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Create accounts from Administration


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Anyone know of a contrib to allow the creation of customer accounts from the administration section.


Thanks in advance.


Better if you (as admin/owner) create account trough catalog area, if you would, as long as you supply an email of your customer. It is have same result, isn't it?


--We can not allow the admin/owner knowing the password of they customers :lol:




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That would normally be so. But... the site we are currently doing is a dealer site and as such we will be removing customers access to the create account function.


Anyone else ???

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I am interested in the same as well. I would like to be able to add a username and password for pre-existing company customers. The username would probably be PO # for that customer, but that is besides the point... has anyone done away with public access and made an exlusive site?

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Ours will be a private site, the login is from outside OSCOMMERCE and the products displayed are login specific. Using existing contribs we have restricted access by forcing login to see the site.


Our only problem now is that once inside, a logged on customer could manually (if they new the page) access the 'create_account.php' page.


We would like to remove the page but that would leave no other means to create the accounts. Here-in lays the problem.

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Anyone know of a contrib to allow the creation of customer accounts from the administration section.


Thanks in advance.


Better if you (as admin/owner) create account trough catalog area, if you would, as long as you supply an email of your customer. It is have same result, isn't it?


--We can not allow the admin/owner knowing the password of they customers :lol:





Can you please explain why me the Admin/Owner of the shop should not know the password of someone who is buying a product from me?

Does it say anywhere that information entered is confidentual? They are ordering any item from my store giving me full rights to any data they enter.

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Because some people will download OS Commerce and get people to sign up on there company get their passwords which probably match their emails and get access to them. Sure you may not do it but Im sure some people out there would try!

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if you set up anaccount for somebody use any password and then after setting up click on lost password a new password would then be emailed to them that they would only know

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I personally have setup a MASTER PASSWORD for alla ccounts, which I find helps me on certain occasions when I need to sign into the catalog area to see a problem/concern as the customer would see it.


There is a contribution for this also.



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Ours will be a private site, the login is from outside OSCOMMERCE and the products displayed are login specific. Using existing contribs we have restricted access by forcing login to see the site.


Our only problem now is that once inside, a logged on customer could manually (if they new the page) access the 'create_account.php' page.


We would like to remove the page but that would leave no other means to create the accounts. Here-in lays the problem.


Which contribs are you using to force login? We need to use this on our franchise-only site. I've been looking for those contribs but not finding them easily.

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As I am the "MASTER" admin for a few differnt servers and networks and routers and firewalls and forums and many accounting & other software that all has some level of security - I DO NOT HAVE ANY ACCESS TO SEE OR RETREAVE ANYONES CURRENT PASSWORD ANYWHERE on these systems - I can however reset there password or require them to request a new password ect... There is no other people that have more access to these systems than my self. Sure I can hack in there and grab the password data files - but it is all encripted...


This is a privacy issue. This is why certain scams revolve around confirming "your username and password" for ISP like AOL or Banks like CITI ect... That way they can steal/hijack your access. Any respeciable security system - will not allow/have access to view a user password - which is WHY is is not really possable (okay - not easily done) for a company to tell its users what there password is.


All passwords should be stored not in plain text but should be encripted some what - like OSC is.


Having a MASTER password would make more sence- that is why I have a MASTER password for most of my systems I run.

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  • 2 months later...

I know what you meant Manuman


Seriously guys,


What about moving the create_account.php file over to the admin directory, changing everything to work from there. After all you should have your Admin directory password protected anyway. Then youd just have to remove the html in login.php that directs non-members to it ??? :unsure:


This would be a solution, Im no coder, so I have no clue, maybe someone in the know could put this issue to rest. It seems there are mountains of people like me out there that would benefit from this.


This problem is the only thing holding me back from using this fantastic open source application as well. Its second to none, but if I can't lock my system down from non-franchisees, then I will have to find something else, and nothing else compares.


its such a shame........ :(

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