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NEW! Complete Order Editing Tool!


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whre di you exactly put that line of code? replece the existing one for creating menu?
It's just some code which shows a nice categories dropdown, never tried to implement it on the order editor, so unfortunately I can't say how that should be done either (yet).
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Okay...little problem with this tool. I noticed that when using the payment discount mod (allowing you to say, give a discount for check/money order), instead of subtracting that percentage from the total amount, it adds it if I try to edit an order. So I have to physically go in and write -$xxx to get it to correctly calculate it. This may be more the fault of the item discount than the order edit...



Is anyone else using the gift voucher/discount class with order-editor. When adding a discount the order (if you are updating) it adds both gift certificates and discounts to the total price instead of subtracting them.


I've been trying to figure out how this is done but have been unable to so far. So if anyone out there has a solution or ideas please post. Thanks!

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whre di you exactly put that line of code? replece the existing one for creating menu?


I was having the same problem. I'm no programmer so there must be a better way to do this but i changed te following code in edit_orders.php


Search for the following lines

// Step 1: Choose Category
	 print "<tr class=\"dataTableRow\"><form action='$PHP_SELF?oID=$oID&action=$action' method='POST'>\n";
	 print "<td class='dataTableContent' align='right'><b>STEP 1:</b></td><td class='dataTableContent' valign='top'><select name='add_product_categories_id'>";
	 $CategoryOptions = "<option value='0'> --- CHOOSE A CATEGORY ---\n";
	 foreach($CategoryList as $CategoryID => $CategoryName)
	 $CategoryOptions .= "<option value='$CategoryID'> $CategoryName\n";
	 $CategoryOptions = str_replace("value='$add_product_categories_id'","value='$add_product_categories_id' selected", $CategoryOptions);
	 print $CategoryOptions;
	 print "</select></td>\n";
	 print "<td class='dataTableContent' align='center'><input type='submit' value='Select This Category'>";
	 print "<input type='hidden' name='step' value='2'>";
	 print "</td>\n";
	 print "</form></tr>\n";
	 print "<tr><td colspan='3'> </td></tr>\n";


And replace it with


  // Step 1: Choose Category
	 print "<tr class=\"dataTableRow\"><form action='$PHP_SELF?oID=$oID&action=$action' method='POST'>\n";
	 print "<td class='dataTableContent' align='right'><b>STEP 1:</b></td><td class='dataTableContent' valign='top'>";
	 <?php  echo ' ' . tep_draw_pull_down_menu('add_product_categories_id', tep_get_category_tree(), $current_category_id, '"');?>
	 print "</td>\n";
	 print "<td class='dataTableContent' align='center'><input type='submit' value='Select This Category'>";
	 print "<input type='hidden' name='step' value='2'>";
	 print "</td>\n";
	 print "</form></tr>\n";
	 print "<tr><td colspan='3'> </td></tr>\n";






RIAA's #1 Most Wanted B)

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Np, i made alot of changes to the script so its really multilingual and made an improvement to the design. When i have time i'll put it in a bundle so you can try it.






RIAA's #1 Most Wanted B)

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Well i just created this account yesterday to help you out. I never looked at the forums :rolleyes: But when i needed an order editor i ended up here.




Social Engineering Specialist - Because there's no patch for human stupidity ;)

Edited by Excubitor
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1.55 works great.


The only thing I wish is: put a link button in the admin/order.php, so people could click the button and edit the order. Could this be done?

Yes this can be done. I made those changes already but i have been too busy with my work. I will post it as soon as possible, incl. UI modifications. I'll try to post it tonight at 23:00 GMT+1:00 :)







"The number of the beast - vi vi vi" B)

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I would recommend 1.55 or 1.55 Nextgen. Nextgen is user friendlier and adds buttons to order.php NextGen only contains an english version and a dutch version

1.55 Nextgen is a modified 1.55 version and the author is me ;)






quote: Has everyone been incapacitated by a unknown virus introduced into the world population in order to incapacitate internet users by slowing typing speed to a reallllly slow pace ....or am I just lagged? B)

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I want to add this contrib to an active store, what version should I use and who is the author?
There are several problems with tax and there are rounding problems i.c.w. tax. So if you are running a live "including tax store" you have to watch out! I don't believe a full tax proof verison exists at the moment, but the "8 Aug 2003 - Version 1.2a" works best for including tax shops as far as I know (haven't tested all versions of course).


I'll post a solution to the rounding errors if someones interested.

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Oops it might be "Order Editor 1.2b" i.s.o. 1.2a


Other than that the v.1.55 NextGen indeed looks better, and has other improvements, but the tax does not seem to work right for me with this version.

JD i made a change on the tax problem. If u wanna try it just send me an PM

Didnt noticed the problem but i think i got it solved.

You say that u have a solution for it can u post it?






Ever noticed that the AT&T Logo looks like the DEATH STAR? B)

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I have a problem with this (otherwise excellent) addon.


When I change something (doesn't matter what, any update will trigger the problem) the price drops to the tax value.




I have an order with 2 items, a and b.

A costs 100kr and b costs 200kr

Swedish tax is 25% (yes, its true!)

Before I change anything it looks like this:

1 x A 25% tax 100kr 100kr

1 x B 25% tax 200kr 200kr

Tax: 60kr

Total: 300kr


If I change anything (add one A):

2 x A 25% tax 100kr 200kr

1 x B 25% tax 200kr 200kr

Tax: 80kr

Total: 80kr


The total drops down to 80kr (ie the tax), when it should have been 400kr



Has anyone else experienced this?


I have changed a lot of things in my store, if I try this on fresh install it works.

Which configuration parameters affects this mod?



Any help will be greatly appreciated! :)

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Any word on this contribution?

As i have installed it too on my new shop and was wondering if the tax issue has already been solved , because i saw that there was no follow up in the contributions section after 7 Jul 2004


while this forums thread is dated 13 Jul 2004


Can someone post the score, because if the issue hasn't been solved then the contribution would be unusuble [which would be a shame wouln't it?]


Please let us know

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Guess that I'm "the guy"...


Yes, I have a few mods and add-ons and I have changed a lot of code to suit it to my needs.

Right now I'm starting over with a fresh install and adding my modifications one-by-one and trying to see where it fails.



One thing is for certain, I will add the prices without tax this time :)


I can always add a litte hack on the invoice page that calculates the tax and prints it since everything has 25% VAT.



But it would be nice to not have to do that... <_<

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Hi Excubitor,

excuse me for my late reply, I don't seem to get notifications often these days :(

JD i made a change on the tax problem. If u wanna try it just send me an PM

Didnt noticed the problem but i think i got it solved.

You say that u have a solution for it can u post it?


This solved the including tax rounding problems for me:


changed (line 819 in "my" version)

                     '            <td class="' . $RowStyle . '" align="right" valign="top">' . "<input name='update_products[$orders_products_id][final_price]' size='5' value='" . number_format($order->products[$i]['final_price'], 2, '.', '') . "'>" . '</td>' . "\n" .


                     '            <td class="' . $RowStyle . '" align="right" valign="top">' . "<input name='update_products[$orders_products_id][final_price]' size='5' value='" . number_format($order->products[$i]['final_price'], 6, '.', '') . "'>" . '</td>' . "\n" .

increased the number_format precision from 2 decimals to 6 (probably 4 will be fine too)

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No problem. I have been busy also.

Thank you for the code. I made a similiar change with de Roundings. I also changed the decimals from 2 to 6. But i made also changes for the shipping tax and the javascript part. I made a new version of order_editor but i need more input from people to test it. Because i don't use tax and/or shipping tax myself .

So the people who have this problem can PM me and i'll send you a new version..







I had a girlfriend :wub: once, but then she changed her screenname...:(

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I installed the orders edit contribution, now at the top of my admin screens I get the following errors


Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/hhaf/public_html/shop/admin/includes/filenames.php:54) in /home/hhaf/public_html/shop/admin/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 67


Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/hhaf/public_html/shop/admin/includes/filenames.php:54) in /home/hhaf/public_html/shop/admin/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 67


Can anyone tell me what I might have done wrong or how to fix?


Warning: I have very basic computer knowledge, can't get too technical!





the shop is at at www.hhaf.org/shop

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kytti: the errorcode says that you have written something to the page and then tried to send some commands to the browser.

The commands must be sent first, then the text.



Look in the file /home/hhaf/public_html/shop/admin/includes/filenames.php at line 54 and make sure that is looks the same as the other rows.


Make sure that every ', and ; looks the same... Computers are a little picky :)


You should not enter any text in filenames.php!



Good luck

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Please, excuse me in advance for my poor english.


I need your help.

I have tried to install this contribution and all looks OK, but...

When I have a purchase with discount and I add a new product(s) to this purchase the discount is not recalculated and it appears as a supplement.


An example:


I have a purchase for a product that costs 200.

The discount is 5% (200/100 * 5 = 10)

Total price = 200 - 10 = 190


Add new product that costs 100

Total price - 300

Discount - 5% = 300/100*5= 15


Total price must be calculated as (200+100) - 15 = 285


But after adding it apears as 200 + 100 + 10 (the first discount)= 310


Thanks in advance!

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