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I think its time for Worldpay Support the IIIrd !!!


I've just started with an MS2 upgrade, will be upgrading the Worldpay module to support MS2 and incorporating the various additions, etc suggested in the last 2 posts.


All requests for support should now be posted here (if your new to Worldpay, please read the last posts - All the problems with the worldpay module have been answered in these posts)


So, in summary, this new thread is for MS2 and the forthcoming MS2 release.



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Do you know if there is anything existing users of the Worldpay module need to do about the changes to the Worldpay system that are taking place very soon?


I have just installed MS2 and this Worldpay modula, it seems to be working fine.


I have a few other websites with different shopping cart software, some are static HTML sites. I designed the following resultY.html page so that the customers will be directed back to the websites they have made order, and they will not have to wait to see Worldpay's banner either. Can anybody tell if this will work?



<body onLoad=this.document.returnForm.submit()>

<form name='returnForm' action=http://<WPDISPLAY Item=WC_callbackPRE="'" POST="'"> >


Item=WC_callbackPRE="'" POST="'"> >










If this works then I really not sure how many more variables should be passed back to the Worldpay Modula? can any body help??


As far as I am aware, users of MS1 and later, who are using my contribution, should not need to make any changes. The changes will affect those users who are using the redirect contribution from before. I stand to be corrected, but thats my understanding as of now.




Sorry for being hush. I read more and realise your previous version does just what I have asked before.


I can say that this version of Worldpay modula seems to be working fine with MS2 that I have just installed.




I have just installed the latest WP contribution (Worldpay V4.0 Version 1.4) to osC 2.2 MS2 as per installation instructions provided. Unfortunately when in Payment module page of the admin CP there is no sign of WorldPay payment module at all. Any advice on this is greatly appreciated.


Many thanks in advance




Please ignore the post above. I found out that the problem was due to uploading of files in a wrong format. They were being uploaded in Binary instead of ASCII.

The changes will affect those users who are using the redirect contribution from before. I stand to be corrected, but thats my understanding as of now.


Yikes! :o :o :o I am using the old re-direct and it works fine so I'm very alarmed to hear it will cease to work with the upgrade on the 1st October...


Thing is, I'm using a OsCommerce snapshot from October last year and I just cannot upgrade to the latest version due to the sites extensive hacks...


Would it be too hard to modify the latest Worldpay payment code (both normal and pre-auth) to work with older versions of Oscommerce?




I have an older version of OSC, Snapshot 08082002.


WorldPay tell me there is going to be an upgrade and I have been trying to test my payment process via thier test server, but when it comes to the end of the process it is failing.


I assume it is something to do with the resultC.html and resultY.html files.


Has anyone had the same problem, I am using the Contribution (WorldPay Ver 3c UPDATED 29 AUG 2002)


If anyone can help it would be appreciated.




Phil Townsend

Waterslap Farm, Airth

Falkirk Stirlingshire FK2 8QW


Hi TartanTrader - I'm in exactly the same boat as you... :cry:


I did not write the Worldpay module that worked before the introduction of the new payment processor code (November 2002, I think).


Therefore, it might be best to go ask the developer of that module to see if he will change it.


In any event, I dont think it will be a difficult change.

WorldPay tell me there is going to be an upgrade

Any more details? What sort of upgrade?


I have been trying to test my payment process via thier test server, but when it comes to the end of the process it is failing.

What actually happens? What do you see on screen?


Therefore, it might be best to go ask the developer of that module to see if he will change it.

:shock: I wonder, more chance to win the lottery I think!! :twisted:






Your probably right about asking the previous developer, but I am finding it hard enough supporting the e-mails I get for the current module, and also I think its pointless writing an update for old code!


But we need more information on what the changes are - I have received nothing from Worldpay.






An upgrade of your current payment system will take place in August 2003. The main features of the upgrade will include a review of our standard payment pages, and an improved payment page editor. The payment system will also provide a platform for exciting initiatives from Visa and MasterCard, designed to make online shopping even more secure. As you are using customised pages, the visible changes to your payment pages themselves will be limited, but you will benefit from:


fraud reduction

MasterCard SecureCode and Verified by Visa are online systems that will help reduce fraudulent transactions (which often result in disputes or chargebacks). Using a method similar to a signature on a payment slip in a face-to-face transaction, shoppers will be 'authenticated' by entering a PIN number or password to confirm they are the genuine cardholder. In this way MasterCard SecureCode and Verified by Visa can help stop fraud from taking place - and protect you from some fraud-related chargebacks. Both systems are currently in advanced trials and we plan to make them available to you over the Summer period.

help where you need it

Your shoppers can now access help within the payment pages, to reassure them whilst they buy. The new help files will guide your shoppers through the payment process and offer an on-the-spot answer to that difficult question.

easier to use editor

Our improved page editor makes it even easier to customise your payment pages. For the first time you can use the editor to change text on your payment pages, so you may not need additional technical help.

What you have to do

As you are using customised payment pages, we will migrate all your current page settings to the new payment system. Most of your customised content will remain untouched, but there may be certain files that need your attention. To ensure that migration of your payment pages goes smoothly, we recommend that you take a look at What You Have to Do in the Release Guide. You should:


Preview your payment pages using the Preview System

Check any files that may need your attention in the Migration Log

Back up all your existing files. It is important that you complete this before editing your pages - so if you make a mistake - you can revert to your original version. For more details see Back up and Restore.

Edit if necessary, using the Payment Page Wizard or Payment Page Editor to make further changes to your installation

The Preview System will be available until your upgrade date, at which time we will automatically transfer your pages over to the new payment system. You can, however, set the payment pages live yourself before this date using the Preview System. For more details see Setting Your Pages Live.


We aim to make the upgrade as smooth as possible, and that means keeping you informed every step of the way. We will send you another reminder, with a specific date for your upgrade, in mid-July. We think you'll be impressed with the changes.


Here is the info on the WorldPay upgrade


Get set for your payment page upgrade on 3 September 2003. The main features of the upgrade will include a review of our standard payment pages, and an improved payment page editor. The payment system will also provide a platform for exciting initiatives from Visa and MasterCard, designed to make online shopping even more secure. As you are using customised pages, the visible changes to your payment pages themselves will be limited, but you will benefit from:


fraud reduction

MasterCard SecureCode and Verified by Visa are online systems that will help reduce fraudulent transactions (which often result in disputes or chargebacks). Using a method similar to a signature on a payment slip in a face-to-face transaction, shoppers will be 'authenticated' by entering a PIN number or password to confirm they are the genuine cardholder. In this way MasterCard SecureCode and Verified by Visa can help stop fraud from taking place - and protect you from some fraud-related chargebacks. Both systems are currently in advanced trials and we plan to make them available to you later in the year.

help where you need it

Your shoppers can now access help within the payment pages, to reassure them whilst they buy. The new help files will guide your shoppers through the payment process and offer an on-the-spot answer to that difficult question.

easier to use editor

Our improved page editor makes it even easier to customise your payment pages. For the first time you can use the editor to change text on your payment pages, so you may not need additional technical help.


This page might give you some idea as well http://support.worldpay.com/kb/internal/re...ease_guide.html


As far as what happens on screen is concerned, after the payment page is filled in and the submit button clicked on, there is a "page not displayed error". I will go through the process again and post the exact error.


Hope this helps

Phil :)

Phil Townsend

Waterslap Farm, Airth

Falkirk Stirlingshire FK2 8QW


I dont think that these changes by Worldpay should affect the way release 3c works but release 3c was never 'legal' due to the auto-redirect technology that it uses. It really just worked as WorldPay did not, at that time, have any way to uphold their own rules.


So it is possible that WP have now made the changes to their system to stop auto-redirects working. Lets see the error messages when they are posted.


I agree with scottymcloo, there is not much point trying to make changes to old versions - it is much better that you either upgrade to MS1 or try to de-engineer the MS1 release to make it work with earlier versions.



I agree with scottymcloo, there is not much point trying to make changes to old versions - it is much better that you either upgrade to MS1 or try to de-engineer the MS1 release to make it work with earlier versions.


There must be hundreds of OsCommerce shop owners using Worldpay who will be affected by this change... and, like me, upgrading the whole site to MS1 is way beyond possible with the amount of hacks, tweaks and fixes added.


Obviously other people (perhaps not using Oscommerce) are struggling too, judging by the amount of times the new roll-out has been pushed back by Worldpay.....


So - de-engineer looks like the best way... if only I knew how to do that! Any ideas anyone? :shock:


sorry for my double post above btw


After browsing through these threads I noticed that someone was on about trying to get the Worldpay TransID into the customer order within OSC. This is something I have been wanting to do for a while as its a pain trying to match up the cost values in the worldpay email and the order to work out which order goes with which payment.


I would be gratefull if anyone knows of how to do this?





So - de-engineer looks like the best way... if only I knew how to do that! Any ideas anyone? :shock:


It shouldnt be too difficult as all the WP part will work as will the callback pages. The only problem would be that a few variables would show up as null or you will get errors reported from the main worldpay.php file.


If you can, I would just load it and see what errors you get.



After browsing through these threads I noticed that someone was on about trying to get the Worldpay TransID into the customer order within OSC. This is something I have been wanting to do for a while as its a pain trying to match up the cost values in the worldpay email and the order to work out which order goes with which payment.


I would be gratefull if anyone knows of how to do this?






Shouldnt be too difficult as the transId is already passed back to OSC in the WP success string. So in wpcallback.php, you would just need to find it and store it:


if(isset($transId) ) {






You would need to create a new field in the database to store it and have some way to check what it is in Admin.





There is no reason that version 3c could not be re-written to do the same as version 4.


I am just not prepared to do it as it means backtracking over old outdated code, and I already get up to 3 or 4 e-mails a week asking for help with the current version, even although 99% of the answers are on this (or the past 2) Worldpay thread.


Sorry for being negative, but the reason I developed WP ver 4 (with lots of help from lots of people here) was primarily because I needed it for my store. I do not do commercial work, and maybe going somewhere like scriptlance would get the 3c problem resolved, then it could be posted as a different contribution for everyone affected.


I am in the process of updating the WP module for MS2 which will include most of the features requested over the previous months including the transID into the customer order.


This thread should be for version 4 and above, there are other threads (albeit somewhat old) for 3c.



I am in the process of updating the WP module for MS2 which will include most of the features requested over the previous months including the transID into the customer order.


Any approximate ETA on the release of this?


TartanTrader - good news. One of my sites went live with the new payment pages today and the old Worldpay 3c (pre-Auth) mod still worked with re-direction and everything ;)

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