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[Contribution] Links Manager for osC v1.00


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Hi, I love the contribution, its a great help.


But (theres always a but!) could you tell me how to make the links direct instead of redirecting them please?


I use a website that uses a spider to check that the link is present on my site, but as it uses a redirect it cannot find the link, and thus not allowing me to share the links.


Thanks for any help.


And thanks VJ for a brill contribution!!!

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For the links question, turn on the Click Count option in admin->Links. For the other, that has nothing to do with Links Manager. I'm not sure what you are expecting it to do but it doesn't work properly anyway and should not be used. If you have a question about it, please post a question in the general forum.



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Yes, that is correct about the click count. That question gets asked so often I don't give the answer much thought.


The spider friendly option is used for check for spiders but only when Click Count is on.



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You can't get rid of the categories without rewriting the code. But you can link to directly. Just visit the page that has your links in it to get the url. Then edit the Links url in the Information box, or wherever you have it, to go straight to that page. You would want to remove the link for categories on that page most likely too.




Thank you jack, but how do receive link requests if I do this? Can 'linkers' still request their link somewhere?


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Thank you jack, but how do receive link requests if I do this? Can 'linkers' still request their link somewhere?


Link requests are reached with a different url so you could still provde a direct link to that section of code.



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When turning off the "Click Count", I would think that this column should not be displayed on the links pages, but on my site, it still does. Is this a bug or a feature?
That appears to be a feature since I missed it. :) I make a note to fix that for the next release.



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Link requests are reached with a different url so you could still provde a direct link to that section of code.




I understand I must link to links.php?lPath=1

How do I code this in the define box:


define('FILENAME_LINKS', 'links.php?lPath=1');

will not work.


Thank you for helping Jack, superbe contrib!

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Link requests are reached with a different url so you could still provde a direct link to that section of code.




Ok I understand but how do i code the link to go to the dynamic url links.phph path=1?


define('FILENAME_LINKS', 'links.php?lPath=1'); does not work .. what do I need to change here?


Thanks for the help.

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I can't test it right now but try

define('FILENAME_LINKS', '?lPath=1');

If that doesn't work, compare the link it creates with the actual link displayed when you visit the page to find the difference.



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I can't test it right now but try
define('FILENAME_LINKS', '?lPath=1');

If that doesn't work, compare the link it creates with the actual link displayed when you visit the page to find the difference.




That brings me to my homepage.

The pagename generated is:


but I cannot reach this page without going through the link page.

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One other question.


When submitting a link on my site, the /links_submit_success.php pages wants to come up on the secure side of my server (https:) rather than the unsecure (http:) side. Any ideas why this might be?

I never noticed that before but it is from the orignal release. My guess is that the author copied checkout success and it has the code for ssl. In links_submit.php there is a redirect to the links_submit_success.php page. It has ssl set. You could change that to NONSSL and see how it works.



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That brings me to my homepage.

The pagename generated is:


but I cannot reach this page without going through the link page.

I jsut tested the following and it works. Paste this code in the very bottom of your includes/column_left.php file to test it:

  <td align="center" class="main">
  <?php echo '<a title="Links" href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_LINKS, 'lPath=1', 'NONSSL') . '">' . "Links" . '</a>'; ?></td>



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is it possible to send different emails according to the status you select?


for instance:

if link is "denied", send them info on how to get their listing approved?

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No, not currently. I had need of this myself and started it as an option but have not had time to complete it. It will be in the next version I do but I don't know when that might be.



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You could change that to NONSSL and see how it works.


Found a few instances of the "SSL" in redirects, but it still goes to the secure side of the server. I also checked the configure.php to make sure things were spec'd right there. Any other places I need to check for this?

John Skurka

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello Jack,

We routinely receive LINK request but have no tme

to handle manually. This contribution is really a boon.


It installed well but I am stuck with the Notorious



When I open in admin I get


Links AllPendingApprovedDisabledWaiting Search:



Asc Desc URL

Asc Desc Clicks

Asc Desc Status

Asc Desc Action

1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-0, MAX_LINKS_DISPLAY' at line 1


select l.links_id, l.links_url, l.links_image_url, l.links_date_added, l.links_last_modified, l.links_status, l.links_clicked, ld.links_title, ld.links_description, l.links_contact_name, l.links_contact_email, l.links_reciprocal_url, l.links_status from links l left join links_description ld on l.links_id = ld.links_id where ld.language_id = '1' order by ld.links_title limit -0, MAX_LINKS_DISPLAY




error messge even though there is one entry in the table.

I was recently stuck with this issue in CATALOG for another contribution

which was sorted by oleaving the old version of

split_page.php and modifying the call in the

contribution file which was different ( I have a hybrid MS2 version)


However your function call inthe links.php in admin is

similar to old version (with 4 parameters with MAX_LINKS_DISPLAY

as the second)


I have tried all the fixes discussed in the fORUMS and official bug report


I spent a week sorting the last one and am really tired of this

issue. Do you have any info that could be useful to get it working.


The site iis http://affiliatesexcel.com


Best regardds


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Hello Jack,

We routinely receive LINK request but have no tme

to handle manually. This contribution is really a boon.


It installed well but I am stuck with the Notorious



Hello Problem sorted thanks to earlier posts in this thread.


I didn't realise that the instal.php added a new LINKS item under

the store configuration . Great automation, but need some instruction

in the read me file to go there and set up things.


I simply refreshed the MAX_DISPLY_Links count

and the database problem disappeared.


The second suggestion is to add a link to this thread

in the READ ME file.


Great contribution from nice guys ! Many thanks again !!

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Hi i ave just install this contribution and after looking at the admin area the features and simplification looks really great. Though my Admin area is working just great i am facing errors on links.php and links_submit.php with follwoing error


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_show_category() (previously declared in E:\inetpub\vhosts\wisdomindia.org\httpdocs\includes\header.php:160) in E:\inetpub\vhosts\wisdomindia.org\httpdocs\includes\boxes\categories.php on line 13


Has anyone faced similar kind of Error? Also i run the file links_setup.php befor i changed the before filemodifications. So step 3 befor step 2 can this be the reason.? (however i tried restoring the database and the file run but no luck although)


What could be the possible reason?


Thanks in Advance

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The code is trying to load the tep_show_category function twice. You should search your files and make sure it is not declared twice. If it isn't, you will need to try to trace down the file that is doing the calling. It doesn't matter what order the database is installed it by the way.



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