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Worldpay support III


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Does anyone have any idea how you can add the worldpay transaction ID to the orderform so that it was displayed with the rest of the order information in the oscommerce admin area for orders? :huh: At present we have to check for orders, then check our email accounts and then log in to worldpay to view them.


It would be great :D to have the transaction ID there on the order form and just log onto worldpay to view them rather than having to check through our emails. :angry: Thanks in advance for any help.





Kind regards Joanna

Half your problems aren't problems at all and the other half are only half as bad as you think they are :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't get worldpay to work correctly. The redirect/callback from worldpay to my store does not work, worldpay does not even try to get me back to my store. And, of course, the order is never registered in osC.


1, Does callback work in test mode?


2, I'm using STS. I have tried with the fix in sts_display_output.php without luck..


I've seen that some of you have managed to get worldpay to work with STS. But is this really an STS issue since Worldpay never tries to redirect me back to my shop?

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When looking in the source code in checkout_confirmation.php I noticed something strange;


<input type="hidden" name="MC_callback" value="?language=en">


What have i missed? Please help me, the store should have been live weeks ago.

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When looking in the source code in checkout_confirmation.php I noticed something strange;


<input type="hidden" name="MC_callback" value="?language=en">


What have i missed? Please help me, the store should have been live weeks ago.



Have you put the worldpay.php script in your catalog?



Half your problems aren't problems at all and the other half are only half as bad as you think they are :)

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I have sent you an email with instructions  :D

Kind regards Joanna


Okay Fredrik


I tried to send you an email with the files, but your email address doesn't exist so here are the instructions. If you give me your address I'll send you thefiles.



Kind regards Joanna


Hi Fredrik


I have attached all the files you need : )


Try this:



1. Place the wpcallback.php script in your main catalog folder.


2. Place the wpcallback_1.php script in catalog/includes/languages/english or any other language folders you may have. Rename the PHP page wpcallback.php and take out the "_1" as I couldn't email you two files the same to avoid confusion.


3. Add the payment module for world pay into catalog/includes/languages/english/modules/payment and any other payment folders for other languages that you have using this contribution: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...search,worldpay


4. Set it to test mode and add the callback address into your worldpay configuration settings in your worldpay account: https://<wpdisplay item="MC_callback">


5. Test it out and see what happens, if it doesn't redirect to your site but you get a confirmation email for your test sale you may need to specify the return page in the worldpay page resulty.html but I would refer to the worldpay installation guide for advice.


I hope this helps.

Half your problems aren't problems at all and the other half are only half as bad as you think they are :)

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Hi Joanna,


Thanks for the instructions. I've done exactly like that earlier, no file is missing and the callback address in worldpay admin is set to https://<wpdisplay item="MC_callback"> since I use SSL. I also tried https://mydomain.com/wpcallback.php as callback address but that didn't helped. Worldpay isn't even trying to redirect me somewhere on the 'thank you page'.


It doesn't redirect to my site but I get a confirmation email from Worldpay. Since I'm not redirected the order never shows up in admin and I never recieve any email from my store.

Edited by Fredrik.r
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I've noticed that the callback in the worldpay form in checkout_confirmation.php seems to be empty?


input type="hidden" name="MC_callback" value="?language=en"


I've modified worldpay.php according to the 'Fix for https callback problem' since our server use SSL, but the callback was not even working before we installed SSL and 'Fix for https callback problem'.


Could someone please look in their store what the value should be?

Does someone know why there is no value?

I've gone thru the installation steps several times.

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Hi Fredrik


It sounds as if you need to specify the callback page. I think you need to give Worldpay technical support a ring. Explain your using oscommerce and the files you have in place, they can look at your domain and explain where you may be going wrong. I think you may need to upload or alter your resultY.html page in the configuration set up within your worlpay account. Hope that helps ;)




Kind regards Joanna

Half your problems aren't problems at all and the other half are only half as bad as you think they are :)

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Just wondered if you have added this line at the end of your files.php in includes, may help:


define('FILENAME_WPCALLBACK', 'wpcallback.php');?>


Regards Joanna

Half your problems aren't problems at all and the other half are only half as bad as you think they are :)

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Just wondered if you have added this line at the end of your files.php in includes, may help:


define('FILENAME_WPCALLBACK', 'wpcallback.php');?>


Regards Joanna



Sorry filenames.php add define('FILENAME_WPCALLBACK', 'wpcallback.php');?> at the end :thumbsup:

Half your problems aren't problems at all and the other half are only half as bad as you think they are :)

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When I changed https to http in worldpay.php the form was given the right path in checkout_confirmation.php but worldpay won't even try to redirect me back to my store.


I have a conversation going on with worldpay but still no solution.

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Do you want me to change http back to https since our server use ssl? When using http in worldpay.php and worldpay admin the callback path shows in checkout_confirmation.php. When using https it is blank. Neither works though.


Is it important to use the right https domain for cookies in configure.php?

Edited by Fredrik.r
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Hi All


My Worldpay has been working fine, but now it doesn't update my orders when it callsback. I've put it into test mode and tried everything. It registers me on the website, payment gets accepted, redirects me back to the Worldpay confirmation, then goes to the home page, I think this is supposed to go to checkout success to add it to my orders? Any ideas please.





ps: i still have the update, processing and delivered parts in the orders sql as pointed out in Gary Burtons update of late last year.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am trying to remove the STS template from wpcallback.php but my template still shows after adding the code below in sts_display_output.php and wpcallback.php. I've tried several solutions I've found here on the forum but none of them works.. just an empty template and no order showing up in admin. Isn't that strange?



In sts_display_output.php


if(isset($notemplate) && $notemplate == "YES") {

$display_template_output = 0;

$display_normal_output = 1;




In wpcallback.php


$notemplate = "YES";

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did anybody solve the problem being sent back to login?


From here I worked out how to drop the language=en

how to ignore sts so the right info is shown


so customer pays, is sent to the right call back page.

the operation is shown as a success


then falls over because custoerm has to log back in.


Is it a cookie / session issue?


url: www.aquility.com

worldpay is in test mode


using sts, guest login (problem same when not guest)


any ideas gratefully recieved




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Dear Friends,


I'm struggeling too with the WP module. All is working 100% except I am getting the following error message on the wpcallback.php page :


Warning: session_start(): The session id contains invalid characters, valid characters are only a-z, A-Z and 0-9 in /usr/www/users/amrit/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 67


Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /usr/www/users/amrit/includes/functions/sessions.php:67) in /usr/www/users/amrit/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 67


Besides this message, it seems to work fine. The shoppper gets the confimation mail, the payment gets processed and the order goes into the database.


You can test my site at:




(WP is setup in Test mode)


If anyone can help I would be most most greatful.


Thank you,




PS: You can mail me directly on martin AT kalkbay.co.za if need be.

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This is the problem to focus on:


Warning: session_start(): The session id contains invalid characters, valid characters are only a-z, A-Z and 0-9 in /usr/www/users/amrit/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 67


I think there's a setting in the web-based admin that says 'What do you want to name your session ID?'. Go there and make sure there are no spaces or other weirdness in it.


Either that or check your install of PHP and its default session ID.


Hope that gives you a clue.

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