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Worldpay support III


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I have installed the worldpay 4.0 v 1.4 module, followed the instrunction. Ive got up to where i have to go to admin and click the Green Button to activate, but i get the following error


Warning: call_user_func() expects first argument, 'tep_get_order_status_name', to be a valid callback in /homepages/37/d71334475/htdocs/store/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 1253



Can someone help please.



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I have tried v1.4, the order info gets passed to worldpay fine but OAC MS2.2 doesn't mark the order as payed. I hope the new version comes soon to work with MS2.2 as its the only thing really holding me back from a lauching OSC on my site.


P.S. All the work everyone has done to make OSC what it is a will be kicks ass :D I wish I wasn't so new to PHP.

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Hi All,


i have just finished ready all the threads and i don't think that this question has been asked or covered.


Is it possible for worldpay to store the customers order number, as when i view my statements it shows the Cart ID = osCsid=some big long string but no order number.


The cart ID is also sent out as the reference to the customer, is it possible to change this to the order number?





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I recall looking at the CartID field a while back - I think that oscommerce only generates the order number after payment is successful, so it seems impossible.


I orginally included the customer's name in the cartid field because I thought the oscsid was useless info.


I want to actually try do something with the product info in the cartid using the product codes, to generate something like this:


"1xAB;2xGGHHS" so you can easily see via worldpay what the order was if you don't get it in osc.. but haven't found a way to do it yet.


Might be a nice idea for the clever people :)

Graeme Simms.

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how did you go about including the customers name in the Cat ID field?


In catalog/includes/modules/payment/worldpay.php


Look for the line similar to this with cartid in it and change it to this


tep_draw_hidden_field('cartId', STORE_NAME.' : '.$order->customer['firstname'].' '.$order->customer['lastname'])

Graeme Simms.

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Hi ambience


cheers for the quick reply :)


The only line i have which slightly resembles that is


// Send URL and session name - contributed by Nick Vermeulen 08 Feb, 2003

tep_draw_hidden_field('cartId', $worldpay_url ) .


That is the only line beginning with "tep_draw_hidden_field('cartId'", in fact that is the only time that cartId appears


Is this the right one?


btw, I am using $Id: worldpay.php,v MS1a 2003/04/06 21:30


thanks again



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Sorry to trouble once more ambience,


i have only been learning php since installing osc a couple of months ago. If i wanted to record the customer ID number as well, is this how it would appear?


tep_draw_hidden_field('cartId', STORE_NAME.' : '.order->customer_id.' '.$order->customer['firstname'].' '.$order->customer['lastname']) .


thanks for your help



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Sorry to trouble once more ambience


You're thinking about it the right way.. the key to understanding what is happening is to look in the order.php file in classes. That's going to show you how it gets and puts information into that order variable / class.. which is how you can say order->customer etc..


Where you're wrong with the code is that the customer_id field isn't part of the order class - you will see it's missing from the order.php file.


The customer_id field is stored in a global variable on it's own so it's a simple case of calling it directly:


tep_draw_hidden_field('cartId', STORE_NAME.' : '.$customer_id.' - '.$order->customer['firstname'].' '.$order->customer['lastname'])


Sure you can work out how that will turn out...


StoreName : CustNum - First Last


I'm a beginner myself so I stand to be corrected on my thinking, but that solves the problem



Graeme Simms.

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Glad it worked! Don't thank me dude; just help someone else out via forums if you can.. I've been helped countless times, just trying to give some back.


Just had a thought for the cartid field by the way! I think the order number in oscomerce is auto-incremented when new orders are placed. So if your last order number was 45, you could safely assume your next order number would be 46..


With that thinking, you could retrieve the last known order number in the database, add 1 to it, and send that as your cartid field to worldpay with the assumption that if the order is successful the order number should match up..


The only case where this would not theoretically work, was if two orders are placed at the same time and one customer is faster than another one during payment.


A places order, redirects to WP.

B places order, redirects to WP.

B completes order, success

A completes order, success.


In this case the order numbers would be swopped around..


Not sure how to go about doing this yet; will investigate much later today. If you're bored, try it out :)

Graeme Simms.

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I've just upgrade the oscommerce form 2.1 to 2.2-MS2 and change the WorldPay module to 4.0. I've already setup the module and WorldPay Admin page as said in the install.txt. However, Worldpay payment page can't return to my cart after the test payment is made or cancel the payment.


Can anybody help? Thanks in advance!

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  • 2 weeks later...

They set me live on the new system today and immediately I got a customer compaining about a timeout. On switching to test mode and checking, the same thing happened to me. I then refreshed the screen and the tranasction went through OK.

Afaik the problem is with Worldpay not with the module in osC.

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The timeout problem appears to relate to Netscape 7 under XP and Worldpay. I gather it occurs when transferring to Worldpay (using MS1) . There is no problem when using I.E. Let me know if your customers experence anything similar. I am going to try in under Windows 98

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I received this email today .... I wonder how this is going to affect this contribution??




9 October, 2003


Major Systems Upgrade


Dear Customer,



WorldPay is planning a major upgrade of our technical systems at the end of this month. The upgrade will bring us considerable gains in terms of performance, scalability, and resilience.


What will I have to do?

Due to the size and nature of the upgrade, your business may need to make some limited changes to ensure you remain connected to WorldPay's systems. Regrettably, there will also be some service downtime during the upgrade itself, though this will be scheduled for a period of minimal activity.


Further information?

Don't contact us now. We will email you again on 14 October, 2003 with all the information you need to prepare for the upgrade.

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Apart from Spacetrader am I the only person receiving no order email as either the shop owner or the customer when using the Worldpay module?

Also how do you get from the Worlpay payment screen back to your own website?





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I received this email today .... I wonder how this is going to affect this contribution??




9 October, 2003


Major Systems Upgrade


Dear Customer,



WorldPay is planning a major upgrade of our technical systems at the end of this month. The upgrade will bring us considerable gains in terms of performance, scalability, and resilience.


What will I have to do?

Due to the size and nature of the upgrade, your business may need to make some limited changes to ensure you remain connected to WorldPay's systems. Regrettably, there will also be some service downtime during the upgrade itself, though this will be scheduled for a period of minimal activity.


Further information?

Don't contact us now. We will email you again on 14 October, 2003 with all the information you need to prepare for the upgrade.

This is from worldpay faqs regarding the imminent upgrade:


Technical Section

Note: this section is only relevant to:


customers whose storebuilder is not listed above, 

customers who do not use a storebuilder, and whose integration is bespoke (custom) 

The IP address ranges of the WorldPay servers which provide Call-backs will change as part of our upgrade. The IP address ranges will change from:


to and also


Ask your technical integrator (who might be your Storebuilder (if it is not listed above), your web developer, a web design agency or a technical subcontractor) to determine if the scripts or other processes you use to handle Call-backs rely on IP addresses. If this is the case, you should


Not remove the old IP address range until after the upgrade 

Include the new IP address ranges above 

You should note, however, that as part of our ongoing programme of improvements to your WorldPay service, it service it may be necessary for us to change IP addresses in the future. You should therefore consider removing any dependency on specific addresses from your Callback processing. If you are currently checking the IP address to ensure that the Callback originates from WorldPay, we recommend that you consider Callback password functionality as an alternative security measure. For more information on Callback password functionality, see  http://support.worldpay.com/kb/reference/f...lback_faqs.html. 


I have looked through the Worldpay files and cannot see anything remotely to do with IP addresses so can we assume that we don't need to change anything??


Just one question, if it doesn't use IP addresses and it doesn't use Callback pasword, how does it ensure that the Callback originates from WorldPay?

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The new upgrade to Worldpay systems should not affect the WP module here.


The Worldpay module works 100% in MS1 and MS2 (I have it working in both)


It doesnt use hard coded IP addresses anywhere or a callback password - so it doesnt check if the callback originates from Worldpay. If someone wants to write that, then feel free - I cross match every transaction with Worldpay to ensure the payment was successful or not, so dont feel its needed.



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