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[CONTRIBUTION] File uploads as an Option Feature


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followed the instruction carefully and still getting thie error Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/express2/public_html/includes/classes/upload.php on line 179 Line 179 is the end of the upload.php class file. I email my host to see if php safemode is turned up but can someone please help. I also moved the messagestack about the shopping cart

Edited by bluecivic21
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I installed this mod, along with many others. Anyways, everything appears to be working great, uploading works, data is stored in the db for the attributes, however, on the cart page, the page doesn't seem to be able to call the data from the database.


I just get blank attributes for text/upload values (select works):


- Company Name:

- Logo:

- Color: Black


There should be some data there.


Any ideas?

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Just wanted to know if this is possible. I have it the upload mod installed and have it where you can see the picture when you upload it. Just wondering if instead of the upload mod being on the product it could be on a page by itself. I have a tshirt company and people order alot of different items and need the same logo on all of the items. So maybe they shop for the products they want then it goes to an upload form. If anyone knows of a way to do this would help out alot!!! If I have to pay I will.



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I keep getting "Error Error: destination does not exist." I've tried everything that I can think of, can someone tell me where I can change the destination of the file so it does exist?


I got it to work before, but now I have no clue as of where to change the destination.

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  • 1 month later...



I need some help with the contribution "File Upload .7 (for PA - Option Type Feature)".

I installed everything, and it works.

But I'm from the Netherlands, so I installed the Dutch languagepack.

I changed the language-changes in the dutch files too, but it doesn't work.


Does anyone know what I do wrong, or how I can make it work.







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Okee, I made it work, its a great contribution.


But, I have another question :


I see this on my screen :


Behind the file-upload is a price (+0,00EUR). That price comes automaticly, and I don't wont that.


Can anyone help me how to get rid of the price.



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  • 4 weeks later...
I keep getting "Error Error: destination does not exist." I've tried everything that I can think of, can someone tell me where I can change the destination of the file so it does exist?


I got it to work before, but now I have no clue as of where to change the destination.

Im having the same problem, can someone help?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi everyone I don't know if you can help me but when I upload an image I get this - instead of an image name the text works fine but not the image, however it does upload though.




So as you can see the image appears only as a - rather than named.

Edited by Chris Smith
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I'm getting this message when trying to upload images using this feature.


Warning: move_uploaded_file(/tmp/phpFQhPVk): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/vinnyvzw/public_html/includes/classes/upload.php on line 114


Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/phpFQhPVk' to '/home/vinnyvzw/public_html/images/uploads/519DSC_7450.JPG' in /home/vinnyvzw/public_html/includes/classes/upload.php on line 114


Any idea why or what this means?


Thanks is advance

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've installed the upload and view features to a site I'm developing and everything seems okay except for the view option on the order page.


What is displayed for me along with the order is:


- Image: Click to View


The link is simply to the uploads folder, not to the file that has been uploaded. There is nothing on the orders page to indicate which file belongs to the order.


I can see the name of the file in the files_uploaded_name of the files_uploaded table, but that is the name of the file uploaded from the customer's PC.


Is the filename as stored in the uploads folder supposed to be in the products_options_values field of the orders_products_attributes folder? For each of the orders where I'm uploading an image, there is a record being created in the table, but the products_options_values field is blank. If so, at what point is that field supposed to be created and does anyone have any idea why it isn't working for me?


I'm so close to success with this module, it's really frustrating.


Thanks for any assistance.

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Doing some more digging on this, I've found that the data entered by the customer, i.e. a Text string or an uploaded image file, is being entered into the customers_basket_attributes table in the products_options_value_text field correctly. Therefore the order appears correctly to the customer, with all of the customisation detail appearing.


Where it seems to be going wrong is where I assume that the customers text or image filename is supposed to be placed in the orders_product_attributes table. Instead of seeing the text entered or a filename in the products_options_values field, instead I'm just getting TEXT.


I can only assume that I've done something wrong during the installation, but I've checked all the files and read all the way through this thread and still can't find the problem.

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Okay, I've started from scratch and have had the File Upload module working perfectly.


However, now I've uploaded the Paypal IPN module (which I had installed first previously) and it's gone screwy again. Does anyone have the File Upload and Paypal IPN modules installed together happily?

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  • 4 weeks later...



If I add an Upload attribute to a product, I hen go to purchase it, I get a blank page when I click on Add to Cart. Any ideas why this could be occuring? I have not added any other contributions to my site, so I copied the updated files, and then made the necessary changes on the configure files and database.


If no one knows, is there any way to debug php?


Many thanks



Edited by gotch_ur_number
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  • 2 weeks later...


I can not figure out what is wrong but I am getting this error when I try to upload a file:


Error: destination (DIR_FS_UPLOADS) does not exist.


I have read through all of the posts in this contribution and I can't find an answer.


Can any one please help me before I have massive coronary??????

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Is there read write perinissions to the upload folder?




Have you remembered to create the upload the empty upload folder in the Merged files supplied with the contribution?

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I am completely lost.


I have updated/merged all .php files on this new install. I have updated MySQL with one error, and have tried to install this contribution 6 times to no avail. Am I missing something stupid?


Here are my steps, plz tell me where I am wrong. I have over 30 hours in this install, and am at my wits end.


1. Download and unpack oscommerce

2. Patch all .php files for contrib

3. extract CATALOG and upload to server

4. Create MySQL DB

5. Install osecommerce

6. Install MySQL .sql files

7. should run?


What am I missing?



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Okay, ignore last post.


I can now see the Text input fields and File Upload fields in my Product Options area. However, when I upload a file i get this error:


Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/content/m/s/o/msoutlaws/html/tangent/catalog/includes/configure.php:48) in /home/content/m/s/o/msoutlaws/html/tangent/catalog/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 97


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/m/s/o/msoutlaws/html/tangent/catalog/includes/configure.php:48) in /home/content/m/s/o/msoutlaws/html/tangent/catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 29





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I can not figure out what is wrong but I am getting this error when I try to upload a file:


Error: destination (DIR_FS_UPLOADS) does not exist.


I have read through all of the posts in this contribution and I can't find an answer.


Can any one please help me before I have massive coronary??????


I had the same problem. What happened to me was that my edited /catalog/includes/configure.php file was not uploading because I had set the permissions to non-writable (per osc post-install procedure). Looking at the server error logs helped me figure it out. Once I set the permissions to writable it allowed me to overwrite it with the edited version and everything worked perfectly! Hope this helps.

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