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page display problem on first view


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Hi everyone,


I am having problems with a page displaying incorrectly on the first view.


The first time the site is viewed, content from the footer ends up in the right hand column instead of at the bottom of the page. The problem is that the table for the right column is not correctly closed.


This only occurs on the first view - on every subsequent view the page displays correctly (suggesting that the problem only occurs when a session is not registered yes?).


Strangely, I don't get this bug if there are less than 3 boxes in the right hand column. Also, there is not problem when the index page text is that which is included in the default osCommerce installation. However, if I use my own text, or leave the text empty, the problem occurs.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated





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Hi John


The site is NOT fixed.


It is still doing that thing were the columns aren't spread out quite right.


The poll and the advertisements are just contributions.... look up and click on contributions then search for what your looking for. :rolleyes: :D :P


Hope that helps.


Can anyone help me with the column problem?

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  • 4 months later...



I found it - I had the same prob and it was driving me nuts!


Try this (copy the existing file first as a safety):


1) Find the file: /includes/application_top.php


2) on the line below <?php at the very beginning of the file, add


ini_set ( 'session.use_trans_sid', 0);



Let me know if it works. It solved the problem on my site, www.danceofdelight.com after I tried everything else, even though it was OK on my local (and older) php version on my local machine



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This fixed similar problems for us as well. In addition to the page corruption on the first view only, we were also experiencing random page content corruption throughout the site. The corruption was caused by strings of random chars being inserted into the HTML as it was sent to the browser. Sometimes the strings overwrote tags or other crucial parts of the page data. We spents several days trying to track down the cause within the PHP code of OS Commerce itself (unsuccessfully of course).


After seeing Mark's fix, I now suspect the problems are related to a weird interaction between PHP's session ID hack and Apache 2.0. There have been similar corruption problems with PHP and Apache 2.0 that affected POST data but this is the first I've heard of one that corrupted outbound data.


We've done several OS Commerce installs in the past with no problems at all, however, this was our first on Apache 2.0. It turns out the random chars were actually PHP session IDs being inserted incorrectly and wiping out crucial page contents.


I'd be curious to hear what versions of PHP and Apache the other folks who experienced this problem were using.


Oh, and I made the change in the php.ini file rather than adding it to the OS Commerce code. This way the fix is system wide.

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  • 1 month later...

OMG!!! DUDE!!! (sorry..californian..) This just fixed the problems I have been trying to work out for about a week and a half to two weeks...I was about to start from scratch again....


Thanks for an AWSOME fix!!

Contribs added:

AdminLogin-Catalog With Images-Credit Class/Gift Voucher-CoolMenu

EasyPopulate-LoginBox-Paypal Shopping Cart IPN-PDF Catalogs

Product Listing In Columns - Image Strip


...the young jedi said to his master "you want me to do WHAT?"

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