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NEW! Complete Order Editing Tool!


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I've also changed to flow in my shop but I did not wanted to impose it for all other developers.


If you want the edit_orders.php page to go back to the orders.php page instead of going to the list of orders page, then change the following line of the button IMAGE_BACK to :


<td class="pageHeading" align="right"><?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_ORDERS, 'oID=' . $HTTP_GET_VARS['oID'] .'&action=edit') . '">' . tep_image_button('button_back.gif', IMAGE_BACK) . '</a>'; ?></td>


This should work.




PS : maybe something to add in the next update of this contribution

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Read the post by me - 4 posts above;


...I just installed the updated version (v1.59) and the updated comments still do not get saved...


Anyone have this problem too or know how I can fix it?




Published osC Contributions:

- eCheck Payment Module v3.1

- Reviews in Product Display v2.0

- Fancier Invoice & Packingslip v6.1

- Admin Notes / Customer Notes v2.2

- Customer Zip & State Validation v2.2

- Search Box with Dropdown Category Menu v1.0


Pop your camper's top today!

It's a popup thing...

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Has anyone solved the problem with the tax yet?


Otherwise seems a great contrib, but now it's completely useless for me...:(


It seems that if there is taxed products all the taxes will appear on every tax subtotal.

So for example:

Product 1, tax (22%) price 1.00 --> tax=0.22

Product 2, tax (8%) price 1.00 --> tax=0.08

Total tax 0.3

In sub totals:

tax 8% = 0.3

tax 22% = 0.3

= 0.6


I would fix this myself if only I could...

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The only problem that I have with this is when it comes to modifying an order, if they have used a gift voucher to pay for it, it automatically adds the gv instead of reducing the order accordingly.


Does anyone know how to bi-pass this?


If you want to give the customer a discount, simply just put a minus sign '-' before the discount.

For example: -50


I belive this will working with a gift voucher as well.


// Fredrik

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  • 2 weeks later...

I installed a very early version of this contribution several months ago and it worked OK. Today I upgraded to 1.60 and now I'm getting an error...


1146 - Table 'shop.orders_ship_methods' doesn't exist


select ship_method from orders_ship_methods




I don't have table "orders_ship_method" in my database and I can't find any info in this contrib about that table. Where does it get created?



Rick Knight

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I installed a very early version of this contribution several months ago and it worked OK. Today I upgraded to 1.60 and now I'm getting an error...

I don't have table "orders_ship_method" in my database and I can't find any info in this contrib about that table. Where does it get created?



Rick Knight


OK, I found the answer to this problem. Now I'm having another problem, the edit order screen is blank. My log files show that file menu.js cannot be found. Where can I get menu.js?


Thanks again,

Rick Knight

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have Oscommerce MS2 2.2 installed with the UPS XML Tracking and CVV 1.4 (credit card CVV Mod) Installed. How do I add the code i added in orders.php to edit_orders.php. Someone Please help!

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When I browse to edit_orders.php, i see this msg. :


1146 - Table 'osCommerce.orders_ship_methods' doesn't exist


select ship_method from orders_ship_methods




so, did one of my other installed contributions change something that breaks this?

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I have 2 problems with this otherwise excellent contribution.


1. As many before me, Comments are not saved when in Order Edit.


2. Update Customer does not send a mail from Order Edit.


As I can?t tell PHP from BASIC, I need help with these issues.

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I have 2 problems with this otherwise excellent contribution.


1. As many before me, Comments are not saved when in Order Edit.


2. Update Customer does not send a mail from Order Edit.


As I can?t tell PHP from BASIC, I need help with these issues.



I just installed this mod.... and had the same problem.


I just changed one line... and voila... the problem was gone.


Look for this text :


if ($order->info['orders_status'] != $status)



Replace it with:


// if ($order->info['orders_status'] != $status)

if (($check_status['orders_status'] != $status) || $comments != '')



Should solve the problem for now... but I don't know if it'll effect anything else.



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When I browse to edit_orders.php, i see this msg. :


1146 - Table 'osCommerce.orders_ship_methods' doesn't exist


select ship_method from orders_ship_methods




so, did one of my other installed contributions change something that breaks this?


I had that same problem for quite some time untill fully reading this thread.

It turns out certain versions of edit_orders (the newest versions) don't seem to be compatible with the latest OSC.


Im not sure what version i ended up with but i went back version by version till I no longer had the above error. So try replacing the main edit_orders.php from say version 1.58nextgen and see if you get the error .. if you still get error try a ealier version.


Im sure im missing some functions using a ealier version but atleast it works. As stated in a previous post the authors of the newer versions need to take note that we don't all have the same modules installed so certain shipping and payment fields called in the newer scripts give the above error. So I guess the code should be changed to check for those fields prior to calling those functions.



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Its been asked before in this thread and there doesn't appear to have been answered...

Has anyone modified edit_order.php to create customers and orders instead of just editing them.


Sure you could install one of the other manual order entry scripts but I haven't found one that i liked that deals with product attributes like edit orders does.


I don't want to reinvent the wheel so maybe someone with greater php/sql skills then I can shed some light on the best ways of acheiving this goal.


My idea was edit_orders could be modified into a create_orders script.

The flow would be...

Take address details and set shipping details

Add products

Choose payment method

submit all the details to the database


So have the script load without any fields being filled other then to perhaps grab the next available customer number. Fill out the address and shipping details and then when you click add products it writes the customer details to the database and creates a order linked to that new user.

After adding products you would chose the payment method , set any credit card details and then submit the remaining details to the database.


The code would ofcourse need to check for existing user, would need to make sure it got a fresh order number and unlike edit_orders it would have to make sure that credit card details were added to the databse correctly so it split cc was on that would infact happen. (maybe its my old version of edit orders but currently if you change a cc number the whole number ends up in the database)


Anyway anyone else has similar thoughts or has progressed down this road?



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I should also note.... to keep the variables the same you can also use:


// if ($order->info['orders_status'] != $status)

if (($order->info['orders_status'] != $status) || $comments != '')


Thanks! That fix my site and the comments are now saved!




Published osC Contributions:

- eCheck Payment Module v3.1

- Reviews in Product Display v2.0

- Fancier Invoice & Packingslip v6.1

- Admin Notes / Customer Notes v2.2

- Customer Zip & State Validation v2.2

- Search Box with Dropdown Category Menu v1.0


Pop your camper's top today!

It's a popup thing...

You wouldn't understand

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I should also note.... to keep the variables the same you can also use:


// if ($order->info['orders_status'] != $status)

if (($order->info['orders_status'] != $status) || $comments != '')


Thanks, :D


Next problem, hmm I?m a pain in the ...


When adding products from the edit order page it doesn?t calculate new shipping fee. Is there a way to make this happen or do you have to manually edit shipping.


My shipping is calculated on weight only, so there should be a way to get the orders total weight and recalculate shipping fee.

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Thanks,? :D


Next problem, hmm I?m a pain in the ...


When adding products from the edit order page it doesn?t calculate new shipping fee. Is there a way to make this happen or do you have to manually edit shipping.


My shipping is calculated on weight only, so there should be a way to get the orders total weight and recalculate shipping fee.


From what I've read in other posts, the author did worry about charging taxes on shipping when it was first written.


There was a fix added later.


If you look for the line with Optional Tax Rate:


// Optional Tax Rate/Percent

$AddShippingTax = "15.025"; // e.g. shipping tax of 17.5% is "17.5"


You'll see there's a way to add tax to "all" orders shipping. The only problem I've got with that is "what if where I'm shipping I don't charge tax?"


This fix charges tax on shipping in all orders unless you are constantly editing the edit_order.php


I was thinking it would be nice to be able to check to see if the shipping is taxable for that customer... and to that extent, I've been trying to write something.


Worst case scenerio, I'd at least like an input box that would let me put in the tax rate for shipping, just like it does when you "Create an Order".


If someone has a workaround for this it would be appreciated!!



Edited by jonathn
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Hi All!


Has anybody tried this contribution without register_globals? - After pressing on the submit button in edit_order.php (I use version 1.59) I will get some nice warnings:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /mnt/ja2/01/619/00000009/htdocs/shop/admin/edit_orders.php on line 210

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /mnt/ja2/01/619/00000009/htdocs/shop/admin/edit_orders.php on line 221

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /mnt/ja2/01/619/00000009/htdocs/shop/admin/edit_orders.php on line 277

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /mnt/ja2/01/619/00000009/htdocs/shop/admin/edit_orders.php on line 293

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /mnt/ja2/01/619/00000009/htdocs/shop/admin/edit_orders.php on line 303

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mnt/ja2/01/619/00000009/htdocs/shop/admin/edit_orders.php:210) in /mnt/ja2/01/619/00000009/htdocs/shop/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 18


I tried to change the script in that way, that it uses the $_POST array, but my PHP knowledge is ... aaaahh :blush: ... not really good enough. Has anybody changed this already and would be so nice to make it public? :rolleyes:


Many thanks for your answer!





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Ok, I feel like a real numbskull - I tried to install the mod (vers 1.6) & realized that not all of the directions are there, so I followed the directions in 1.59 - now I have a 404 error:


The requested URL /~mysite/catalog/admin/FILENAME_ORDERS was not found on this server


I know nothing of PHP & the answer is probably right under my nose, but I just can't see it.


Any Suggestions?

It's not a learning curve, it's a cliff!

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If you want to give the customer a discount, simply just put a minus sign '-' before the discount.

For example: -50


I belive this will working with a gift voucher as well.


// Fredrik


I noticed a little tax problem with this. My shop is in Sweden so I have 25% tax (vat) on my products.

This is how my invoice and edit_order.php looks like:

Sub-total: 100

Tax included with: 20

Shipping: 60

TOTAL: 160


I dont specify the tax on the shipping cost.


If I give an discount or ad a cost in one of the fields, the tax does not get updated.

If you have tax and give an discount you REALLY want to update the tax.


I changed the tax figures so it was stated in a input field, but it was not possible to change it. If it was, then I could change it "by hand".


Does anyone know how to do this, or does anyone know how to get tha tax updated after you have give an discount?


// Fredrik

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