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Well, I can't see any compatibility issues here. If you give me a step-by-step rundown of how things work with the comment bar add-on, as far as what you do, what happens next, etc, maybe I can think of something.

I have predefined buttons near my comments area. According to the button selected, the comments should appear in the field. However, when I press any button, the comments are placed in the product's description area instead of comments. There is really nothing complicated and I don't understand why it's not working. If you'll be able to come up with any idea, it would be great... if not, don't worry about it. I don't want to make it too hard for you.



I have predefined buttons near my comments area. According to the button selected, the comments should appear in the field. However, when I press any button, the comments are placed in the product's description area instead of comments. There is really nothing complicated and I don't understand why it's not working. If you'll be able to come up with any idea, it would be great... if not, don't worry about it. I don't want to make it too hard for you.




Try changing

	<?php echo tep_draw_textarea_field('comments', 'soft', '40', '5', '', 'id="tal" class="textarea"'); ?>


<?php echo tep_draw_textarea_field('comments', 'soft', '40', '5', ''); ?>

and see if it works that way.

Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

Try changing
	<?php echo tep_draw_textarea_field('comments', 'soft', '40', '5', '', 'id="tal" class="textarea"'); ?>


<?php echo tep_draw_textarea_field('comments', 'soft', '40', '5', ''); ?>

and see if it works that way.

Nope, it doesn't work this way. I get the message 'The text area is not found.' It disables GOOGIESPELL and doesn't solve the problem either. The comments are still placed into product's description field. Any other ideas?



Nope, it doesn't work this way. I get the message 'The text area is not found.' It disables GOOGIESPELL and doesn't solve the problem either. The comments are still placed into product's description field. Any other ideas?




Do you have

<script language="javascript"><!--
var usrdate = '';
  function updateComment(obj,statusnum) {
		var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
		var myTextarea = textareas.item(0);
		myTextarea.value = obj;
		var selects = document.getElementsByTagName('select');
		var theSelect = selects.item(0);
		theSelect.selectedIndex = statusnum;

		return false;


  function killbox() {
		var box = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
		var killbox = box.item(0);
		killbox.value = '';
		return false;


function getdate () {
		usrdate = prompt("<?php echo TEXT_PROMPT; ?>"); 


function getrack () {
		usrtrack = prompt("<?php echo TEXT_TRACKNO; ?>");		 


as the JavaScript code in your admin/comment_bar.php file?

Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

Posted (edited)

In my admin/comment_bar.php I have the following Java script:

<script language="javascript"><!--

var usrdate = '';

function updateComment(obj,statusnum) {

var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');

var myTextarea = textareas.item(0);


myTextarea.value = '---<?php echo date("H:i:s"); ?> CST---\n\n' + obj;


var selects = document.getElementsByTagName('select');

var theSelect = selects.item(0);

theSelect.selectedIndex = statusnum;


return false;




function killbox() {

var box = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');

var killbox = box.item(0);

killbox.value = '';

return false;




I don't use those additional functions getdate () and getrack ().

Edited by Irin
In my admin/comment_bar.php I have the following Java script:


I don't use those additional functions getdate () and getrack ().


If you actually have the product description displayed in Order Editor (I was thinking you meant the product name), perhaps you're showing it in a text area? In that case the number of text areas on the page is variable and you'll need to modify the code in admin/comment_bar.php.


If you have a variable number of text areas displayed on admin/edit_orders.php, in admin/comment_bar.php change

						var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
		var myTextarea = textareas.item(0);


var myTextarea = document.getElementById("tal");

Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

If you actually have the product description displayed in Order Editor (I was thinking you meant the product name), perhaps you're showing it in a text area? In that case the number of text areas on the page is variable and you'll need to modify the code in admin/comment_bar.php.


If you have a variable number of text areas displayed on admin/edit_orders.php, in admin/comment_bar.php change

						var textareas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
		var myTextarea = textareas.item(0);


var myTextarea = document.getElementById("tal");

Ok, at least something. Now, when I click any button, the comments are displayed in the appropriate area. However, the Order Status doesn't change according to the button pressed and Reset button doesn't clear comments. I tried to change killbox function for Reset from:


function killbox() {

var box = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');

var killbox = box.item(0);

killbox.value = '';

return false;




function killbox() {

var box = document.getElementById("tal");

killbox.value = '';

return false;


But it doesn't work. May be I'm doing something wrong?

Ok, at least something. Now, when I click any button, the comments are displayed in the appropriate area. However, the Order Status doesn't change according to the button pressed and Reset button doesn't clear comments. I tried to change killbox function for Reset from:


function killbox() {

var box = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');

var killbox = box.item(0);

killbox.value = '';

return false;




function killbox() {

var box = document.getElementById("tal");

killbox.value = '';

return false;


But it doesn't work. May be I'm doing something wrong?


Have you tried

function killbox() {
		var box = document.getElementById("tal");
		var killbox = box.item(0);
		killbox.value = '';
		return false;


Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

Posted (edited)
Ok, at least something. Now, when I click any button, the comments are displayed in the appropriate area. However, the Order Status doesn't change according to the button pressed and Reset button doesn't clear comments. I tried to change killbox function for Reset from:


Scratch my last post. Just use:

function killbox() {
		document.getElementById("tal").value = '';
		return false;


Incidentally, if you use this anywhere else, don't forget to make sure the id of the textarea on each page is always "tal".

Edited by djmonkey1

Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

Scratch my last post. Just use:
function killbox() {
		document.getElementById("tal").value = '';
		return false;


Incidentally, if you use this anywhere else, don't forget to make sure the id of the textarea on each page is always "tal".

Great... now everything works except for the order status doesn't change. Like on my orders page, the status changes according to the button pressed (if it's Processing - it becomes Processing, etc.). And also, I probably should ask it on another forum, that when I click Reset, the status goes back to the last updated. The status changes are also set in admin/comment_bar.php. Here is for example button 'Pending' changes order's status to '8' which is 'Pending':

<button class="cbutton" onClick="return updateComment('<?php echo(TEXT_COMMENT_01); ?>','8');"><?php echo TEXT_BUTTON_01; ?></button>
Great... now everything works except for the order status doesn't change. Like on my orders page, the status changes according to the button pressed (if it's Processing - it becomes Processing, etc.). And also, I probably should ask it on another forum, that when I click Reset, the status goes back to the last updated. The status changes are also set in admin/comment_bar.php. Here is for example button 'Pending' changes order's status to '8' which is 'Pending':


If you have the payment method dropdown enabled, disable it and see how the comment bar functions then.

Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

If you have the payment method dropdown enabled, disable it and see how the comment bar functions then.

You're right, as always. When payment method dropdown is disable, all comment bar functions work perfectly. Now, can I use them both with payment method dropdown enabled?


Thanks Stew.

You're right, as always. When payment method dropdown is disable, all comment bar functions work perfectly. Now, can I use them both with payment method dropdown enabled?


Thanks Stew.


You're welcome- glad to help!


In edit_orders.php, orders.php, and anywhere else you use this code, find

<?php echo tep_draw_pull_down_menu('status', $orders_statuses, $order->info['orders_status']); ?>

and change it to

<?php echo tep_draw_pull_down_menu('status', $orders_statuses, $order->info['orders_status'], 'id="status_select"'); ?>


Then in comment_bar.php change

var selects = document.getElementsByTagName('select');
		var theSelect = selects.item(0);


var theSelect = document.getElementById("status_select");

and that should do it.

Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

You're welcome- glad to help!


In edit_orders.php, orders.php, and anywhere else you use this code, find

<?php echo tep_draw_pull_down_menu('status', $orders_statuses, $order->info['orders_status']); ?>

and change it to

<?php echo tep_draw_pull_down_menu('status', $orders_statuses, $order->info['orders_status'], 'id="status_select"'); ?>


Then in comment_bar.php change

var selects = document.getElementsByTagName('select');
		var theSelect = selects.item(0);


var theSelect = document.getElementById("status_select");

and that should do it.

Thanks, Stew. You're SUPER! :thumbsup:


Any ideas on how to get the shipping total, which I have as a percentage of order total (Percent Rate:), to work with this contribution? If I change an order in the admin, the shipping rate stays the same no mater what the order subtotal is... it should change based on order subtotal.

Any ideas on how to get the shipping total, which I have as a percentage of order total (Percent Rate:), to work with this contribution? If I change an order in the admin, the shipping rate stays the same no mater what the order subtotal is... it should change based on order subtotal.


You can set Order Editor to do the calculations itself fairly easily; tying it to the shipping module would be a little more difficult. All your orders are charged at the same rate?

Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.


Thank you to the author(s).


This is a fantastic modification that was very much needed.


Hopefully the next release of osC will include this.




You can set Order Editor to do the calculations itself fairly easily; tying it to the shipping module would be a little more difficult. All your orders are charged at the same rate?


I would want Order Editor tied into the shipping module. I'm using a sliding percentage rate based on order subtotal for shipping cost. I think this should be a standard feature for this contribution... most stores base shipping charges on order subtotal. I'll poke around and see if I can implement the shipping modules into this contribution. Thanks.


I just wanted to post a hearty "You're welcome" to all the people who have been posting thank yous recently. While I can't speak for any of the other people who have contributed to this project, I know for me at least it's great when people appreciate the work that has been done.




Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

I would want Order Editor tied into the shipping module. I'm using a sliding percentage rate based on order subtotal for shipping cost. I think this should be a standard feature for this contribution... most stores base shipping charges on order subtotal. I'll poke around and see if I can implement the shipping modules into this contribution. Thanks.


Good luck with that- if you come up with anything, be sure to post it here or on the contribution page. I'm sure others could benefit from it as well.

Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

I just wanted to post a hearty "You're welcome" to all the people who have been posting thank yous recently. While I can't speak for any of the other people who have contributed to this project, I know for me at least it's great when people appreciate the work that has been done.




I would also like to say a big Tank You Stew!


Your help has been invaluable. Keep up the good work!




Hi all!

I'm an Italian user of osCommerce (in italiano, "openCommercio :) ) and I've installed the optimun contrib of djmonkey1. I've also installed, in a previous time, PIvaCF_2.51, a contrib for add two other fields when a customer registers his account: "partita iva" and "codice fiscale".

How to add these fields in edit order process?



Hi all!

I'm an Italian user of osCommerce (in italiano, "openCommercio :) ) and I've installed the optimun contrib of djmonkey1. I've also installed, in a previous time, PIvaCF_2.51, a contrib for add two other fields when a customer registers his account: "partita iva" and "codice fiscale".

How to add these fields in edit order process?




This information is stored with every order in the 'orders' table?

Do, or do not. There is no try.


Order Editor 5.0.6 "Ultra Violet" is now available!

For support or to post comments, suggestions, etc, please visit the Order Editor support thread.

This information is stored with every order in the 'orders' table?

Yes, in 'billing_cf' and 'billing_piva' columns of the order's table...

Both billing address than delivery address can have one.

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