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[Contribution] Header Tags Controller for Admin MS 2.2


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I have just installed HeaderTags_V_2.6.3 - installed no problem, ran fill tags - no problem but when I edit the title, keywords, description for a product it doesn't seem to persist to the database - PHP is not a language I normally develop in and am just helping someone out so any help would be appreciated.


Many thanks, Simon

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Seems contribution runs great... One more problem though...


In Header Tags -> Text control i check HTCA and HTPA for product info.


When I check the source hmtl file it shows like that:

<meta name="Keywords" content="ProductCategory , " />


There is no space between Product and Category in Keywords. Title is ok -> Category - Product. I'm sure there's simple solution, please Help !


I also copied product description to meta tags description. It's quite long, does this affect indexing or should I cut it after about 200 characters ??


And last question, If I want robots to -> "INDEX, FOLLOW, ALL" is noodp parameter enough ??

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Seems contribution runs great... One more problem though...


In Header Tags -> Text control i check HTCA and HTPA for product info.


When I check the source hmtl file it shows like that:

<meta name="Keywords" content="ProductCategory , " />


There is no space between Product and Category in Keywords. Title is ok -> Category - Product. I'm sure there's simple solution, please Help !


I also copied product description to meta tags description. It's quite long, does this affect indexing or should I cut it after about 200 characters ??


And last question, If I want robots to -> "INDEX, FOLLOW, ALL" is noodp parameter enough ??

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Thanks for the contribution Jack and your sustained support.


I have a problem that's probably been seen before, but I can't find an instance in this long thread:

I've installed the header_tags 2.6.3 and I'm on a windows server. The only other contrib is the Paypal_ipn.

After the db load and updates to catalog and admin, all the functionality worked without error.

Then to get the tags loaded, I went to Admin | Header Tags | Fill Tags.

I selected 'Fill All Tags' on Categories, manufacturers and products and then wentto Text Control to enter just default values.


Opening up my site, I see that the index pages are fine, but the product_info pages come up BLANK.


If I go back to Fill Tags and Clear all tags, it comes up. If I select 'fill all tags' on just Products and submit, it's blank again.

If I fill Categories and Manufacturers, the product_info page does come up. But once I add tags for product, it goes blank.


Any ideas?


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I have just installed HeaderTags_V_2.6.3 - installed no problem, ran fill tags - no problem but when I edit the title, keywords, description for a product it doesn't seem to persist to the database - PHP is not a language I normally develop in and am just helping someone out so any help would be appreciated.


Many thanks, Simon

The data is written to the database for the products by the categories.php file. Try replacing yours with the included one to see if the problem clears up.



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Seems contribution runs great... One more problem though...


In Header Tags -> Text control i check HTCA and HTPA for product info.


When I check the source hmtl file it shows like that:

<meta name="Keywords" content="ProductCategory , " />


There is no space between Product and Category in Keywords. Title is ok -> Category - Product. I'm sure there's simple solution, please Help !


I also copied product description to meta tags description. It's quite long, does this affect indexing or should I cut it after about 200 characters ??


And last question, If I want robots to -> "INDEX, FOLLOW, ALL" is noodp parameter enough ??

The fix for the spacing was posted a while back. I can't give you a time but I think around early April. The search engines will limit it and google doesn't always use it at all. It is more important to have your main keywords mentioned in it early so that they will at least grab that part (although sometimes you can't tell what they will take).



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Thanks for the contribution Jack and your sustained support.


I have a problem that's probably been seen before, but I can't find an instance in this long thread:

I've installed the header_tags 2.6.3 and I'm on a windows server. The only other contrib is the Paypal_ipn.

After the db load and updates to catalog and admin, all the functionality worked without error.

Then to get the tags loaded, I went to Admin | Header Tags | Fill Tags.

I selected 'Fill All Tags' on Categories, manufacturers and products and then wentto Text Control to enter just default values.


Opening up my site, I see that the index pages are fine, but the product_info pages come up BLANK.


If I go back to Fill Tags and Clear all tags, it comes up. If I select 'fill all tags' on just Products and submit, it's blank again.

If I fill Categories and Manufacturers, the product_info page does come up. But once I add tags for product, it goes blank.


Any ideas?


It sounds like there is something in the product tags that is breaking the code. Try clearing it so the product page shows up, then go to admin->Catalog and edit just one product. Does the product page work for that product?



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It sounds like there is something in the product tags that is breaking the code. Try clearing it so the product page shows up, then go to admin->Catalog and edit just one product. Does the product page work for that product?





WOW, I'm surprised to see that clearing the tags and then adding tags specifically to one product causes a blank page. Other products still show.

OK, what next?

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WOW, I'm surprised to see that clearing the tags and then adding tags specifically to one product causes a blank page. Other products still show.

OK, what next?



MKelly1 had a similar problem back on April 4. I've also gone to the validate site and gotten a doctype error. But comparing it to original MS 2.2 code,


<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

<html <?php echo HTML_PARAMS; ?>>


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo CHARSET; ?>">

<title><?php echo TITLE; ?></title>



I've just noticed that my code is missing the line

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo CHARSET; ?>">


So I've added it. No difference on the validator, or Header Tags on the products.

So, I'm not sure if my problem is the same as his.

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The data is written to the database for the products by the categories.php file. Try replacing yours with the included one to see if the problem clears up.




Perfect, works a treat now - thanks for what seems a great contribution and something that was in my opinion missing from the original distribution.

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WOW, I'm surprised to see that clearing the tags and then adding tags specifically to one product causes a blank page. Other products still show.

OK, what next?

Is the text you are adding just plain text or is there html code in it? Have you tried replacing the header_tags file in the includes and english directories?



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Hi Jack,


I'm not using any html in my tags. Nothing but simple text.

I've replaced the header_tags.php files with the original ones in the includes and includes | languages | english under the catalog area. (compare didn't show any diff but uploaded them anyway)


Still, if I add a product description (whether individually or all) the affected pages come up blank.

Note: when testing for just one item with a product title, desc and keywords, if I blank out the fields and preview and update, looking back at it, the fields are still filled. I double checked this.



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If you can't update the tags in admin then there is something wrong there. It may not be your main problem but the obvious should always be fixed on problems like this. Try using the categories file from the contribution since that is all that can cause this.



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I'm getting this odd error at the top of the Header Tags Controller screen.


Permissions settings for the ..//includes/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect. Change to 777

Permissions settings for the ..//includes/languages/english/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect. Change to 777


I'm running on a windows server and don't operate like unix-chmod. I believe my host told me that the files are default to full access.



Back at the ranch... My problem is the same. I've replace the 2 categories.php files in the admin and the admin/includes/languages/english/ directories with the original ones (catalog_for_new_shop_only). I AM able to change the values with the admin tool but then all products fail to display. When I clear the tags it works. Then when I go to a single product and enter the values, that product fails. --- As to the previous note, when I go back to the changed product and remove the title, desc and keywords, then update in the preview window, I find that clicking edit to show the current state shows that the 3 fields are now populated with the Products_Name field value.


Thanks for your help again.

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I'm getting this odd error at the top of the Header Tags Controller screen.


Permissions settings for the ..//includes/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect. Change to 777

Permissions settings for the ..//includes/languages/english/header_tags.php file appear to be incorrect. Change to 777


I'm running on a windows server and don't operate like unix-chmod. I believe my host told me that the files are default to full access.

Back at the ranch... My problem is the same. I've replace the 2 categories.php files in the admin and the admin/includes/languages/english/ directories with the original ones (catalog_for_new_shop_only). I AM able to change the values with the admin tool but then all products fail to display. When I clear the tags it works. Then when I go to a single product and enter the values, that product fails. --- As to the previous note, when I go back to the changed product and remove the title, desc and keywords, then update in the preview window, I find that clicking edit to show the current state shows that the 3 fields are now populated with the Products_Name field value.


Thanks for your help again.

If you are able to change the settings in admin->Header Tags, then you can ignore the permissions warning message. I posted earlier as to how to disable that if it bothers you.


In your includes/header_tags.php file, find this line


and place this after it

   echo 'Title '.$tags_array['title'].'<br>Desc '.$tags_array['desc']. '<br>KWords '.$tags_array['keywords'];

Go to your product page and see if shows the tags you have setup in admin.



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If you are able to change the settings in admin->Header Tags, then you can ignore the permissions warning message. I posted earlier as to how to disable that if it bothers you.


In your includes/header_tags.php file, find this line


and place this after it

   echo 'Title '.$tags_array['title'].'<br>Desc '.$tags_array['desc']. '<br>KWords '.$tags_array['keywords'];

Go to your product page and see if shows the tags you have setup in admin.





Yes, Jack. I edited a single product and gave the title, desc and keyword. These DO display when the product_info page is brought up. (of course the rest of the page is blank, as always.)

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Yes, Jack. I edited a single product and gave the title, desc and keyword. These DO display when the product_info page is brought up. (of course the rest of the page is blank, as always.)
I guess I don't understand the problem. Previously, you said
adding tags specifically to one product causes a blank page.
which sounds like the opposite of what you are saying now.



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I guess I don't understand the problem. Previously, you saidwhich sounds like the opposite of what you are saying now.





Yes, I was wondering if there was a little misunderstanding, or that I may have confused the issue. Here's the current situation:


Header Tags is installed and the default tags (from the Text Control page) work well.

When the Fill Tags page is used to fill tag entries for Products, all my product pages come up blank. (Selecting "Fill All Tags" for Categories or Manufacturers does not product blank pages.)

So, to remove the problem, I then clear all tags on products.


With all tags cleared, I then go to a single product in "Categories/Products" and provide a title, desc and keyword and save that. The result is that this single product returns a blank page. To remove the tags on this one item I have to use the Clear All on the Fill Tags page.


Now, when I added your comment line to the includes/header_tags.php file, the title, desc and keyword did show up (all by themselves) and the remainder of the page is blank.


I hope I've straightened out any confusion I may have casused. Thanks for your help.

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There's two problems here. First, you should be able to clear the tags in admin. If you have replaced the categories file and you still can't do it, then my guess is that there is something wrong with the database. That might also be the reason the page does not display in the shop. But beyond that, I'm afraid this is one of those problems that isn't going to be fixed on the forums. At least not by me since I am out of ideas.



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There's two problems here. First, you should be able to clear the tags in admin. If you have replaced the categories file and you still can't do it, then my guess is that there is something wrong with the database. That might also be the reason the page does not display in the shop. But beyond that, I'm afraid this is one of those problems that isn't going to be fixed on the forums. At least not by me since I am out of ideas.




thanks for your efforts. I'll try to do a reinstall, using the cut and paste methods. I did the cut-and-paste on the admin side. Then I realized that no real changes had been done to the catalog so I just copied the files from your contrib to the catalog side. Anyway, I'll start at the top and merge the header Tag contrib into my current system.

If I learn anything, I'll pass it along.

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If you are able to change the settings in admin->Header Tags, then you can ignore the permissions warning message. I posted earlier as to how to disable that if it bothers you.


In your includes/header_tags.php file, find this line


and place this after it

   echo 'Title '.$tags_array['title'].'<br>Desc '.$tags_array['desc']. '<br>KWords '.$tags_array['keywords'];

Go to your product page and see if shows the tags you have setup in admin.





My problem is that I have been trying to have the product name show up in the title of the product info page for specific products. I added the line above and no Title, Desc or KWords were shown. However, in the catalog admin, where I enter the Title, Desc and KWs, everything seems to function. The database is written to, changes to these records are kept upon update. It is only this small problem that I seem to be having, all other page titles are set with generic defaults and come up just fine. I am assuming that the product_info.php file is not creating the array $tags_array properly from its database query or perhaps is not making the query at all as those variables ($tags_array['title'], etc..) show up empty no matter where in code I try and echo them from. Do you have any suggestions for me?


thank you,



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Find this line in the includes/header_tags.php file

$the_product_info = tep_db_fetch_array($the_product_info_query);

and place this under it

	echo 'Product name '. $the_product_info['products_name'].'<br>Title name '. $the_product_info['products_head_title_tag'].'<br>';

Is anything displayed on the screen?



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Assuming you have ran Fill Tags, try replacing your categories.php file. Make sure you have made the required changes to the product_info.php file. If it still fails, try replacing the includes/header_tags.php and english/header_tags.php files to see if the problem is fixed.





I have done everything suggested. But it doesnt work still :(

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Hello. I am using HTC with STS and everything works fine. But if I try to use the databes inserts for the product description, it shows the standard entries made in the admin. Set permissions correctly to 777 to all necessary files. I checked everything in this forum but I find no solution. can somebody help ? (my version is osCommerce MS 2.2)

thanks a lot :)

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