

Description in Product Listing Hack MS2 v.2.4

  • 2 weeks later...

           $lc_text = ' ' . osc_trunc_string(strip_tags($listing_values['products_description'], '<a><b><em><font><i><s><span><strong><sub><sup><u>'), PRODUCT_LIST_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH) . '<hr align="center" size="1" width="100%" color="#000000">';
           $col_to_span = sizeof($column_list);
           if (PRODUCT_LIST_IMAGE > 0) {
             $col_to_span -= 1;
           $lc_params = 'colspan="' . $col_to_span . '" ';


This put a horizontal line after each product entry only in the product_listing.php Module (Category & Search Results listing pages). This is exactly what you are looking for I believe. In my case the product's description was the last element of the listing for each product. That is why I put the <hr...> tag at the end of the HTML code for the listing structure as shown above, hope this helps!!!




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