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Email sent from "Contact Us" regarded as spam?


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Hello all,


I did a quick check (as I am at work) and found nothing to this end. The email sent from the "Contact Us" form is being regarded as spam. I have not found out if the replies to customers emails are coming across as spam as well yet, but will. Most people dont even check their spam box (I usually dont) so it makes it hard to communicate.


The email address of the store is xxxxxxxxx @ yahoo.com (not anonymous, just signed up for it, replace x's with store name).


Thanks for any help,




PS If this was posted somewhere else, could you please give me the search criteria you used to find hte post... Thanks!

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You're kind of at your customers' mercy on this one.


Depending on their mail service and how they have configured the options available, anything your cart might send to them might get dumped into the "bulk mail" or "spam" folder, unless they have specifically indicated in their mail account that your domain (or your specific email address) is to be accepted.

... if you want to REALLY see something that doesn't set up right out of the box without some tweaking,

try being a Foster Parent!

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