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The e-commerce.

Does anyone have this?


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Does anyone have Yahoo as their webhosting? I am sure that Yahoo does have support for ssl, but I cant figure out how to set it up. According to Yahoo, in order to have a ssl server, you need to place all files into a folder called "ssl".


I have being struggling with this for about 3 days and can't seem to understand how it works.


Also in the installation process if you have the ssl secure and you check the box, a new window shows up. How can you make OSCommerce be secure only for people who have accounts? If you are a guest, how could you make guess only see the catalog, but not the secure pages? Anyone worked with Yahoo webhosting?


Please Help!!!!!!



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Dont you think you should talk to Yahoo?

to get osc to work on ssl side you have to change the path and set to true in both admin and catalog/includes/configure.php like this

define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://your domain.com'); // eg, http://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

 define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://your ssl url.com'); // eg, https://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers

 define('ENABLE_SSL', true); // secure webserver for checkout procedure?




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This is what I get with Yahoo as how to begin using ssl...


To begin using Yahoo!s SSL server:  


1. Open your File Manager, click "Create Subdirectory," and name it "ssl". (Note: All letters must be in lower case.)  



2. Place the web pages and forms you want to protect into the ssl subdirectory. (Note: Be sure to update any links that refer to those files.)  



3. View the secure pages at your domain:  




Your site will then redirect to our secure server so that information submitted from the secure pages will be encrypted. The domain address in your browser's location field will look like this:  



The "s" in https is the secure version of the http protocol. It uses SSL to transport data between systems. "s.hostingprod.com" is Yahoo!'s SSL Secure server.  



Now is there any way to use this in the installation process after you have finish the 3rd step?


this is what it asks:


Secure WWW Address:  


Secure Cookie Domain:  


Secure Cookie Path:  


and then Cancel Or Coninue


What would I have to do in that process?



Please Help!!!


Thanks for answering

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