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[contribution] Simple Template System (sts)


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I REALLY love STS. It was one of the easiest contribs for me to install and use and has been the answer to my prayers. I don't think I could get along without it....BUT, I want to do one very simple thing, which is remove the "New Products for XXX" in the content area, and possibly add something else.

So far I have:

Gone back to the install dos and re-read.

Searched the forums.

Searched all my files to find anything related to "columnleft2columnright" as this seems to define what the "$content" displays.

Searched the forums.

Set display to "debug" in order to find see what's going one and found "columnleft2columnright", which indicates an sts_block.

Searched the forums.

Found entries relating to this block and template in "sts_display_output.php".

Searched the forums.

Did another search to find a define for this block or any other refence to it and came up zilch.

Searched the forums.

I have seen posts saying to looking in various "index.php" or "product_info.php", but I have yet to make any sense of this as nothing seems to relate.

Apparently my feeble mind can't seem to fully grasp where "columnleft2columnright" or "$content" is pulling from or where to modify this at.


After spending the last several days reading, searching and seeing the number of posts relating to this very subject, instead of merely saying we "can't normally control what appears", one would think there would be a central post, update, or at least a note included in the docs by now, relating to this in more detail, and if there is, I offer my sincere apologies, I apparently overlooked it somehow and perhaps someone would be kind enough to point me to it.


Thanks in advance to anyone who can guide me in the right direction.

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Popup windows are driving me nuts! I still cant get them working


www.oneofas.co.uk (not work safe)


The link looks right, the sts template file has the script in shown previously can anyone help Im sure its dead simple!


Many Many Thanks



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Popup windows are driving me nuts! I still cant get them working


www.oneofas.co.uk (not work safe)


The link looks right, the sts template file has the script in shown previously can anyone help Im sure its dead simple!


Many Many Thanks



if you need me to post up the source code for any of the pages let me know, this is a great contrib and I couldnt do what I do without it but this bit feels like it is jsut out of reach.


Do you need to have product_info.php.html setup in sts_templates? Can someone post me a copy of theirs? I currentlly dont have it setup, are there other templates I should setup here for it too work? I have tried to keep it simple.

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I've seen a number of sites where the product_info.php.html is working,and it usually has to reside in .../includes/sts_templates/ path.


Don't know what you mean by 'config' in respect to STS, there is nothing to configure to use product_info template.




hi peter, by config i meant the STS paths in the includes/configure.php, and yes i've got the templates in the sts-templates directory.... but it still refuses to pick them up. I'm currently having to customise product_info directly, but its a bit of a pain.

Edited by adiwillow
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if you need me to post up the source code for any of the pages let me know, this is a great contrib and I couldnt do what I do without it but this bit feels like it is jsut out of reach.


From memory, there were bug fixes for the STS contribution, in regards to popups ??



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hi peter, by config i meant the STS paths in the includes/configure.php, and yes i've got the templates in the sts-templates directory.... but it still refuses to pick them up. I'm currently having to customise product_info directly, but its a bit of a pain.


Have you applied this patch to version 2.01 ?


25 Aug 2004 - STS 2.01 Bug fixes


Have you tried the debugging option ?



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From memory, there were bug fixes for the STS contribution, in regards to popups ??




Yeah I ve tried the ones for adding the script to the template, the ones shown on the contrib page none seem to make any difference.


I might have to try adding a product info template.

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I tried searching for an answer to this one but it doesn't look like it has bugged anybody yet which is weird. Anybody know how to add the osCsid to the $catmenu? It is not being included and hence the osCid is lost.



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Yeah I ve tried the ones for adding the script to the template, the ones shown on the contrib page none seem to make any difference.


I might have to try adding a product info template.


Maybe download the actual contrib patch, it just _may_ be slightly different than what is displayed on the contrib page ??



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You are using $sid , aren't you ?




Yes I am but I can't add it to the catmenu's form I tried changing the name of the form to incoprporate $sid and i've tried appending it to the values sent as GET in the form but haven't had good results. I'll elaborate if you want me to.

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I think you will find that osCid actually isn't being lost, it may not appear in the category menu because that is how osCommerce usually works.


After the cookie is set, you will no longer see the "osCid" in any links.


I'm using an (STS) site at present, no "osCid" in the links (expected), but the "osCid" is of course set in the cookies (what is expected).



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I think you will find that osCid actually isn't being lost, it may not appear in the category menu because that is how osCommerce usually works.


After the cookie is set, you will no longer see the "osCid" in any links.


I'm using an (STS) site at present, no "osCid" in the links (expected), but the "osCid" is of course set in the cookies (what is expected).





Thanks for replying. What I do find is this: If a user is logged in they will keep their cookie, and their osCid will successfully follow them from page to page as long as they click on links I have provided in the sts_template (all of those links I make sure to link with $sid at the end of course) except if they click on any link in the the $catmenu - bingo they lose the $sid and have to re-login to checkout for example. Please check out the site for yourself overhere (still in developement) Were can I see your site for your example?

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What I do find is this: If a user is logged in they will keep their cookie, and their osCid will successfully follow them from page to page as long as they click on links I have provided in the sts_template (all of those links I make sure to link with $sid at the end of course)


You don't need to add the session id, if the session is already registered (i.e. cookie), then the session id will usually not appear in links, this is how osCommerce works, so there is no need to append a session id, when osCommerce has already removed it, ....... for a good reason.


Here is what we usually setup in admin




Title Value

Session Directory /tmp

Force Cookie Use False

Check SSL Session ID False

Check User Agent False

Check IP Address False

Prevent Spider Sessions True

Recreate Session False


and we log sessions to the database.


... except if they click on any link in the the $catmenu - bingo they lose the $sid and have to re-login to checkout for example. Please check out the site for yourself overhere (still in developement).


If they are having to login, this set of osCommerce code:


	if (!tep_session_is_registered('customer_id')) {
	 tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_LOGIN, '', 'SSL'));


is used throughout, to indicate whether a login is needed, therefore (somehow), the "customer_id" session has become 'unregistered' , which is not usually how osCommerce works.


You could also possibly determine what the PHP setting for "session.use_trans_sid" is, because application_top.php does this .........


// disable use_trans_sid as tep_href_link() does this manually
 if (function_exists('ini_set')) @ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0);



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Have you applied this patch to version 2.01 ?


25 Aug 2004 - STS 2.01 Bug fixes


Have you tried the debugging option ?




Cheers :D now working... i'd missed out one update.


BUT i havent had chance to read all of the thread, but are the image popups meant to work by default? or do i have to include something with the $imagesmall ...

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Al little off topic but i have a question about the install. I have installed the STS, but i get the

Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file........
error now. When i installed the store i did not have this error. I had to goto the config file and change the chmod from 444 to 644 inorder to add the code to that file for the install of STS. Now when i go back and try and change the chmod back to 444 it will not keep and keeps applying 644 chmod to the file. Any sugestions on how to reslove this


Thank you

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I'm sure htis has been answered quite a bit.. But.. i'm using STS and my images won't enlarge when you click them. i downlaoded the 2.01 version.. none of my popup's seem to be wroking.. I saw there were some fixes on teh STS contrib page but not sure which one i need to do

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Al little off topic but i have a question about the install. I have installed the STS, but i get the  error now. When i installed the store i did not have this error. I had to goto the config file and change the chmod from 444 to 644 inorder to add the code to that file for the install of STS. Now when i go back and try and change the chmod back to 444 it will not keep and keeps applying 644 chmod to the file. Any sugestions on how to reslove this


Thank you



i am a bit confussed. i thought it was 777 to make changes and 644 to stop people from writing to it?

Edited by Joedy
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I'm sure htis has been answered quite a bit.. But.. i'm using STS and my images won't enlarge when you click them. i downlaoded the 2.01 version..  none of my popup's seem to be wroking.. I saw there were some fixes on teh STS contrib page but not sure which one i need to do



mine worked np at all. do you have a site to look at put the link up. another good contrib i used was the auto resizer it came in very handy

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I'm using STS, but I'm having a little problem: I've just finished setting up my shopping cart, but in "manufacturers" (which I call "artists", I'm selling CDs), it always send me to the index page, no matter which artist I choose.


I'm having the same trouble from the "artist Info, more products" links.


My site: www.costaqmusic.com


thank you.


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I'm using STS, but I'm having a little problem:  I've just finished setting up my shopping cart, but in "manufacturers" (which I call "artists", I'm selling CDs), it always send me to the index page, no matter which artist I choose.


Are you sure each product has a manufacturer assigned to it ?



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Al little off topic but i have a question about the install. I have installed the STS, but i get the  error now. When i installed the store i did not have this error. I had to goto the config file and change the chmod from 444 to 644 inorder to add the code to that file for the install of STS. Now when i go back and try and change the chmod back to 444 it will not keep and keeps applying 644 chmod to the file. Any sugestions on how to reslove this


If you were able to cmod the configure.php file to 444 beforehand and cannot now, delete the file, then upload it, then cmod to 444.



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