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errors after install in the admin tools


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after I do an install and I get the successful install message when I got the the admin tools this is the message that I get



after clicking any link in the section this is the second error that I get


the site is running on a secure server for both secure and nor secure url's


I've checked my config files and all the correct information has been written to them.


line 193 of application_top.php reads


  include(DIR_WS_LANGUAGES . $language . '/' . $current_page);


I've tried adding ?language=en to the admin/index.php still with no results


and as for the second set of errors I have no clue what to make of them aside from the fact that it looks like some vars are not being passed or set.


as can be see in the link below register_globals are set to on



I am really trying to convice my company that using open source and developing for it is a step forward, and this is suppost to be the flag ship project so any help would stand to improve the image of the open source community that I am trying to show them.

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well seems we figured this one out in house


the problem seems to be that $PHP_SELF is no longer supported in php 4.3.3 and has to be replaced with $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] we seemed to solve the problem by just adding




to the top line of application_top.php

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It seems like all of your application_top.php and application_bottom.php have been tampered with resulting in the lost of all of your defines! If you recently overwrote those files that may be why if not you must have deleted part of the file when you were editing it!

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no, not unless the package available for download was tampered with as I had done 3 complete fresh installs before figuring the php_self issue out.

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