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move, copy and delete multiple products in one step


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well I don't have anything ready what I mentioned earlier was just an observation looking the last update of this module.


Gotcha, I've just installed Attributes Sets Plus which will at least allow me to create commonly used groups and take some of the pain out of copying over the same attributes for each page :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
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that latest addition all it did was to copy the attributes. The products copy gets a 0 as the identifier so of course it will fail with that error. This statement


$dup_products_id = tep_db_insert_id();


should been performed after the query is through you see. It is the reason the entire copy function fails. In other words there is no query that performs the copy into the products table. There should be something like this:


tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . ".......................


and after that you would have the

$dup_products_id = tep_db_insert_id();


Anyone figure out how to make this work yet? It would be a fantastic addition to the contrib? I could really use this part of it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Using the lastest version as of today (I think it may have been uploaded this morning) I can only delete 3 items at a time, which takes around 2-3 minutes, any more than that, and it deletes the 3 items, then finally gives me a

Error 500: Internal Server Error


The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.


Any ideas?

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Using the lastest version as of today (I think it may have been uploaded this morning) I can only delete 3 items at a time, which takes around 2-3 minutes, any more than that, and it deletes the 3 items, then finally gives me a


Any ideas?



Same Here, only I get the "Could Not Find Page"




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I think a 500 error is a "cannot find page". My webhost has custom error pages that are pretty weird. Probably going to try an older version this afternoon if I don't see a fix happening.

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Have you seen a similar contribution to batch delete products?


Just the older versions of this contrib, I'd imagine the new one is slightly broken somewhere if we both got the same issue.

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Just the older versions of this contrib, I'd imagine the new one is slightly broken somewhere if we both got the same issue.


hello, great utility if it actually worked! You guys are great, thanks for everything, I learned alot on here::


here's the problem: i've installed the latest version (2.2) then added this mod from a pervious version ( insert to application_top.php somewhere at the files-defs:

define('FILENAME_PRODUCTS_MULTI', 'products_multi.php');


Then I added the mod by josh ( Copy for Product Multi [email protected] 25 Feb 2006


Adds the ability to actually copy products instead of just linking. This must be used with package V2.0.


Copys attributes from a product as well, but does not keep order.




Now i am getting this error message when i click the Multiple Products Manager:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_db_connect() (previously declared in /mnt/w0401/d20/s29/b0290de8/www/Home/catalog/admin/includes/functions/database.php:13) in /mnt/w0401/d20/s29/b0290de8/www/Home/catalog/admin/includes/functions/database.php on line 13


Where did i go wrong? i was almost there man

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hello, great utility if it actually worked! You guys are great, thanks for everything, I learned alot on here::


here's the problem: i've installed the latest version (2.2) then added this mod from a pervious version ( insert to application_top.php somewhere at the files-defs:

define('FILENAME_PRODUCTS_MULTI', 'products_multi.php');


Then I added the mod by josh ( Copy for Product Multi [email protected] 25 Feb 2006


Adds the ability to actually copy products instead of just linking. This must be used with package V2.0.


Copys attributes from a product as well, but does not keep order.




Now i am getting this error message when i click the Multiple Products Manager:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_db_connect() (previously declared in /mnt/w0401/d20/s29/b0290de8/www/Home/catalog/admin/includes/functions/database.php:13) in /mnt/w0401/d20/s29/b0290de8/www/Home/catalog/admin/includes/functions/database.php on line 13


Where did i go wrong? i was almost there man


Whoaa! i think i figured out the problem... That mod by josh i think screwed things up? I undid his mod then i worked! I dunno, am thankful to all :)

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Hey its me again!!! :)

OK, now it is working great, again i want to thank everyone for this time-saving mod.


Here is an observation: When you "copy" products from one folder to another, all the sale or special prices that u assigned, will not show up on the same copied products in the new folder!


EX. I had a stereo that retails for $200 but was on sale for $100 (the red font), I copied it to another category, then went to check how it displayed, everything was fine,including all the options and the order from the original folder, except,the sale price is missing and only the reegular price showed up... I added it to the cart to see if the sale price will pop up, but no luck..


Thanks everyone!!

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Same Here, only I get the "Could Not Find Page"




I think the problem is not with the contribution, only in my osc. I realized that when going to a single product and trying to delete it, I have the same "Could Not Find Page" come up. I also, realized that the same thing was happening to me when I was trying to create a category, I got the "Could Not Find Page" then when I refreshed the page I had three the same categories created (could be because I was impeitent, and clicked a couple of times).


I don't know where to start looking.

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I think the problem is not with the contribution, only in my osc. I realized that when going to a single product and trying to delete it, I have the same "Could Not Find Page" come up. I also, realized that the same thing was happening to me when I was trying to create a category, I got the "Could Not Find Page" then when I refreshed the page I had three the same categories created (could be because I was impatient, and clicked a couple of times).


I don't know where to start looking.



I confirmed that it has nothing to do with the contribution, but with my OSC, by uninstalling the contribution, and the problem still presists.


Does anyone know where I could look?

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I confirmed that it has nothing to do with the contribution, but with my OSC, by uninstalling the contribution, and the problem still presists.


Does anyone know where I could look?



I am sorry for confusing you all, but the problem might still be with the contribution. When I delete a single item, it takes forever, leading me to think that it will time out, but it doesn't and deletes the item and brings me back to the page (eventually).


The contribution after deleting does time out and gives me the error (Could Not Find Page). I had previously mentioned hat the contribution ends up deleting only 3 or 4 from the products I selected. That's also not true, as when I refresh the page I see that only 3 or 4 were deleted, but if I'd come back a few min. later, I see that all that was selected did indeed get deleted.


In summary, I think it's taking my server too long to delete an item, resulting in a timeout.


Any Suggestions?




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In summary, I think it's taking my server too long to delete an item, resulting in a timeout.


Any Suggestions?





And yes, when I delete a single product with the contribution, it doesn't time out.


How can I speed up the process of deleting?




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I'm still having the exact same problem as leibtek. It deletes 3 products at most, which takes quite a long time. I'm afraid to use easypop again for fear of having to delete a ton of items again.

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I'm still having the exact same problem as leibtek. It deletes 3 products at most, which takes quite a long time. I'm afraid to use easypop again for fear of having to delete a ton of items again.


I found that it does delete after some time. Reload the page after 5 min, see if they're still there.


By-the-way, are you using GoDaddy for your hosting? I'm thinking that the server is at fault here.

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I've never gotten more than 3-4 to delete even after refreshing though.


No, I'm using 1and1.com for hosting and haven't heard anything bad aboiut them.


How about deleting only one product through the cotribution? Does that time-out too?

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How about deleting only one product through the cotribution? Does that time-out too?


No, I can delete 3 products without it timing out I think. Been a week or so since I've tried it.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I've just installed 2.2 on osC MS2 2.2. I can get the page to load but cannot do anything. When you choose all or try to move, copy or delete nothing happens apart from the page reloading. I don't get any error messages. I have rechecked all the coding is in the right place.


I have read all through this thread and can't find an answer.


Can somebody help please





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  • 1 month later...

I'm having a problem with multi_products.php with this line of code on line 223


		$cInfo_array = tep_array_merge($categories, $category_childs, $category_products);
	$cInfo = new objectInfo($cInfo_array);


Anyone help me out with this?



Here's the error message:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_array_merge() in /var/www/html/catalog/admin/products_multi.php on line 223
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