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[contribution] Simple Template System (sts)


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Ok, thank you for your patience AND assistance George.


As it turns out, I discovered the reason for my initial failure at this.

I stumbled across it as I was implementing your suggestions.


I had another Jscript in my <head> that was conflicting with Shadowbox.


By putting the Shadowbox init BELOW the existing script, everything worked.


So, on that, I reverted back to my original installation and all is good.


So….long story short, here’s what I did.


Download contribution 5852, (Shadowbox Product_Info/Product Description Functionality)


I used the src files and ignored the instructions for product_info etc.


All I wanted were the source codes.

I have no idea what the differences are between these and the Build 3.0 versions from the shadowbox site but file size differences are huge.

When I have time I’ll do a file compare but for now, I’m happy to leave well enough alone and get on with other work.


So, instructions to have SB in STS are as follows.


From contribution 5852, copy the src directory to your template folder in its entirety.

Copy the flvplayer file to the root of your template directory if you plan to use SB for flash files. (I believe that is its purpose)


In the head of your template file, whether sts_template.html or index.php.html or any other, copy the following………..


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$templatedir/src/css/shadowbox.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="$templatedir/src/js/lib/yui-utilities.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$templatedir/src/js/adapter/shadowbox-yui.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$templatedir/src/js/shadowbox.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){


The link code I used to open another site was ……


<a rel="shadowbox;width=850;" class="headerNavigation" title="Whatever You want" href="http://www.domain.com/">LINK</a>

Class obviously is specific to your site.


I found no need to alter the page type in either index.php (The osc file) or index-php.html

Below works

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

However, if you have issues with ie7, use

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">

I did use it.

Just to be safe


I think that’s it.

The contribution has instructions for using SB in product_info if you wish.

Not sure how it would work with a content template.


Only one issue I can see after testing in IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari and Chrome.(all current versions)

In IE7 (Some versions only) and IE8, (It happens with me and I’m using IE8 8.0.6001.18702) the SB will open at the top of the window, not the viewing port.

So if the link is at the top of your viewing port after scrolling down the page, and you open SB, you have to scroll back up to see it.

In all other browsers, it opens in the centre of the viewing port.


I found a supposed fix in the SB forum but I’ll be buggered if I understand it.

Maybe someone else can explain it.


I repeat it here exactly as written


Try this temporary hack on shadowbox.css, this worked for me on ie8, ie7 tester, ie6 tester, firefox 3.5 and chrome but I had not tested it yet in other OS


Right after body>#sb-container{position:fixed;} place:




If that does not work try with:



Now, only thing left for me on this job is work out how to have 2 scripts on the one page so they don't conflict.


Here's what I have at present.


<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$templatedir/stylesheet.css">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$templatedir/gallerystyle.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="$templatedir/js/motiongallery.js">

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="$templatedir/src/css/shadowbox.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="$templatedir/src/js/lib/yui-utilities.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$templatedir/src/js/adapter/shadowbox-yui.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="$templatedir/src/js/shadowbox.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){


Only the last one will work, regardless of which script that is.

Any ideas?

Edited by MDBA
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I'd like to know if it's possible with STS to have the the contents (name, description, price, attributes, buy button) of multiple items on one page?




EDIT: WOAH, SORRY FOR TRIPLE POST, I GOT AN 'INTERNAL SERVER ERROR 500'...I didn't think it went through because of the error and I hit the submit button twice more..

Edited by theoiks
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Hi All ,

I am an OsCommerce Noob . But know my way around a keyboard so to say .


One Problem I am having is , I use Dreamweaver for most of my HTML creation and have set up a WAMP testing

server on my PC , and although I have this working fine on my Domain Server ( Just Host ) with the STS

(Pictured Below)




On my testing server

I get the standard oscommerce template which comes with OsCommerce

(Pictured Below)




I have downloaded the database and my whole public_html folder off my real server and placed it in the necessary areas on my PC.

OsCommerce runs fine on my testing server everywhere i go ( ie :- http://localhost/index.php , http://localhost/advanced_search.php? etc etc )

But wont show me the STS template


( As this is a mirrored image of my webserver , Yes I have set everything up in the Admin Panel ie:- Turned the STS on etc etc )


Anyone have any ideas as to why the STS will run on my hosted server but not on my Local PC Wamp Server .

As I said , Hosted server works fine , Backed it up exactly as it was there , downloaded it and used that for my local server files and database .

Everything works fine , just won't use the template from STS for some reason .


Been struggling with this for days now , HELP :)


(My host uses php 5.2.1 and wamp uses 5.3 <---- In case that could cause it but I wouldnt think so )

This is a fresh install with only the SPPC contrib added ( Which was added first then STS )

Edited by ismadman
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hi guys


wondered if anyone else has had this problem.......


i installed STS for the first time, everything seems to be okay. im running v2.2 RC2.


i went into modules to activate/install STS in the admin console, but when clicking 'install' nothing happens.


when i check index, popup image, and product info, i can remove or edit all of them.


i just dont get it. any ideas?



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hi guys


wondered if anyone else has had this problem.......


i installed STS for the first time, everything seems to be okay. im running v2.2 RC2.


i went into modules to activate/install STS in the admin console, but when clicking 'install' nothing happens.


when i check index, popup image, and product info, i can remove or edit all of them.


i just dont get it. any ideas?



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i went into modules to activate/install STS in the admin console, but when clicking 'install' nothing happens.

when i check index, popup image, and product info, i can remove or edit all of them.



I don't know what exactly you expect to happen.


What you need to have is, 4 options (default - index - popup image - product info) and on the right for each option the buttons "edit" and "remove" and some information. Clicking on "edit" you can do your setup according to instructions.


If you have the above mentioned, then nothing else to expect :)

Edited by multimixer
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hi guys


wondered if anyone else has had this problem.......


i installed STS for the first time, everything seems to be okay. im running v2.2 RC2.


i went into modules to activate/install STS in the admin console, but when clicking 'install' nothing happens.


when i check index, popup image, and product info, i can remove or edit all of them.


i just dont get it. any ideas?




This is an "OLD" bug from osCommerce version 060817 and should not be existant in any of ther RC versions unless you tried installing an old contribution other than STS. osCommerce RC2a and STS would not have this issue. thumbsup.gif

You can look in the STS download page for a "fix" to the osCommerce but for those who happen to be using the older version of osCommerce. I uploaded it into the STS download site even though it has nothing to do with STS because so many users were having issues with the older version of osC.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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I have been validating my site and have it down to only 3 errors but need some assistance.

I have a RCR2a shop with HTC SEO and STS 4.5.8 in the validation process I get the following 3 errors.



Error  Line 61, Column 350: end tag for element "A" which is not open…ass="headerNavigation">My Account</a> | <a href=http://www.mysite.com/shoppi..



Line 61, Column 444: end tag for element "A" which is not open…="headerNavigation">Cart Contents</a> | <a href=http://www.mysite.com/checko..



Line 61, Column 537: end tag for element "A" which is not open…class="headerNavigation">Checkout</a>


All 3 errors are related to the way the place holders in STS are handled for $myaccountlogoff $cartcontents $checkout , when I place direct links to the php files instead of the place holders it validates, however things like "logoff account" are lost. I'm sure there must be a fix in the php files to return the desired formating for the html just not sure where to look.


Here is a snipet of what does validate but as mentioned some things like logoff account dont show.


<td align="right" class="headerNavigation"><a href="another_file.php" class="headerNavigation">Another File</a> | <a href="another_file.php" class="headerNavigation">Another File</a> | <a href="another_file.php" class="headerNavigation">Another File</a> | <a href="account.php" class="headerNavigation">My Account</a> | <a href="shopping_cart.php" class="headerNavigation">Cart Contents</a> | <a href="checkout_shipping.php" class="headerNavigation">Checkout</a> </td>


Any help is greatly appreciated.

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I have been validating my site and have it down to only 3 errors but need some assistance.

I have a RCR2a shop with HTC SEO and STS 4.5.8 in the validation process I get the following 3 errors.



Error  Line 61, Column 350: end tag for element "A" which is not open
…ass="headerNavigation">My Account</a> | <a href=http://www.mysite.com/shoppi..



Line 61, Column 444: end tag for element "A" which is not open
…="headerNavigation">Cart Contents</a> | <a href=http://www.mysite.com/checko..



Line 61, Column 537: end tag for element "A" which is not open


All 3 errors are related to the way the place holders in STS are handled for $myaccountlogoff $cartcontents $checkout , when I place direct links to the php files instead of the place holders it validates, however things like "logoff account" are lost. I'm sure there must be a fix in the php files to return the desired formating for the html just not sure where to look.


Here is a snipet of what does validate but as mentioned some things like logoff account dont show.


<td align="right" class="headerNavigation"><a href="another_file.php" class="headerNavigation">Another File</a> | <a href="another_file.php" class="headerNavigation">Another File</a> | <a href="another_file.php" class="headerNavigation">Another File</a> | <a href="account.php" class="headerNavigation">My Account</a> | <a href="shopping_cart.php" class="headerNavigation">Cart Contents</a> | <a href="checkout_shipping.php" class="headerNavigation">Checkout</a> </td>


Any help is greatly appreciated.

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I have been validating my site and have it down to only 3 errors but need some assistance.

I have a RCR2a shop with HTC SEO and STS 4.5.8 in the validation process I get the following 3 errors.



Error  Line 61, Column 350: end tag for element "A" which is not open
…ass="headerNavigation">My Account</a> | <a href=http://www.mysite.com/shoppi..



Line 61, Column 444: end tag for element "A" which is not open
…="headerNavigation">Cart Contents</a> | <a href=http://www.mysite.com/checko..



Line 61, Column 537: end tag for element "A" which is not open


All 3 errors are related to the way the place holders in STS are handled for $myaccountlogoff $cartcontents $checkout , when I place direct links to the php files instead of the place holders it validates, however things like "logoff account" are lost. I'm sure there must be a fix in the php files to return the desired formating for the html just not sure where to look.


Here is a snipet of what does validate but as mentioned some things like logoff account dont show.


<td align="right" class="headerNavigation"><a href="another_file.php" class="headerNavigation">Another File</a> | <a href="another_file.php" class="headerNavigation">Another File</a> | <a href="another_file.php" class="headerNavigation">Another File</a> | <a href="account.php" class="headerNavigation">My Account</a> | <a href="shopping_cart.php" class="headerNavigation">Cart Contents</a> | <a href="checkout_shipping.php" class="headerNavigation">Checkout</a> </td>


Any help is greatly appreciated.

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I realize the quotes are missing, STS uses place holders for the 3 pages, when rendered the links(that pull from the respective files)are missing the quotes, I need to find what files sts pulls for the template place holders and then what line to change in each file so when sts pulls the pages it shows the quotes.

This has to be a fairly common problem as I assume every osc site will have it, and is now the only thing holding up 100% w3c validation of my osc site..almost there...

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I realize the quotes are missing, STS uses place holders for the 3 pages, when rendered the links(that pull from the respective files)are missing the quotes, I need to find what files sts pulls for the template place holders and then what line to change in each file so when sts pulls the pages it shows the quotes.

This has to be a fairly common problem as I assume every osc site will have it, and is now the only thing holding up 100% w3c validation of my osc site..almost there...



The $myaccountlogoff variable is defined in the following script:





If customer is logged in: text link to the My Account page followed by a separator and then by a text link to the logoff page. Same as $myaccount | $logoff


If customer is not logged in: same as $myaccount.

Use SSL if available.


Created in: includes/modules/sts_inc/general.php

Possible use: text link in header.

See also: $myaccount , $logoff .

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Hi All,


Can someone please help me with the current version of STS template 4.5.9 please? I just installed the version and was messing with the product info page template and i am having some problems. I am trying to make templates for specific items in a category and it seems that i can't get it to work. I can only seem to make a template for the whole category but not specific items in the category. for a link like product_info.php?cPath=1_8&products_id=25 I would try to name the file product_info.php_c1_8_25. This would not work and if i only put product_info.php_c1_8 then i would be able to get the whole subcategory 8 in category 1 to use my template. Please let me know if i am doing anything wrong because i really want to find out how to apply the template to one specific item and not just the whole category. Thank you in advance for all the help guys!

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Hi All,


Can someone please help me with the current version of STS template 4.5.9 please? I just installed the version and was messing with the product info page template and i am having some problems. I am trying to make templates for specific items in a category and it seems that i can't get it to work. I can only seem to make a template for the whole category but not specific items in the category. for a link like product_info.php?cPath=1_8&products_id=25 I would try to name the file product_info.php_c1_8_25. This would not work and if i only put product_info.php_c1_8 then i would be able to get the whole subcategory 8 in category 1 to use my template. Please let me know if i am doing anything wrong because i really want to find out how to apply the template to one specific item and not just the whole category. Thank you in advance for all the help guys!

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Hi All,


Can someone please help me with the current version of STS template 4.5.9 please? I just installed the version and was messing with the product info page template and i am having some problems. I am trying to make templates for specific items in a category and it seems that i can't get it to work. I can only seem to make a template for the whole category but not specific items in the category. for a link like product_info.php?cPath=1_8&products_id=25 I would try to name the file product_info.php_c1_8_25. This would not work and if i only put product_info.php_c1_8 then i would be able to get the whole subcategory 8 in category 1 to use my template. Please let me know if i am doing anything wrong because i really want to find out how to apply the template to one specific item and not just the whole category. Thank you in advance for all the help guys!

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Hi All,


Can someone please help me with the current version of STS template 4.5.9 please? I just installed the version and was messing with the product info page template and i am having some problems. I am trying to make templates for specific items in a category and it seems that i can't get it to work. I can only seem to make a template for the whole category but not specific items in the category. for a link like product_info.php?cPath=1_8&products_id=25 I would try to name the file product_info.php_c1_8_25. This would not work and if i only put product_info.php_c1_8 then i would be able to get the whole subcategory 8 in category 1 to use my template. Please let me know if i am doing anything wrong because i really want to find out how to apply the template to one specific item and not just the whole category. Thank you in advance for all the help guys!


I would suggest that you take version 4.5.8 instead of 4.5.9 for 2 reasons

1) The only regularly supported version is 4.5.8, by it's author. The author of 4.5.9 appears very rarely if ever.

2) A new version of STS, version 4.6 is coming soon, and it will be based on 4.5.8. I don't know how easy or difficult it will be to change to 4.6 if having version 4.5.9 installed, since I don't know what was changed exactly in there


To your particular issue, tat is not related to the version you use (hope so):

You name the template you want to do not correctly. The name should be product_info.php_23.html and the file placed into the content folder of your templates directory. Please see this post here, that describes exactly how to name your STS templates

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Thanks Bill


The $myaccountlogoff variable is defined in the following script:


If customer is logged in: text link to the My Account page followed by a separator and then by a text link to the logoff page. Same as $myaccount | $logoff

If customer is not logged in: same as $myaccount.
Use SSL if available.

Created in: includes/modules/sts_inc/general.php
Possible use: text link in header. 
See also: $myaccount , $logoff . 


So where exactly would I need to make changes to have the quotes added to the rendered web page for example now for "my account", "cart contents" and "check out" the final web page source shows

<a href=http://www.mysite.com/account.php class="headerNavigation">My Account</a> | <a href=http://www.mysite.com/shopping_cart.php class="headerNavigation">Cart Contents</a> | <a href=http://www.mysite.com/checkout_shipping.php class="headerNavigation">Checkout</a> 

without the quotes and will not validate, if I can find the exact location in the general.php to make the script add the quotes I'm all set : )

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I have upgraded an STS template module for a client from an earlier version to v4.5.8 and have a strange issue where in the $footer tag that previously worked no longer loads and instead it simply just says $footer in the page


the footer.php file has the necessary code added to it to load and the application_bottom.php page load time is displayed under the $footer tag on the page


anyone have any ideas as to the cause of this?

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I have upgraded an STS template module for a client from an earlier version to v4.5.8 and have a strange issue where in the $footer tag that previously worked no longer loads and instead it simply just says $footer in the page


the footer.php file has the necessary code added to it to load and the application_bottom.php page load time is displayed under the $footer tag on the page


anyone have any ideas as to the cause of this?

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