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Credit Class GV DC v5.03 running on MS2???

Brent UK

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I have installed the above contribution onto MS2 and have it working of sorts. Admin is perfect, all OK. When a customer redeems a coupon or gift voucher, no amount is appearing or being deducted from the final amount. Alsi I appear to have lost my images in the shopping cart now too.


Has anyone installed this contrib successfully on MS2?





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I've Installed it, and everything works ok, but when the customer is on the confirmation page in check out, there's going something wrong with the calculation of the TAX.


The Voucher amount is deducted from the subtotal, but in the calculation of the tax, the voucher amount isn't deducted, so the calculation is to high!


I've tried to change the settings in the menu, but I don't get the right amount.


So anyone who could help me with that one?

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