TracyS Posted February 19, 2007 Share Posted February 19, 2007 Then in your menu code instead of the $products_in_category_query you should use something along the line of: $_products_in_category_array = $pic->getProductsInCategory($key); // returns false if no products in the category if ($_products_in_category_array != false) { $products_in_category_array = $_products_in_category_array; You get returned an array if all goes well, so you have to loop through that with a foreach. Ok - decided to upload it and see what errors I get so I know some of the things I need to fix - LOL (site's not live so I can play and not worry about it). In my boxes/dm_categories.php I changed it to $_products_in_category_array = $pic->getProductsInCategory($key); // returns false if no products in the category if ($_products_in_category_array != false) { $products_in_category_array = $_products_in_category_array; }// end if ($_products_in_category_array != false) while ($products_in_category_array = $_products_in_category_array) { $product_id_h = 'products_id='.$products_in_category ['product_id']; $product_name_h = $products_in_category ['product']; etc..... and in classes/ProductInCategory.php I tweaked a couple ")" and "}" that were generating errors so it now has class ProductsInCategory { var $pic_data = array(); function ProductsInCategory() { global $languages_id; if (isset($_SESSION['sppc_customer_group_id']) && $_SESSION['sppc_customer_group_id'] != '0') { $this->cg_id = (int)$_SESSION['sppc_customer_group_id']; } else { $this->cg_id = 0; } $products_query = tep_db_query("select p2c.categories_id, p.products_id, p.products_master_status, pd.products_name as product, pd.products_id as product_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " p2c, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id = p2c.products_id AND pd.language_id = '" . (int)$language . "' AND find_in_set('" . $customer_group_id . "', products_hide_from_groups) = 0 AND p.products_id = pd.products_id AND p.products_master_status='1' order by p2c.categories_id, p.products_sort_order asc, pd.products_name"); while ($product_info = tep_db_fetch_array($products_query)) { $this->addProductsInCategory($product_info['categories_id'], $product_info); } // end while ($product_info = tep_db_fetch_array($products_query)) } // end function ProductsInCategory function addProductsInCategory ($categories_id, $product_info) { $this->pic_data[$categories_id][] = array('products_id' => $product_info['products_id'], 'products_name' => $product_info['product'], // we already know the category but might be handy to have it here too 'products_category' => $categories_id); } // end function addProductsInCategory ($categories_id, $product_info) function getProductsInCategory($categories_id) { if (isset($this->pic_data[$categories_id])){ foreach ($this->pic_data[$categories_id] as $key => $_product_data) { $product_data[] = $_product_data; } // end foreach }else{ if ($product_data == NULL) { $products_query = tep_db_query("select p.products_id, p.products_master_status, pd.products_name as product, pd.products_id as product_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " p2c, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id = p2c.products_id and p2c.categories_id = '" . $category_id . "' AND pd.language_id = '" . (int)$language . "' and find_in_set('".$customer_group_id."', products_hide_from_groups) = 0 and p.products_id = pd.products_id AND p.products_master_status='1' order by p.products_sort_order asc, pd.products_name"); }// end if (isset($this->pic_data[$categories_id])) } // end else return $product_data; } // end function getProductsInCategory($categories_id) } // end Class ProductsInCategory When I upload this (including the application_top.php file where the object is included) I get this error: Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/.lew/mmherbs/ on line 319 The line it refers to is this: $_products_in_category_array = $pic->getProductsInCategory($key); I've been reading about the error - and I'm not sure if the problem is actually in dm_categories.php or in the ProductsInCategory.php file as what I've been reading looks like it could be in either :huh: Any thoughts? Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TracyS Posted February 19, 2007 Share Posted February 19, 2007 Ok - decided to upload it and see what errors I get so I know some of the things I need to fix - LOL (site's not live so I can play and not worry about it). Ok - trying to do the print_r($pic) and I get: productsincategory Object ( [pic_data] => Array ( ) [cg_id] => 0 ) So I tried changing the query some, I tried adding: AND p2c.categories_id = '" . $category_id . "' that came back with an empty '' where the categories_id should be (it's listed as $category_id for some reason in the function for the menu that is currently working but with way too many queries) in the query in debug mode. I tried changing AND find_in_set('" . $customer_group_id . "', products_hide_from_groups) = 0 to AND find_in_set('" . $cg_id . "', products_hide_from_groups) = 0 but I get an empty '' on that either way too I also tried changing to LEFT JOIN's USING(products_id) to see if that would help - didn't make a difference either :huh: Here is the query in debug output: [10] => select p2c.categories_id, p.products_id, p.products_master_status, pd.products_name as product, pd.products_id as product_id from products p LEFT JOIN products_to_categories p2c USING(products_id) LEFT JOIN products_description pd USING(products_id) where pd.language_id = '0' AND find_in_set('', products_hide_from_groups) = 0 AND p.products_master_status='1' order by p2c.categories_id, p.products_sort_order asc, pd.products_name I'm back to being lost :blush: Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jan Zonjee Posted February 19, 2007 Share Posted February 19, 2007 I tried changingAND find_in_set('" . $customer_group_id . "', products_hide_from_groups) = 0 to AND find_in_set('" . $cg_id . "', products_hide_from_groups) = 0 but I get an empty '' on that either way too What you do with $_SESSION['sppc_customer_group_id'] is transforming it into a class variable called $cg_id. Then you start using $customer_group_id which is not set obviously. Changing it in $cg_id is not working either because it is a class variable so you should use $this->cg_id Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jan Zonjee Posted February 19, 2007 Share Posted February 19, 2007 Well, I can report that the code in that link you posted that will show the customer group in the admin/orders.php worked like a champ. Unfortunately, I'm still struggling with showing Retail, Special & Wholesale pricing on the product_info.php page. Might be the easiest to just use tep_get_products_special_price as a template and add a new one to includes/functions/general.php: function tep_get_products_special_retail_price($product_id) { $product_query = tep_db_query("select specials_new_products_price from " . TABLE_SPECIALS . " where products_id = '" . (int)$product_id . "' and status and customers_group_id = '0'"); $product = tep_db_fetch_array($product_query); return $product['specials_new_products_price']; } Call that to get the special price (if there is any) for retail. One other question (and I fully expect the answer to be "no" but I have to ask): How difficult is it to assign order total modules to a customer group, much the same way you can assign payment and shipping modules?Never looked at that but classes/order_total.php seems to follow the exact same pattern as the classes shipping and payment in respect to loading the modules so I don't see why that shouldn't be possible. I've searched and searched...reading through 168 pages of posts gets tiring after a while! Quite impossible. You can do a search in the topic itself, but I don't remember this question ever been asked before so it wouldn't have helped I suppose. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jan Zonjee Posted February 19, 2007 Share Posted February 19, 2007 I posted a message re. some help with SPPC, in hindsight I now realise it should have gone in this thread, but I missed that at the time. I see in the catalog file a small error where left out a for (...) loop. Perhaps you can use the code from this post for the first file and the code (second one) in this post for the box. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jan Zonjee Posted February 19, 2007 Share Posted February 19, 2007 In my boxes/dm_categories.php I changed it to $_products_in_category_array = $pic->getProductsInCategory($key); // returns false if no products in the category if ($_products_in_category_array != false) { $products_in_category_array = $_products_in_category_array; }// end if ($_products_in_category_array != false) while ($products_in_category_array = $_products_in_category_array) { $product_id_h = 'products_id='.$products_in_category ['product_id']; $product_name_h = $products_in_category ['product']; etc..... I don't think that will work in this way. I was thinking something like might work better: $_products_in_category_array = $pic->getProductsInCategory($key); // returns false if no products in the category if ($_products_in_category_array != false) { $products_in_category_array = $_products_in_category_array; }// end if ($_products_in_category_array != false) foreach ($products_in_category_array as $array_key => $products_in_category) { $product_id_h = 'products_id='.$products_in_category['product_id']; $product_name_h = $products_in_category['product']; etc..... And in classes/ProductInCategory.php I tweaked a couple ")" and "}" that were generating errors so it now hasDoes this work better?: class ProductsInCategory { var $pic_data = array(); function ProductsInCategory() { global $languages_id; if (isset($_SESSION['sppc_customer_group_id']) && $_SESSION['sppc_customer_group_id'] != '0') { $customer_group_id = (int)$_SESSION['sppc_customer_group_id']; } else { $customer_group_id = 0; } $products_query = tep_db_query("select p2c.categories_id, p.products_id, p.products_master_status, pd.products_name as product, pd.products_id as product_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " p2c, " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd where p.products_id = p2c.products_id AND pd.language_id = '" . (int)$language . "' AND find_in_set('" . $customer_group_id . "', products_hide_from_groups) = 0 AND p.products_id = pd.products_id AND p.products_master_status='1' order by p2c.categories_id, p.products_sort_order asc, pd.products_name"); while ($product_info = tep_db_fetch_array($products_query)) { $this->addProductsInCategory($product_info['categories_id'], $product_info); } // end while ($product_info = tep_db_fetch_array($products_query)) } // end function ProductsInCategory function addProductsInCategory ($categories_id, $product_info) { $this->pic_data[$categories_id][] = array('products_id' => $product_info['products_id'], 'products_name' => $product_info['product'], // we already know the category but might be handy to have it here too 'products_category' => $categories_id); } // end function addProductsInCategory ($categories_id, $product_info) function getProductsInCategory($categories_id) { if (isset($this->pic_data[$categories_id])){ foreach ($this->pic_data[$categories_id] as $key => $_product_data) { $product_data[] = $_product_data; } // end foreach return $product_data; }else{ return false; } } // end function getProductsInCategory($categories_id) } // end Class ProductsInCategory When I upload this (including the application_top.php file where the object is included) I get this error:Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/.lew/mmherbs/ on line 319 The line it refers to is this: $_products_in_category_array = $pic->getProductsInCategory($key); Hmm, I would think that even without results from the query the object would still be there.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TracyS Posted February 19, 2007 Share Posted February 19, 2007 Does this work better?: Well - it works slightly different, but I don't know if it's better :blush: I get this: productsincategory Object ( [pic_data] => Array ( ) ) One thing I noticed, and I'm not sure if it's important or not, but the ProductsInCategory shown above is in all small-case. Whereas I have it everywhere (I believe) with the three capital letters. My application_top.php has this: // products in category for DynaMenu require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'ProductsInCategory.php'); $pic = new ProductsInCategory; Do I need to change it to small-case letters for the $pic = new ? It seems to be ProductsInCategory everywhere but in the print_r message :huh: Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jan Zonjee Posted February 20, 2007 Share Posted February 20, 2007 I notice know that $languages_id is called a global here: function ProductsInCategory() { global $languages_id; but further on (int)$language is used. That might be the problem. As always: troubleshoot, e.g. by making an error in the sql (rename a field to something not in the table) and then have it echo'ed to the screen. Copy in a text editor, remove the error and paste it in phpMyAdmin to see what the result of the query is. One step at the time... PHP making lower case of something is not a problem as long as you are consistent (the developers of PHP might change their mind about it one day and then you are in trouble). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TracyS Posted February 20, 2007 Share Posted February 20, 2007 I notice know that $languages_id is called a global here: function ProductsInCategory() { global $languages_id; but further on (int)$language is used. That might be the problem. As always: troubleshoot, e.g. by making an error in the sql (rename a field to something not in the table) and then have it echo'ed to the screen. Copy in a text editor, remove the error and paste it in phpMyAdmin to see what the result of the query is. One step at the time... PHP making lower case of something is not a problem as long as you are consistent (the developers of PHP might change their mind about it one day and then you are in trouble). WOW! That made a huge difference! I changed it to (int)$languages_id and I now get a HUGE array! Now the fun will be making sure it has everything I want in it (might run it in phpMyAdmin to see that a little more clearly) and then seeing if it works properly with dm_categories.php :thumbsup: Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TracyS Posted February 20, 2007 Share Posted February 20, 2007 I notice know that $languages_id is called a global here: function ProductsInCategory() { global $languages_id; but further on (int)$language is used. That might be the problem. As always: troubleshoot, e.g. by making an error in the sql (rename a field to something not in the table) and then have it echo'ed to the screen. Copy in a text editor, remove the error and paste it in phpMyAdmin to see what the result of the query is. One step at the time... PHP making lower case of something is not a problem as long as you are consistent (the developers of PHP might change their mind about it one day and then you are in trouble). Ok - the query appears to be producing the same results as what I had originally. The print_r is working and showing all 111 results. However, I still get this error message when I upload the dm_categories.php file: Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/.lew/mmherbs/ on line 319 I have it in application_top.php like this: // products in category for DynaMenu require(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'ProductsInCategory.php'); $pic = new ProductsInCategory; in dm_categories.php I have this (the very first line of code is line 319) $_products_in_category_array = $pic->getProductsInCategory($key); // returns false if no products in the category if ($_products_in_category_array != false) { $products_in_category_array = $_products_in_category_array; }// end if ($_products_in_category_array != false) foreach ($products_in_category_array as $array_key => $products_in_category) { $product_id_h = 'products_id='.$products_in_category ['product_id']; $product_name_h = $products_in_category ['product']; Is it because the $key is setup as $this->pic_data($categories_id) in the ProductsInCategory.php class file? Wasn't sure if the _data had anything to do with the error :huh: Is there a debug code to use to figure out where the declaration or calling of the global is going wrong? Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TracyS Posted February 20, 2007 Share Posted February 20, 2007 Ok - the query appears to be producing the same results as what I had originally. The print_r is working and showing all 111 results. However, I still get this error message when I upload the dm_categories.php file: Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/.lew/mmherbs/ on line 319 Got that figured out :thumbsup: I just needed to add $pic to the globals on the dm_categories.php page :blush: I'm much closer now - it's putting them where it should (it would appear) but not showing the name and getting the correct link to the product. But at least I'm not getting errors anymore :blush: Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TracyS Posted February 20, 2007 Share Posted February 20, 2007 Got that figured out :thumbsup: I just needed to add $pic to the globals on the dm_categories.php page :blush: I'm much closer now - it's putting them where it should (it would appear) but not showing the name and getting the correct link to the product. But at least I'm not getting errors anymore :blush: Ok - I'm getting this: products_name= where I should be getting the name of the product in the menu. The products_name is being pulled correctly in the array - so I'm guessing it's a syntax error in the dm_categories.php code calling the info from that array. dm_categories.php $_products_in_category_array = $pic->getProductsInCategory($key); // returns false if no products in the category if ($_products_in_category_array != false) { $products_in_category_array = $_products_in_category_array; foreach ($products_in_category_array as $array_key => $products_in_category) { $product_id_h = 'products_id='.$products_in_category ['product_id']; $product_name_h = 'products_name='.$products_in_category ['product']; if ($GLOBALS['products_id'] == $products_in_category ['product_id']) { $that_expanded = '1'; $that_selected = 'dmselected'; } else { $that_expanded = ''; $that_selected = ''; } if ($menu_use_titles) { $that_title = $product_name_h; } else { $that_title = ''; } $output .= str_repeat(".", $level+2).'|'.$product_name_h.'|'.tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, $product_id_h).'|'.$that_title.'|'.$menu_icon_file.'|'.$that_selected.'|'.$that_expanded."\n"; }// end if ($_products_in_category_array != false) } //EOF product listing Here is a small portion of the print_r results for the array: productsincategory Object ( [pic_data] => Array ( [6] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [products_id] => 121 [products_name] => Yeast X [products_category] => 6 ) ) [8] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [products_id] => 46 [products_name] => Fertility Information Packet [products_category] => 8 ) [1] => Array ( [products_id] => 44 [products_name] => Fruitful Vine [products_category] => 8 ) And the query in ProductsInCategory class $products_query = tep_db_query("select p2c.categories_id, p.products_id, p.products_master_status, pd.products_name as product, pd.products_id as product_id from " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " p LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_TO_CATEGORIES . " p2c USING(products_id) LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . " pd USING(products_id) where p.products_id = p2c.products_id AND pd.language_id = '" . (int)$languages_id . "' AND find_in_set('" . $customer_group_id . "', products_hide_from_groups) = 0 AND p.products_id = pd.products_id AND p.products_master_status='1' order by p2c.categories_id, p.products_sort_order asc, pd.products_name"); I keep staring at it trying to find something that looks wrong and I'm just not seeing it :blush: Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TracyS Posted February 20, 2007 Share Posted February 20, 2007 Ok - I'm getting this: products_name= where I should be getting the name of the product in the menu. The products_name is being pulled correctly in the array - so I'm guessing it's a syntax error in the dm_categories.php code calling the info from that array. dm_categories.php $_products_in_category_array = $pic->getProductsInCategory($key); // returns false if no products in the category if ($_products_in_category_array != false) { $products_in_category_array = $_products_in_category_array; foreach ($products_in_category_array as $array_key => $products_in_category) { $product_id_h = 'products_id='.$products_in_category ['product_id']; $product_name_h = 'products_name='.$products_in_category ['product']; if ($GLOBALS['products_id'] == $products_in_category ['product_id']) { $that_expanded = '1'; $that_selected = 'dmselected'; } else { $that_expanded = ''; $that_selected = ''; } if ($menu_use_titles) { $that_title = $product_name_h; } else { $that_title = ''; } $output .= str_repeat(".", $level+2).'|'.$product_name_h.'|'.tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, $product_id_h).'|'.$that_title.'|'.$menu_icon_file.'|'.$that_selected.'|'.$that_expanded."\n"; }// end if ($_products_in_category_array != false) } //EOF product listing I keep staring at it trying to find something that looks wrong and I'm just not seeing it :blush: I found it!! (I think) :blush: I changed this section of the above code: foreach ($products_in_category_array as $array_key => $products_in_category) { $product_id_h = 'products_id='.$products_in_category ['product_id']; $product_name_h = 'products_name='.$products_in_category ['product']; if ($GLOBALS['products_id'] == $products_in_category ['product_id']) { To this: foreach ($products_in_category_array as $array_key => $products_in_category) { $product_id_h = 'products_id='.$products_in_category ['products_id']; $product_name_h = $products_in_category ['products_name']; if ($GLOBALS['products_id'] == $products_in_category ['products_id']) { And everything seems to be working correctly now! Do you see any errors in it? If it looks good to you too I'll package it and upload it as an add-on to Dynamenu :thumbsup: Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jan Zonjee Posted February 20, 2007 Share Posted February 20, 2007 I found it!! (I think) Good work Tracy. I had no idea about the problem with the member function on a non-object error but you figured that out. I also had to look three times before I saw the differences in the code (product_id => products_id). You are getting there :thumbsup: 62 queries saved... not bad :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TracyS Posted February 20, 2007 Share Posted February 20, 2007 Good work Tracy. I had no idea about the problem with the member function on a non-object error but you figured that out. I also had to look three times before I saw the differences in the code (product_id => products_id). You are getting there :thumbsup: 62 queries saved... not bad :) LOL - Thank You! :blush: I'm not sure what this did - so I want to make sure you think it's ok that I removed it (it's working so I'm thinking it is) $product_name_h = 'products_name='.$products_in_category ['product']; Notice the 'products_name='. in front of $products_in_category['product']; - for some reason, if I leave that in there, the menu shows me "products_name=" instead of the products name. I know it's pulled "AS product" in the query - but that didn't seem to want to work correctly (which is why I changed both product_id and product at the end of those statements to products_id and products_name) What I find weird is that the $product_id_h = 'products_id='.$products_in_category ['products_id']; won't work without the 'products_id='. bit in it, but the $product_name_h one won't work with that part in front - LOL So I figured since I was confused as to what that part does, I better make sure if you think it should be there and figure out a different workaround :blush: Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EspenA Posted February 21, 2007 Share Posted February 21, 2007 OK, so I've finally fixed all the errors, but I don't get this (and I'm probably stupid): How do I assign a separate price for a customer...? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options... Posted February 21, 2007 Share Posted February 21, 2007 Actually, you forgot about three $listing's in the code. The trickiest one is the fact that $product_contents is not reset (nulled) so it stays the same all the time. The code that is working for me (starts around line 251, not till the end): // make sure $product_contents is filled with new stuff: unset($product_contents); } Thanks JanZ, that seemed to have done the job, much appreciated! :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Witte667 Posted February 21, 2007 Share Posted February 21, 2007 Hi all, I am really stuck with SPPC 4.15, SPPC_Price_Break_v1_02 and the update. I had to install my shop and used OSC 2.2 MS2 060817. If I install SPPC 4.15 everything works ok. As soon as I install SPPC_Price_Break_v1_02 and the update the prices come on the website (like 1.00 - 2.00) with the quantities. But if I order 10 pieces it still keeps 20,00 in the shopping cart instead of 10,00. So the price breaks are visible on the website but don't get calculated in the basket. Who can help me? I am working and reading and editing on this since last thursday... I tried copying the files over as it is a clean install, and tried to put in everything by hand. In both cases it stays the same. I made a testshop from scratch and there is the problem as well. Is there maybe someone who can make a install file for the new oscommerce (if that is the problem?) or tell me what to do or what to post. If this is working I want to add hide_products_and_categories_v201 and happy_hours_special_basic_SPPC_1 but I a can't get any further. Is someone having these contributions to work together, and is willing to post the files wich have to be replaced after a clean install? Thanks in advance, I enjoy using oscommerce and had the contributions (SPPC and Price Break) working on the previous version. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jan Zonjee Posted February 21, 2007 Share Posted February 21, 2007 I'm not sure what this did - so I want to make sure you think it's ok that I removed it (it's working so I'm thinking it is) $product_name_h = 'products_name='.$products_in_category ['product']; My fault: I (without thinking) changed it back from products to products_name :-" function addProductsInCategory ($categories_id, $product_info) { $this->pic_data[$categories_id][] = array('products_id' => $product_info['products_id'], 'products_name' => $product_info['product'], Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code Red Posted February 21, 2007 Share Posted February 21, 2007 Hi, I've just installed this contrib but I'm getting the following error in admin/customers.php - 1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '-20, 20' at line 1 select c.customers_id, c.customers_lastname, c.customers_firstname, c.customers_email_address, c.customers_group_id, c.customers_group_ra, a.entry_country_id, a.entry_company, cg.customers_group_name from customers c left join address_book a on c.customers_id = a.customers_id and c.customers_default_address_id = a.address_book_id left join customers_groups cg on c.customers_group_id = cg.customers_group_id order by c.customers_id DESC limit -20, 20 Any ideas? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Witte667 Posted February 21, 2007 Share Posted February 21, 2007 (edited) Hi Code Red, Try this: Line 67 in catalog/includes/classes/split_page_results.php must be changed from: $this->sql_query .= " limit " . $offset . ", " . $this->number_of_rows_per_page; to: $this->sql_query .= " limit " . max($offset, 0) . ", " . $this->number_of_rows_per_page; Line 38 in catalog/admin/includes/classes/split_page_results.php must be changed from: $sql_query .= " limit " . $offset . ", " . $max_rows_per_page; to: $sql_query .= " limit " . max($offset, 0) . ", " . $max_rows_per_page; Edited February 21, 2007 by Witte667 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code Red Posted February 21, 2007 Share Posted February 21, 2007 It works! :lol: Thanks Witte. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TracyS Posted February 21, 2007 Share Posted February 21, 2007 OK, so I've finally fixed all the errors, but I don't get this (and I'm probably stupid): How do I assign a separate price for a customer...? Go into your Admin -> Catalog -> Categories/Products Choose a product and click Edit You will now see the new field for entering the price for your new group :thumbsup: Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TracyS Posted February 21, 2007 Share Posted February 21, 2007 My fault: I (without thinking) changed it back from products to products_name :-" LOL :lol: No problem! It is working as it should then so I'm gonna leave well enough alone - LOL :thumbsup: Thanks for all of your help! I'm going to remove the stuff for Master Products and Hide Products from Customer Groups for SPPC and then package it up as an add-on contrib. for Dynamenu. Is it ok with you if I put your name on the install file as helping me to create it? Quote ~Tracy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EspenA Posted February 21, 2007 Share Posted February 21, 2007 But ... let's say I have a product to $50 by default. I have also created a new customer group called "Test". Inside the product administration I enter a new price for the Test group -- let's say $100. Where is this change seen? I thought all users in this group would see $100 instead of $50 when they're logged in at the website viewing the actual product? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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