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[Contribution] Step-By-Step Manual Order


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Hi all


Does anybody have this contribution actually working?


I have uploaded all the files, the orders are made but not shown..


order.php or customers.php not working..... can anybody have an input about this contribution?


'o.is_so' in order.php, what is it?





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I like this MOD very much and will need it to modify one of my order. However, I am not php expert and my store is heavily modified. Therefore, would really appreciate if someone is kind enough to provide the step by step guide for the installation rather then to compare with the original file for what is the difference.


Thanks and regards,


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Hi all


Slowly I making this contribution working for my needs:


I have take the 'o.is_so' OUT, I have take the "member_flag" OUT. they must have been added extra by the origial contributor.


Now I have one issue that I can't solve:

2. Payment Method

it always says: Payment on Local Pickup. We acce...


How can I have the chose the the customers' have while ordering in the normal way?



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Hi all


Slowly I making this contribution working for my needs:


I have take the 'o.is_so' OUT, I have take the "member_flag" OUT. they must have been added extra by the origial contributor.


Now I have one issue that I can't solve:

2. Payment Method

it always says: Payment on Local Pickup. We acce...


How can I have the chose the the customers' have while ordering in the normal way?




Hi all

Sorry about this... Reading, I don't understand myself... :-)

How can I have the chose the the customers' have while ordering in the normal way?


I have now solved most of the issues and looks like it working nicely except one little thing...


in Creating an order after confirming, on the second page top it says:

Edit Order (Nr. 1 of 06/12/2006 09:13:53)

Gives me the wrong date... why?

I am using the same date function that works fine in different part of osc... checked in the database and the date is today's date.. by the way, the time is shown correctly...






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Hi all

Sorry about this... Reading, I don't understand myself... :-)

How can I have the chose the the customers' have while ordering in the normal way?


I have now solved most of the issues and looks like it working nicely except one little thing...


in Creating an order after confirming, on the second page top it says:

Edit Order (Nr. 1 of 06/12/2006 09:13:53)

Gives me the wrong date... why?

I am using the same date function that works fine in different part of osc... checked in the database and the date is today's date.. by the way, the time is shown correctly...









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Hi Salvo,


Would you please mind to share how did you change "Payment on Local Pickup. We acce..." in Payment Method? I have the same problem. Did somebody figured out how to send an invoice with all the details to the customer when manual order is created?




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Dear all,


I needed this MOD. At the same time, my store is MOD with the register globals turn off MOD. I installed the Order Editor MOD and did not manage to get it to work. My suspicion tells me it has got something to do with register globals variable being turn off. Wonder if their are any experts here that can advise how to get this MOD work together with register globals turn off.


Much appreciated for any help offered.

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does anyone know how to integrate this with Seperate Pricing per customer? Or can anyone give me a road map of where the pricing is being pulled from in order to list the product price? It would really be great if these 2 contribs could work together!


any thoughts or directions would be greatly appreciated!



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Hi rubygirl,


I will be adding that option later on, but at moment I am trying to sort the contribution iteself now. There are quite a few bugs to sort which I am dealing at moment. The prices seam don't work correct. ie vat etc.


By the way, does all the contribution is working for you?





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yes - all the features are working well - took a little tweaking but it is running well now -



I have been trying for days to get it to integrate with the separate pricing per customer though with no luck at all - If I could get that piece integrated - i could finally finish on this project and move on to another one!!!!


what issues are you having? do you have an idea of where to start with the separate pricing per customer? I really need to get this piece done.

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I have just solved the problem I had... it is now working very well (touch wood).....


But I am left with the prices issues.... They don't add up correctly and I have to solve it before I can start with the other contribution....


Did you do anything at the prices? Are they shown correctly with/without VAT?

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I have just tried to create an order with

Display prices with tax TRUE..


And it doesn't add up correctly..... have you tried this?


Price (excl.) Price (incl.) Total (excl.) Total (incl.)

?15.00 ?17.63 ?60.00 ?70.52


Subtotal : ?70.50

Tax : ?10.50

Total : ?81.00


You see? The subtatal should be ? 60.00 NOT 70.50


Did you do anything? or have you tried it?

Edited by Salvo
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OK I solved this too.. "I think"

edit_orders.php around line 270

// $RunningSubTotal += (tep_add_tax(($products_details["qty"] * $products_details["final_price"]), $products_details["tax"])); // version WITH tax

$RunningSubTotal += $products_details["qty"] * $products_details["final_price"]; // version WITHOUT tax

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Hi Salvo,


Would you please mind to share how did you change "Payment on Local Pickup. We acce..." in Payment Method? I have the same problem. Did somebody figured out how to send an invoice with all the details to the customer when manual order is created?






Hi... I didn't notice this post... Sorry...


I have changed it in the language file. Then made the field a bit longer to show all the writing and be able to change it.....

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Hi... I didn't notice this post... Sorry...


I have changed it in the language file. Then made the field a bit longer to show all the writing and be able to change it.....

Thanks for your reply, Salvo.

I don't see "Payment on Local Pickup. We acce..." defined in a language file. What file exactly are you talking about? Is it language/edit_orders.php? Where the fields for Shipping, Tax are coming from? I'd like to specify the same for every order field Handling fee.


Thanks a lot.


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Thanks for your reply, Salvo.

I don't see "Payment on Local Pickup. We acce..." defined in a language file. What file exactly are you talking about? Is it language/edit_orders.php? Where the fields for Shipping, Tax are coming from? I'd like to specify the same for every order field Handling fee.


Thanks a lot.





Its in create_order_process.php

define('DEFAULT_PAYMENT_METHOD', "Please make cheque payable to: Your Comapany");

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Its in create_order_process.php

define('DEFAULT_PAYMENT_METHOD', "Please make cheque payable to: Your Comapany");

Thanks, I found it. I have a question. I need to have the following fields:

Sub-Total: $...

Handling Fee: $...

Shipping: $...

Shipping Insurance: $...

Total: $...

Right now I have: Sub-Total, Shipping and Total. How would I add Handling Fee and Shipping Insurance?


Thanks a lot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

HI everyone - Happy New Year!


I have been tinkering around with this module for the last few days and have search this forum...it seems others have the same problem but the question is never actually answered.


I've installed the latest version of Step by Step Manual Order (dated 10 Dec) and the payment drop down (which seems to be working only for some and not others) is not working. If someone does actually have this working could you please add a link to the code.


I know its been said before - but this is a really great module it's just that it's all over the place and take so long to get it installed.


BTW incase anyone else was having problems with Table_Returns there is RMA code in the catalog/admin/orders.php file I removed it and no longer had this problem. From what i have read in other posts - I think if you would like to issue returns to your customers then you would need to install the relevant module and keep the code. I my case its not necessary.


  $returns_check_query = tep_db_query("SELECT r.rma_value, rp.products_id FROM " . TABLE_RETURNS . " r, " . TABLE_RETURNS_PRODUCTS_DATA . " rp where r.returns_id = rp.returns_id and r.order_id = '" . $oID . "' and rp.products_id = '" . $order->products[$i]['id'] . "' ");
  if (!tep_db_num_rows($returns_check_query)){

  if ($order->products[$i]['return'] != '1') {
  $return_link = '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_RETURN, 'order_id=' . $oID . '&products_id=' . ($order->products[$i]['id']), 'NONSSL') . '"><u>' . '<font color="818180">Schedule Return</font>' .'</a></u>';
  // Don't show Return link if order is still pending or processing
  // You can change this or comment it out as best fits your store configuration
  if (($orders_status == '1') OR ($orders_status == '2') ) {
  $return_link = '';
  } else {
$returns = tep_db_fetch_array($returns_check_query);
$return_link = '<a href=' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_RETURNS, 'cID=' . $returns['rma_value']) . '><font color=red><b><i>Returns</b></i></font></a>';


Anyway, If someone is able to help me with the payment drop down that would be wonderful.




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Mine isn't working correctly (see previous post) but if i type "credit card" in the payment method section it comes up with a section to enter in your credit card details (i guess it depends if you wish to use the standard credit card module) I am currently using paypal so would need to adjust the method to suit somehow.


Sorry, i can't be of more help....maybe someone else who has the contribution working may be able to help.



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