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An interesting feature of the file: the file is encoded not in the UTF-8 format!
I had to deal with it, correct it and then save it in utf-8 format.

The file was originally written in German and the encoding was preserved.
You need to adjust the lines: 358,  835, 943, 944, 1069
After that, we correct line 1488. Thank You @yahalimu !
Other errors have appeared. I am looking for a solution.

Support forum for osCommerce in russian language - from Ashkelon. Support since 2002.

Best regards,


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Correcting 1 error, several more new ones appear.

Editing an order is a very important feature. It’s very difficult to work without it.
But upgrading the kernel has led to a huge amount of problems. You and I, and hundreds, thousands of people have used Oscommerce for their stores. Online Stores have been stable for many years. Our hope is a stable, user-friendly Core. But each update brings a very large number of problems.
Instead of working, we are engaged in testing, troubleshooting, corrections.

I hope that our excellent Phoenix kernel programmers will nevertheless reduce the experiments and be able to make a normal, stable kernel. They can do it.

Support forum for osCommerce in russian language - from Ashkelon. Support since 2002.

Best regards,


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Notice: Undefined variable: index in /home/---/public_html/admin/order_editor/cart.php on line 46

How to understand this error?

Support forum for osCommerce in russian language - from Ashkelon. Support since 2002.

Best regards,


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8 minutes ago, Fredi said:

Correcting 1 error, several more new ones appear.

Editing an order is a very important feature. It’s very difficult to work without it.
But upgrading the kernel has led to a huge amount of problems. You and I, and hundreds, thousands of people have used Oscommerce for their stores. Online Stores have been stable for many years. Our hope is a stable, user-friendly Core. But each update brings a very large number of problems.
Instead of working, we are engaged in testing, troubleshooting, corrections.

I hope that our excellent Phoenix kernel programmers will nevertheless reduce the experiments and be able to make a normal, stable kernel. They can do it.

Editing an order is an addon. The actual editor is a stand-alone file and hardly affected by changes to Phoenix.



I am not going to undertake to keep testing addons against every intermediate release and updating them. I would never do anything else


And by the way NOTICES ARE NOT ERRORS you can usually ignore them without ill effect and if you don't want to see them, don't display them. Most of them are nothing to do with which release of Phoenix you are running, it's all about the php version and your error display settings.

Contact me for work on updating existing stores - whether to Phoenix or the new osC when it's released.

Looking for a payment or shipping module? Maybe I've already done it.

Working on generalising bespoke solutions for Quickbooks integration, Easify integration and pay4later (DEKO) integration at 2.3.x

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Thank You @BrockleyJohn 

For your answer.
Do not show warnings or errors, this is a simple solution. But this is the load on the server. The server is forced to handle all errors and warnings. We must see them. And it is advisable to fix it.

My version of PCP 7.3 Perhaps this is the reason.

Support forum for osCommerce in russian language - from Ashkelon. Support since 2002.

Best regards,


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There are 3 views on online shopping software:
1. The encoder.
2. Shop owner (seller).
3. User (buyer)

These are different positions, requirements and wishes. It is important that they coincide. If there is no coordination, convenience of work and use, such a software product will lose popularity. There are many offers on the market. The market is controlled by 2 and 3 groups. Group No. 1, unfortunately, is forced to adapt to the conditions of the MARKET.

Edited by burt
Remove my name from this bull...

Support forum for osCommerce in russian language - from Ashkelon. Support since 2002.

Best regards,


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5 minutes ago, Fredi said:

But this is the load on the server.

Sorry .. but that is crap. Just read carefully the comments of John - Matt and Gary. If you and others in general can not keep up (dont have the skills) with changes than stick to quite stable ... But for every simple notice moaning about stable is not going to bring us where we want to be.

I am very sorry if I am blunt but I don’t know how to put it nicely.

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Dear Arjan, Thank you for your comment.

You do not know what a WebServer is?

I read the comments. And with my primitive skills, I have adapted many modules to Phoenix. And this despite the constant change in the kernel.
But my shitty skills started in 2002. It’s hard to adapt to constant code changes. But there is nothing that cannot be done. Sorry for the time we spend. I have patience and a little time. Therefore, I am doing this.

If a new person arrives, young, energetic, he will not have the time and patience to constantly change megabytes of code.

I hope and sure that @burt and @ecartz will make a very good product - Phoenix. They have already done a lot!

Edited by Fredi

Support forum for osCommerce in russian language - from Ashkelon. Support since 2002.

Best regards,


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Fredi...there is no need to be on the bleeding edge....pick a point.... is probably a good spot and hang out there until things have evolved to a point where you want to step up a version or two.   Otherwise proceed with caution and be patient.


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27 minutes ago, azpro said:

Sorry .. but that is crap. Just read carefully the comments of John - Matt and Gary. If you and others in general can not keep up (dont have the skills) with changes than stick to quite stable ... But for every simple notice moaning about stable is not going to bring us where we want to be.

I am very sorry if I am blunt but I don’t know how to put it nicely.

Dutch people - they speak plainly and bluntly, and by god, I love them for it.

Edited by burt
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Thanks Dan.

I took the responsibility of supporting 1 language. Therefore, I must follow all version changes.
I have responsibility to the members of the Club and the Community.

But I have a live online store. And I sometimes express my opinion as a store owner and as a user.

If nobody needs this opinion and is not interested, there is no problem. I will be silent, like most members of the club.
And I will wait 1-2-3-4-5 years when the changes to the Kernel code are completed and I can apply the Phoenix to my store.

I apologize for my bad English and my wrong words.

Support forum for osCommerce in russian language - from Ashkelon. Support since 2002.

Best regards,


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1 minute ago, Fredi said:

And with my primitive skills, I have adapted many modules to Phoenix. And this despite the constant change in the kernel.
But my shitty skills started in 2002. It’s hard to adapt to constant code changes

Don't get me wrong - I totally love to see you and others engaging and try to improve your sites / stores ... But maybe it is just a little over your head in terms of newer coding standards. And then I would advice to give it some time .. just pause for a few weeks - take a coffee and relax. There is no need to adapt your store for point (just to clarify that is / / etc) relaeses ... Just give it some time!

You can freely play with the newest code - but take some time to read - give it some effort from your side and don't ask the simplest of questions over and over again... if you go to  https://www.w3schools.com   and work your way through the tutorials you will learn a lot! Off course there is lots of other interseting sites to learn from - eg  https://www.stackoverflow.com  

And I really hope this helps - so you understand what a development path consists of!

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@Fredi as you have been testing on please post any actual errors - either messages that start Error, or things that don't seem to work properly.

You are going to be getting notices about constants not being defined because of the customer data work in which has removed some of the old style language definitions, but apart from that it seems to me to be doing what it's supposed to do.

You can temporarily fix these notices by adding the defines to the order editor language file for the language you are supporting: ENTRY_COMPANY ENTRY_SUBURB ENTRY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER - I guess you already know how to do this.

I have yet to get into the customer data work so I don't know why only some defines have been removed but I guess the rest of them will be going soon too; maybe there are core admin pages still using the old defs.

Contact me for work on updating existing stores - whether to Phoenix or the new osC when it's released.

Looking for a payment or shipping module? Maybe I've already done it.

Working on generalising bespoke solutions for Quickbooks integration, Easify integration and pay4later (DEKO) integration at 2.3.x

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Running latest version on Phoenix downloaded 2 days ago. Only installed the main files not the options and worked fine even with the notices and warning plus one error.

simply updated languge file to get rid of all Undefined echo's and use ' ' on all Undefined veriables. The fatal error was simply missing "function tep_class_exists" was in the optional genral.php but not in functions.php so just moved over and fixed.

Only issue left is PHP Notice:  Undefined index: shipping_same_as_billing,  not sure but this look to be just a filter to show or not show the address for now just commeted out from css.php and notice is gone. Impact! all adresss will show all the time.... for me not an issue.

[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: orders_products in /home/************/public_html/************/order_editor/cart.php on line 33
[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: index in /home/************/public_html/************/order_editor/cart.php on line 46
[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: orders_products in /home/************/public_html/************/order_editor/cart.php on line 33
[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: shipping_same_as_billing in /home/************/public_html/************/order_editor/css.php on line 180
[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: shipping_same_as_billing in /home/************/public_html/************/order_editor/css.php on line 181
[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: billing_same_as_customer in /home/************/public_html/************/order_editor/css.php on line 183
[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Notice:  Undefined index: billing_same_as_customer in /home/************/public_html/************/order_editor/css.php on line 184
[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant BOX_WIDTH - assumed 'BOX_WIDTH' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/************/public_html/************/edit_orders.php on line 1149
[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant BOX_WIDTH - assumed 'BOX_WIDTH' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/************/public_html/************/edit_orders.php on line 1150
[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant ENTRY_COMPANY - assumed 'ENTRY_COMPANY' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/************/public_html/************/edit_orders.php on line 1237
[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant ENTRY_SUBURB - assumed 'ENTRY_SUBURB' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/************/public_html/************/edit_orders.php on line 1245
[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant ENTRY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER - assumed 'ENTRY_TELEPHONE_NUMBER' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/************/public_html/************/edit_orders.php on line 1273
[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant ENTRY_COMPANY - assumed 'ENTRY_COMPANY' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/************/public_html/************/edit_orders.php on line 1319
[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant ENTRY_SUBURB - assumed 'ENTRY_SUBURB' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/************/public_html/************/edit_orders.php on line 1327
[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant ENTRY_COMPANY - assumed 'ENTRY_COMPANY' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/************/public_html/************/edit_orders.php on line 1390
[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Warning:  Use of undefined constant ENTRY_SUBURB - assumed 'ENTRY_SUBURB' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/************/public_html/************/edit_orders.php on line 1398
[25-Feb-2020 21:10:49 Europe/London] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function tep_class_exists() in /home/************/public_html/************/edit_orders.php:1488
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
  thrown in /home/************/public_html/************/edit_orders.php on line 1488



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Thanks a lot to everyone who helps!

In principle, almost all the errors were corrected. There are no problems with language files.

I corrected the error in line 1488 like this:


if (class_exists($class)) {    to     if (tep_class_exists($class)) {

I think this fix can be used in other modules.

But some errors remained ....

Notice: Undefined variable: index in /home/-----/public_html/admin/order_editor/cart.php on line 47

I started to edit the order. Changed the delivery method. The module works fine, the delivery method has been changed, the shipping cost has changed, everything is OK, but new warnings have appeared:

Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; order_total has a deprecated constructor in /home/-----/public_html/admin/order_editor/order_total.php on line 18

I changed the line 22 and the error disappeared. 

  function order_total() {      to        function __construct() {

Deprecated: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in /home/-------/public_html/admin/order_editor/order_total.php on line 29

How to solve this - I do not know.

Thank you all for your support.

Support forum for osCommerce in russian language - from Ashkelon. Support since 2002.

Best regards,


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3 minutes ago, Fredi said:

Deprecated: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in /home/-------/public_html/admin/order_editor/order_total.php on line 29

If you post the reset and while each lines (probably 28 and 29), someone might be able to give a suggestion. 

Always back up before making changes.

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28        reset($this->modules);
29        while (list(, $value) = each($this->modules)) {
30          include(DIR_FS_CATALOG_LANGUAGES . $language . '/modules/order_total/' . $value);
31          include(DIR_FS_CATALOG_MODULES . 'order_total/' . $value);
33          $class = substr($value, 0, strrpos($value, '.'));
34          $GLOBALS[$class] = new $class;
35        }
36      }
37    }


Support forum for osCommerce in russian language - from Ashkelon. Support since 2002.

Best regards,


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BOX_width is from older version and if I remember correctly has a column left.the whole <td> can be taken off if I remember correctly. I have made a bootstrap version incomplete I haven't change the edit_order_ajax.php yet. and a lot of other changes

you can cut up to 4 pages of your checkout by using my three add_ons

login create account in one page

Express checkout  

login pop up modal

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