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[contribution] Simple Template System (sts)


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After a bit of help relating to $headcontent and headertags please. Searched everywhere I can think of but nothings coming up.


We've got AddThis on our product_info pages, but to work correctly with Facebook we need to add metatags into the header for the description and default thumbnail. Without STS it would be a simple case of adding this into the <head> section of /product_info_php


<link rel="image_src" href="<?php echo DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product_info['products_image']; ?>" />


But as I understand it, anything in the <head> tag gets wiped and overwritten by the contents of the product_info.php.html template. A bit more snooping led me to


$this->template['headcontent'] = $this->template['headcontent'].$this->template['headertags']. "\n"; ;


in classes/sts.php. My idea was if I could insert the data from product_info.php into ['headertags'] it would carry it across and appear in the rendered header. I got through /includes/modules/sts_inc/headertags.php into /includes/functions/header_tags.php before finding a wall of code and giving up.


Is there a simple way to pass vars from one file to the other?

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After a bit of help relating to $headcontent and headertags please. Searched everywhere I can think of but nothings coming up.


We've got AddThis on our product_info pages, but to work correctly with Facebook we need to add metatags into the header for the description and default thumbnail. Without STS it would be a simple case of adding this into the <head> section of /product_info_php


<link rel="image_src" href="<?php echo DIR_WS_IMAGES . $product_info['products_image']; ?>" />


But as I understand it, anything in the <head> tag gets wiped and overwritten by the contents of the product_info.php.html template. A bit more snooping led me to


$this->template['headcontent'] = $this->template['headcontent'].$this->template['headertags']. "\n"; ;


in classes/sts.php. My idea was if I could insert the data from product_info.php into ['headertags'] it would carry it across and appear in the rendered header. I got through /includes/modules/sts_inc/headertags.php into /includes/functions/header_tags.php before finding a wall of code and giving up.


Is there a simple way to pass vars from one file to the other?


Did you just simply try adding your code to the product_info.php file? STS will automatically pick it up and use it. Do you use a product info content template? If so, turn it off and then try.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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I can't figure out how to add the new products module back to my index.php page...


So I replaced the original index.php page files with a backup copy of the original and it still didn't show up (even after I changed the index.php_0.html $whatsnewbox to $content)


For some reason I thought $whatsnewbox used the new products module but it just uses the what's new box... obviously.


SO simply put I need help adding a $newproducts type of option to my STS.


I searched this thread for "new products" and "change new products" but came up with nothing. or came up with people trying to get rid of it.


I simply want it back and I want it to display specific amounts...


Can anyone at least point in the right direction or help me with a search term to use in forum....

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Can anyone at least point in the right direction or help me with a search term to use in forum....



If you replaced your modified index.php with a stock index.php and it still did not work, I would say either you did not use a stock index.php or a wrong index.php file or you have removed the actual new_products.php module file from includes/modules/new_products.php.


Here is a link to a thread in which I discuss how to REMOVE the new products for month box from the index.php file. You can use some reverse engineering to get yours back.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Good day,


Im having an small and simple question. Im using STS at my current site. (http://www.augus.nl/webdesign/Redmar/webshop/)

But how can I change the font-size... I tried every .css file there is in the oscommerce and STS directories but nothing helped. Any clue's?


Kind regards,



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I would like to add the manufacturer's logo to my product_info content. How do I create a placeholder in product_info.php say $manufacturerslogo. Can anyone help me out with these few lines of codes?


any help would be appreciated,

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Im wondering if there is a way to force a template theme to load once someones clicked on a link that directs them to that template?


Lets say i have a template called lite and another called heavy


default is setup as the default template on the site but i want to have a link to sts_template=lite on the page so people on slower connections can load this template and stay on the lite template on each page of the site as they progress thru it, unless they click on the link to go back to the heavy template


is there a way to do this?


currently it will load the first page with the different template and from then on it reverts back to the first template on any further pages.

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Good day,


Im having an small and simple question. Im using STS at my current site. (http://www.augus.nl/webdesign/Redmar/webshop/)

But how can I change the font-size... I tried every .css file there is in the oscommerce and STS directories but nothing helped. Any clue's?


Kind regards,




This IS controlled via your stylesheet unless you have a custom script installed that has the styles hard coded within the PHP coding. You should save yourself some time and use the built in Web Developers Tools within IE8 or Firefox. These tools will tell you what styles (if any) are being used for anything in your page.



Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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YES, the INFOBOX ADMIN contribution could be the culprit.


Notice that STS IS bringing in the infoboxes, it's just displaying them in the content area. Turn off the Infobox Admin contribution and test.


The latest version of that contribution combines the column_left/right.php files (not good). By the way, there really is no reason to use both Infobox Admin and the Infobox Template Feature together. You should choose one or the other. Both contributions are trying to do the same thing.


Note: You can still use STS, just you would need to turn off the Infobox Template feature in the STS Default Module in the Admin. You would also need to remove all of the infobox tags since Infobox Admin is controlling your right and left columns (you can't have both).


Is there any way to integrate admin infobox with STS - what I want is that if certain boxes are chose they show up - the others do not - and the ones showing up use the infobox template from the STS directory.

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Is there any way to integrate admin infobox with STS - what I want is that if certain boxes are chose they show up - the others do not - and the ones showing up use the infobox template from the STS directory.



Why would you need to install that when STS already provides a means to either display an infobox or not by simply placing the infobox variable in the template or leaving it out? It couldn't be any easier. blink.gif

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Why would you need to install that when STS already provides a means to either display an infobox or not by simply placing the infobox variable in the template or leaving it out? It couldn't be any easier. blink.gif


Well so that it's controllable via the admin panel - for people who shouldn't be messing with templates.

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Well so that it's controllable via the admin panel - for people who shouldn't be messing with templates.



Well, I guess it is a matter of opinion but if they can't handle placing a $infobox_somebox variable into a template then I wouldn't be real confident about them fiddling around in the admin.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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further to my warning problem (config.php permissions)...


i've now had time to relook at all this, and i've narrowed it down to being includes/header.php.


i can upload everything except this file and there's no problems at all, but as soon as i upload header.php and refresh the page, i'm getting that error.

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hmmm - my header.php from the servers automatic install doesn't have the error output on the check for if the config file is writeable, it has a chmod instruction instead (to sett to 0400). I'm guessing there's some kind of issue with the server setup so it appears to be writeable - it isn't, as the permissions are 0600, but there must be a reason there's no check in there.

Edited by mattstewart1979
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further to my warning problem (config.php permissions)...


i've now had time to relook at all this, and i've narrowed it down to being includes/header.php.


i can upload everything except this file and there's no problems at all, but as soon as i upload header.php and refresh the page, i'm getting that error.



This is not a STS issue. Please post in the proper support thread. Thanks.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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hmmm - my header.php from the servers automatic install doesn't have the error output on the check for if the config file is writeable, it has a chmod instruction instead (to sett to 0400). I'm guessing there's some kind of issue with the server setup so it appears to be writeable - it isn't, as the permissions are 0600, but there must be a reason there's no check in there.



This is not a STS issue. Please post in the proper support thread. Thanks.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Ok guys....I have downloaded and installed the STS4 contribution...now I'm working to make sense of it. I unzipped the contribution and found no files called full or test that are described. Am I missing something...I'm a bit buggy eyed :blink: at this point so I need some help. I'm a beginner in PHP and coding so be gentle.



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Ok guys....I have downloaded and installed the STS4 contribution...now I'm working to make sense of it. I unzipped the contribution and found no files called full or test that are described. Am I missing something...I'm a bit buggy eyed blink.gif at this point so I need some help. I'm a beginner in PHP and coding so be gentle.




The STS User Manual explains each of the "sample" template sets that came with the contribution STSv4.6. The documents explain how to install and if needed, how to change the default configuration (optional).

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Well, I guess it is a matter of opinion but if they can't handle placing a $infobox_somebox variable into a template then I wouldn't be real confident about them fiddling around in the admin.


Right, I'm not arguing with you, but am just wondering how to get the admin infobox contribution to integrate with STS so both are there.

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This is an amazing modification, thanks so much!


I have one question. I've been reading through the thread, but it's pretty long (haha). I was wondering if there was some add-on or a way to add on a "template" tab in the admin panel to avoid the FTP transfers required to insert new templates. I guess a way to implement an additional tab in the admin area to just paste the coded html and have it work that way.



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This is an amazing modification, thanks so much!


I have one question. I've been reading through the thread, but it's pretty long (haha). I was wondering if there was some add-on or a way to add on a "template" tab in the admin panel to avoid the FTP transfers required to insert new templates. I guess a way to implement an additional tab in the admin area to just paste the coded html and have it work that way.



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This is an amazing modification, thanks so much!


I have one question. I've been reading through the thread, but it's pretty long (haha). I was wondering if there was some add-on or a way to add on a "template" tab in the admin panel to avoid the FTP transfers required to insert new templates. I guess a way to implement an additional tab in the admin area to just paste the coded html and have it work that way.





At the moment, FTP transfers is the best method as there are plenty of folders and files associated with a template set.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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I want to create a template for the review pages (product_reviews.php, product_reviews_info.php) but I am unsure on how to go about this and I've searched and found some info but not 100% clear on what I need to do.


What I want to be able to do is to create a content template for the two above files. I like the layout I have in the sts_template.html and I just want to create content templates much like you create a content template for product_info.php.html.


I thought all you had to do was to create the product_reviews.php.html and product_reviews_info.php.html files and put them into the sts_templates/mytemplate/content/ directory. But this doesn't work.


Can it be done this way? What am I missing?



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Hi, does anyone know what I need to change to have the products list with multiple products per row, instead of one per row? Please reply soon, thanks.



You will need to install another contribution:


Product Listing in Columns

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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