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Please help with the product list table columns


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Hi, everybody!


The problem is that I can't understand how the order of the columns in the product list is formed. I see asort function and believe that it defines the order. I want to change the order. I can't comment asort because than the sorting is incorrect.

I have the following columns order: product, weight, quantity, buy now, manufacturer, price. And I want it to bу products, manufacturer, quantity, weight, price, buy now. Ноw to do this?


(I use 2.1 version)


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Open up your admin panel and click on the Configuration menu, then the Product Listing submenu there you will see all the columns available and their status (green=show, red=hidden) also you will see the sort order Value.


Yours should be as follows;


Display Product Image 0

Display Product Manufaturer Name 2

Display Product Model 0

Display Product Name 1

Display Product Price 5

Display Product Quantity 3

Display Product Weight 4

Display Buy Now column 6


For the column order to come out as products, manufacturer, quantity, weight, price, buy now.


0 = hidden, anything other then zero means the column will be shown and the value indicates the order.


Hope this helps!

Reddy to Rumble


Thank you osCommerce and all who Contribute to her!

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