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1. Add new customers

You can add a customer through admin, just fill in the form and hit confirm.

A new customer account will be created with a random password, and a welcome email with the password will be sent to the given email address.


2. Create new orders

A 2 step process to create an order, add products, and add shipping costs.


I have added Jonathan Hilgeman's 'Edit Order' module and my own to create this useful little tool. Very basic, no bells and whistles but others are sure to add more functionality.


When installing, please pay attention to the modifications you need to make to the files depending on which version of osC you are using. And don't forget, before installing, BACKUP!


If you use this module, it is mandatory to donate to the Core Team. These guys have worked so hard for so long we owe them more than we can ever pay them so give them something, whatever you can afford. Donation info is here.

osCommerce user since 2003! :thumbsup:

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Great Mod! I did post in your other thread that the package has a little issue. The edit_orders.php file you included is only the language file. The "core" is missing from your package.


I did notice a few oddities and had to delete one line for 4 different files but will post my feedback once I am finished with testing.


Thanks Rod, I have uploaded a new .zip file with the right file. Looking forward to your input.



osCommerce user since 2003! :thumbsup:

Thanks Rod, I have uploaded a new .zip file with the right file. Looking forward to your input.



No problem.


Can you explain this line of code please?


<base href="<?php echo (getenv('HTTPS') == 'on' ? HTTPS_SERVER : HTTP_SERVER) . DIR_WS_ADMIN; ?>">


It shows up in 4 files. This line causes my store to "break"....basically setting my domain name to "https_server". I simply deleted this line from the 4 files and was in business. I looked at other Osc files to see if this line is ever used and could not find any. Is this line version specific?


Thanks again for working on this. I can see that a lot of work went into this.....


Testing continues....





great mod!!!. I have been using it for awhile now and could not work without it....

I have 2 little problems.

1. The state never shows up when you use Create Account. I Have to add it again once I do Create Order process and them select the customer then add the state again. I have to do this on every order.

2. is there a way to list the customers Alaph but in the correct way?... right now the list box it reads Z Y etc..... I would like it to read A, B, C, D , E, F......

<span style='font-family:Courier'>If you can't fix it Perl it!!!...</span>


2. is there a way to list the customers Alaph but in the correct way?... right now the list box it reads Z Y etc..... I would like it to read A, B, C, D , E, F......

yea... I hated this too ... all you have to do is delete the "DESC" from the query statement in create orders. default is ASC...




ok...went through a few tests for creating orders and two things stand out. First one is easy to fix (I think & hope) but the 2nd might not be....


1- The total amount for the order is not saved in currency. so if you view an order you create manually, the total will show up like 15 instead of $15.00. I will look at the code but I think we need to use the currency function...


2- The way the categories show up. I have many categories and a bunch of sub-categories. many of the sub-categories have the same name. Example:


Air Intakes ->Chevy




SuperChargers ->Chevy




So in the drop down when manually creating an order, I get a bunch of "Hummer's", "Honda's" or "Chevy's" and I have no clue what the top level category is. Is there a way to modify the query/array to show the top level? In some of the categories, I go 4 and 5 levels deep....... I know this is probably a biggies but unfortunately the dropdown is useless to me now....because of how my product catalog is designed....


Besides that, very solid contrib. no errors. writes the correct information to the Db. I like it! Just a little tweaking and this can go down as one of the best contribs around!

1- The total amount for the order is not saved in currency. so if you view an order you create manually, the total will show up like 15 instead of $15.00. I will look at the code but I think we need to use the currency function...


I haven't had this problem, but you may want to change line 44 in create_order_process.php from:

$currency = "AUD";



$currency = "USD";


and see if that works....


So in the drop down when manually creating an order, I get a bunch of "Hummer's", "Honda's" or "Chevy's" and I have no clue what the top level category is. Is there a way to modify the query/array to show the top level? In some of the categories, I go 4 and 5 levels deep....... I know this is probably a biggies but unfortunately the dropdown is useless to me now....because of how my product catalog is designed....


This is a problem with the Edit Orders mod, put this question to that mod's discussion thread and you should get an answer for that.


Can you explain this line of code please?




<base href="<?php echo (getenv('HTTPS') == 'on' ? HTTPS_SERVER : HTTP_SERVER) . DIR_WS_ADMIN; ?>">


This is standard in my version of osC (2.2 pre MS1). I guess it's not in MS2? Don't forget, I'm no programmer :(



osCommerce user since 2003! :thumbsup:


I'm having a problem with this contribution. I have the Webmakers SEC2.2 installed and working great!


The SEC2.2 has different administrator levels which allow or non-allow certain admins from accessing the files/modules.


I have checked to make sure the box for manual_entry is marked for allowing access to top administrator and it is.


However, when I try accessing the "create customer" or "create order", I get the following which looks like it's coming from the forbiden.php page.


No Right Permission Access

Please contact your Web Administrator to request

more access or if you found any problem.


Help? My customer REALLY needs this module. Thanks!

ok...went through a few tests for creating orders and two things stand out. First one is easy to fix (I think & hope) but the 2nd might not be....


1- The total amount for the order is not saved in currency. so if you view an order you create manually, the total will show up like 15 instead of $15.00. I will look at the code but I think we need to use the currency function...


2- The way the categories show up. I have many categories and a bunch of sub-categories. many of the sub-categories have the same name. Example:


Air Intakes ->Chevy




SuperChargers ->Chevy




So in the drop down when manually creating an order, I get a bunch of "Hummer's", "Honda's" or "Chevy's" and I have no clue what the top level category is. Is there a way to modify the query/array to show the top level? In some of the categories, I go 4 and 5 levels deep....... I know this is probably a biggies but unfortunately the dropdown is useless to me now....because of how my product catalog is designed....


Besides that, very solid contrib. no errors. writes the correct information to the Db. I like it! Just a little tweaking and this can go down as one of the best contribs around!

To Fix the $$ problem go to line 43 or so and find

$temp_amount = number_format($currency, 2, '.', '');
 $currency = "GHB";
 $currency_value = "1";


and replace with


$temp_amount = number_format($temp_amount, 2, '.', '');
 $currency = "USD";
 $currency_value = "1";


that will fix that problem.

I too would like to get top level to show.

any ideas on the customer format?. it reads backwards... Z,Y,etc I would like to see A, B, etc



<span style='font-family:Courier'>If you can't fix it Perl it!!!...</span>


any ideas on the customer format?. it reads backwards... Z,Y,etc  I would like to see A, B, etc



I made mine display as firstname last name and this is the code I changed to make it happen(create_order.php) :


change line 19 to sort differently:


$query = tep_db_query("select customers_id, customers_firstname, customers_lastname from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " ORDER BY customers_lastname");



change line 31 to display first anem then last name:

 $SelectCustomerBox .= ">" . $db_Row["customers_firstname"] . " " . $db_Row["customers_lastname"] . "</option>\n";


Thanks Rodney.... worked like a charm...

<span style='font-family:Courier'>If you can't fix it Perl it!!!...</span>


Posted (edited)

Is there any way to link in the payment gateways to this mod this way if you are taking a phone order you can process the complete order. This would be great for users that do not have standard merchant accounts and credit cards proceesing machines.


This would complete this mod and make it a real requirement for every store.

Edited by GIZMO-XL
Is there any way to link in the payment gateways to this mod this way if you are taking a phone order you can process the complete order.  This would be great for users that do not have standard merchant accounts and credit cards proceesing machines.


This would complete this mod and make it a real requirement for every store.

I agree that would be great, I tried getting my head around it while doing this mod but it was beyond my capabilities. Need someone better at PHP to implement that!

osCommerce user since 2003! :thumbsup:


I also tried to integrate the 'Ship In Cart' mod as well so that there would be a box on the edit order page and you could see at a glance how much shipping would be, but I couldn't figure that out either :unsure:

osCommerce user since 2003! :thumbsup:


ok...just came across something that may be of interest to US users of this contrib. The code is set to default to an address_format_id of "1". This is not right for the US so you need to change the $format_id variable in the create_order_process.php file from 1 to 2. Should be on line 37 if you haven't changed things around....



Posted (edited)

I am having problems with the Manual Order contribution as well.

This is for inside reps to use the osCommerce site to make orders for people over th phone, or for a real live customer in our shop. I want to do this so osCommerce can keep track of the inventory.


The order adds up properly, but the currency designation is wrong. What is that anyway? Lira?


The order winds up looking like this:

Products Model Tax Price (ex) Price (inc) Total (ex) Total (inc)

1 x 3003 3003 0.00% $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00

Sub-Total: ?24.00

Tax: ?0.00

Shipping: 0.00

Total: ?24.00



I had modified the code as follows:



43 $temp_amount = number_format($temp_amount, 2, '.', '');

44 $currency = "USD";

45 $currency_value = "1";


which didnt help.


This is my biggest issue right now with this contrib.

I would also like to see shipping integration (I use UPS) to allow the shipping to be calculated by the reps in real time. Also it would be very helpful if the "drill down" through menu boxes could be avoided, as our reps all knowthe proper product numbers and could add all items from a single form page.


These last two items are just a wish list, as I am in way over my head trying to mess with code. I had better go back to school some. Until then, thanx for all help the osCommunity can provide.

Edited by mikez68
Posted (edited)
What is that anyway? Lira?




I am having problems with the Manual Order contribution as well.

This is for inside reps to use the osCommerce site to make orders for people over th phone, or for a real live customer in our shop.  I want to do this so osCommerce can keep track of the inventory.


The order adds up properly, but the currency designation is wrong.  What is that anyway? Lira?


The order winds up looking like this:

Products Model Tax Price (ex) Price (inc) Total (ex) Total (inc)

1 x 3003  3003 0.00% $24.00 $24.00 $24.00 $24.00

Sub-Total: ?24.00

Tax: ?0.00

Shipping: 0.00

Total: ?24.00



I had modified the code as follows:



43 $temp_amount = number_format($temp_amount, 2, '.', '');

44 $currency = "USD";

45 $currency_value = "1";


which didnt help.


This is my biggest issue right now with this contrib.

I would also like to see shipping integration (I use UPS) to allow the shipping to be calculated by the reps in real time.  Also it would be very helpful if the "drill down" through menu boxes could be avoided, as our reps all knowthe proper product numbers and could add all items from a single form page.


These last two items are just a wish list, as I am in way over my head trying to mess with code.  I had better go back to school some.  Until then, thanx for all help the osCommunity can provide.

Open edit_orders.php (I think.. i cant remenber which file it is)

search for ? and replace it with $. it's should be about 4 of them in there...

Edited by jello1

<span style='font-family:Courier'>If you can't fix it Perl it!!!...</span>



Well another problem has shown. In the create account process upon hittting confirm I get:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_validate_email() in /home/mikez/public_html/wholesale/admin/create_account_process.php on line 94


lines 87-99

if (strlen($email_address) < ENTRY_EMAIL_ADDRESS_MIN_LENGTH) {

  $error = true;

    $entry_email_address_error = true;

  } else {

    $entry_email_address_error = false;



if (!tep_validate_email($email_address)) {

    $error = true;

    $entry_email_address_check_error = true;

  } else {

    $entry_email_address_check_error = false;



Seems it doesnt know where the validations.php is. And I have it in wholesale/includes/functions/validations.php


any suggestions?




I am considering integrating this module into my companies web site. Before I do so, I was wondering if someone could answer a question for me.


Will this mod allow me to enter manual orders where I can change the individual product cost and/or total cost values?


I need to do this for a several reasons including handling PO orders and variable discounts.


If not, if anyone knows of a mod that will do this, I would greatly appreciate any information. I've tried searching the forums but haven't found much...


Thanks in advance,




This step-by-step manual order contribution works fine for manual entry. But I have the following problem.


I am running a pure downloadable store. This contribution do not update the orders_products_download table for downloadble products links. Please help me how this table will be updated like other tables with manual order entry.


Thanks in advance.

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