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forgot email doesn't work


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I set up a couple of test accounts. When I click on the forgot email button on the login page, The message that an email was sent appears but no emails arrive. My guess is that osc is not sending out the password. Anyone have this problem and what the fix might be.


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I set up a couple of test accounts. When I click on the forgot email button on the login page, The message that an email was sent appears but no emails arrive. My guess is that osc is not sending out the password. Anyone have this problem and what the fix might be.



Do you actually have a 'forgot email button' or did you mean 'forgot password' because there is no point in sending an email to someone whos forgot there email address.



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You are correct. I must have been pretty tired when I sent the email. I meant "forgot password" link. Also the cart wasn't sending emails after purchase -- finally looked at the install and I had never changed the default mail server information -- corrected that and everything worked.

thanks for checking.



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