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Got a weird problem here. I opened the htaccess fill with editpro ( my php editting program} and the file htaccess beacme a editpro file. So i tried to chage it back but I counld'tchange it to it original format. I read on the internet were it says to change it to a notepad file or word file which I did. However, now when I open any word file the file open for 10 sec and then closes on it own. How can I change the htaccess file to it true format. I tried downloading oscommerce again and again but my computer changes the htaccess file to notepad as soon as I open the winzip file.

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Got a weird problem here. I opened the htaccess fill with editpro ( my php editting program} and the file htaccess beacme a editpro file. So i tried to chage it back but I counld'tchange it to it original format. I read on the internet were it says to change it to a notepad file or word file which I did. However, now when I open any word file the file open for 10 sec and then closes on it own.  How can I change the htaccess file to it true format. I tried downloading oscommerce again and again but my computer changes the htaccess file to notepad as soon as I open the winzip file.



Anybody have any idea on this..........

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Hi. I don't have any experience with editpro. I do know that if you edit .htaccess with notepad then you must save the file as ".htaccess" with the quotes. If you save it as only htaccess then notepad will add the "txt" extension. I assume editpro is doing the same thing.

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