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The e-commerce.

Minor improvements.


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I've upgraded Last year shop to 2.2ms1 not to long ago,I had to fix sort attributes future (with contribution made by: made by Marcel Emmen 12-2002).


I've upgraded to ver. 2.2ms2 again I had to implement the same fix as sort attributes wasn't working correctly).


Why is so hard to fix/implement minor future that should be there. Most solutions are just cut/past solution.


So why aren't they implemented?

Will I have to fix the sort feature again in ver.3.0? :roll:




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An OSC software with over 960 contributions (rough estimate cause their is 48 pages of contributions at 20 per page) pre-installed (cause we have to satisfy everybody) MS3 should be ready by 2005 :wink:



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He does have a point, though.


Obviously a lot of the contributions are things that are great for some people (live support, PDF catalog, etc.) but not necessary for everyone and would bloat the code and make osC much more complex if they were all integrated into the standard package.


There are, however, a LOT of contributions that I see more as "fixes" than extra features. I'm talking about things like the three-image mod (the way osC resizes images is terrible), the option type and sort/copy mods, description in the product list, etc. These have been around for a while now, and integrating them (and other fixes like them) would only make the standard code stronger and mean a lot less stress and work for new users.


The fact that osC is always changing and growing means that even these basic mods may not work with the latest snapshot or milestone, which wouldn't happen if they were integrated into it.


I know that there was a thread some time ago asking what mods people use the most and would like to see integrated into the standard code. I personally thought that folks got carried away and started asking for every one of their favorite contribs to be included. Maybe if we took a more restrained and sober look back through that thread, we could begin integrating one absolutely essential mod per month?

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I don't think anyone would suggest that every contribution should be merged with the core code. There are however a number of contributions that should of been merged some time ago. A few examples:


- credit class

- categories description

- allprods

- order update (or similar)


The last one would fix one of the major failings of OSC - the lack of any way to edit an order once it has been placed.


It will obviously not be possible to keep everyone happy with the choice of mods that are merged, but this isn't a reason for not applying any of them.



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Those seem like four more essential "fixes" to me. Not being able to update the orders after they've been placed is maddening. And it would be relatively simple to fix, too.

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Those seem like four more essential "fixes" to me. Not being able to update the orders after they've been placed is maddening. And it would be relatively simple to fix, too.




If its relatively simple to fix :shock:


Any chance you can upload as a contibution :wink:

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It already exists as a contribution, tho it could definitely be improved upon:




I'm not making any contributions just yet. This is my first osC install, and I've hacked my code too much to have any reliable reference to the original files. The next install I'll use the new milestone and plan on submitting contributions of any personal modifications that I think are useful.

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The fact that there may be a contribution isn't of much help, especially as they do not provide all the functionality that is required. The use of contributions also creates more and more work whenever you update your code and have to do a re-install (as well as having to get them to work).


There are plenty of people that want to help to get essential contributions implemented in to the base code (either through doing the coding, or by making financial contributions), yet they are not allowed to assist.


For example, I'd be more than happy to donate ?50GBP, if we can get decent order editing built in to the base code. I'm sure others would be more than happy to donate as well.


A lot of my time is wasted through having to perform extra work that wouldn't be required, if some essential contributions were merged.


I understand that the core developers are busy and have limited spare time, but surely this should be even more reason to allow others to assist.


Waiting until post MS4 for contributions to merged just isn't acceptable.



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What if one team member worked on integrating one essential contribution per month? We could vote on which mods are the most important, or y'all could just choose based on our comments and what seems like the best choice at the time. It wouldn't take very long to have most of the really important "fixes" integrated into the code base that way.

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Voting is an great way to decide!

Make like a percentage of the votes like 80% wins, also make it a time limited vote e.g. (30 days).


This would allow for everyone to vote, and would make it fair.

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