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[Contribution] Basic Template Structure v1.0 - For MS2


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I just installed this contribution (that latest one released today) and I am getting this error:


Warning: main(DIR_WS_TEMPLATESmain_page.tpl.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/jelegant/public_html/catalog/index.php on line 150


Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'DIR_WS_TEMPLATESmain_page.tpl.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/jelegant/public_html/catalog/index.php on line 150


On line 150 is this:




I have nothing but blank pages, please advise. Thanks


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OK, I got the above problem handled, but I am left with this error:


Warning: main(DIR_WS_INCLUDESmeta_tags.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/jelegant/public_html/catalog/templates/main_page.tpl.php on line 5


Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'DIR_WS_INCLUDESmeta_tags.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/jelegant/public_html/catalog/templates/main_page.tpl.php on line 5


On line 5 is:


<?php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'meta_tags.php'); ?>

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Hi cindyd and sdix,


Just to be sure I downloaded the new contribution and re?nstalled BTS :


08/31/2003 - Basic Template Structure v1.0a so patcha is included



On an almost clean osC MS2.2, and everything (done a quicktest only) seems to work fine without any modifications.


Do you use MS2.2?

Do you use other contributions also?


(I'm no expert yet on this, but I think this info might help to locate your problems)

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I would like to install the catagories descriptions contribution v1.5 ( http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1373 ) on MS2 with BTS ( http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1263 ) already installed. Now I can not make the neccesary changes to catalog/index.php because it is replaced by the BTS. I am not sure where I do have to make the code changes now instead.


If it is going to work I will upload it as a contribution.

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Fatal error: Failed opening required 'templates/TEMPLATENAME_MAIN_PAGE' (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/catalog/index.php on line 150


oscommerce 2.2 ms2 + bts v1.0a


phphost = doteasy


catalog = kapoot


fix it. :twisted:


at very least how do i uninstall this??


if i fix my configure.php and overwrite the files with the ones from the original osc archive will it be fixed?


why me? :evil:



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*takes a machette to it..*


new line 150:



Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /var/www/html/catalog/includes/warnings.php on line 13


bah.. ? = !


<!php require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'warnings.php'); !>


Fatal error: Failed opening required 'templates/TEMPLATENAME_BOX' (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/catalog/includes/boxes/categories.php on line 129


new line 129:



Fatal error: Failed opening required 'templates/TEMPLATENAME_BOX' (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/catalog/includes/boxes/manufacturers.php on line 52


strike three.. what the h311


ok, why aren't the template_variables working? i'm not going to hard code every one. i bet there's a zillion... *mild exageration*


well i might but i'm sure to miss a few i bet..


what's up with this?

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*defines templatename_variables in configure.php*


  define('TEMPLATENAME_BOX', 'box.tpl.php');

 define('TEMPLATENAME_MAIN_PAGE', 'main_page.tpl.php');

 define('TEMPLATENAME_POPUP', 'popup.tpl.php');

 define('TEMPLATENAME_STATIC', 'static.tpl.php');


Fatal error: Failed opening required 'templates/content/CONTENT_INDEX_DEFAULT.tpl.php' (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/catalog/templates/main_page.tpl.php on line 47




why isn't filenames.php loaded?

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*sticks it in the configure.php*




Fatal error: Failed opening required 'includes/languages/english/index.php' (include_path='.:/php/includes:/usr/share/php') in /var/www/html/catalog/index.php on line 33


bah.. filenames.php -> index=default


  define('FILENAME_DEFAULT', 'default.php');


Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_output_string_protected() in /var/www/html/catalog/includes/boxes/reviews.php on line 32


OMG!!!! *deep breath*

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*comments out line 33*


//  $review = tep_break_string(tep_output_string_protected($review['reviews_text']), 15, '-<br>');




 $review = htmlspecialchars($review['reviews_text']);

$review = tep_break_string($review, 15, '-<br>');




now then, i got the front page to load without errors..


what's going on?


it doesn't seem like we're on the same page at all..


*looks for the next fatal error*

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*server goes down*




can this be related?


will faulty php scripts knock a webserver offline?


C:>ping e-n-felix.com


Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.



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Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /var/www/html/catalog/templates/content/create_account.tpl.php on line 20


   <?php if ($messageStack->size('create_account') > 0) { ?>


ok i'm lost.. :evil:

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ok i got it figured out.. :roll:


doteasy's distribution of OSC 2.2 MS2 is actually a mod version of MS1..


so now i'm going to attempt to patch them together like a virtual frankenstien..


then again i could just be confused.. :twisted:


so don't take my word for it.. i'l letcha know if i have any luck..


is there any differences between the database structure of ms1 and ms2?

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Greetings all-


Can you guys please tell me if it would be wise to stick with the osCommerce 2.2 without basic template if I plan to install a lot of mods. Also, would it be easier for future upgrade to not use basic template? It seems like basic template changed a lot of files that are part of the original install and any mod I want to use references lines that no longer exist. Any help on how to proceed on this delicate issue?





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It really depends on what you need your sore to do. If you need the most stable code, then only install the 2.2MS2. Don't install the daily snapshot, which is a daily improvement, but not yet stable, rewrite of 2.2MS2. And do not install any Contributions or added features.


Now, if you want to customize your store, you have to balance that Stable comfort zone with the riskiness of installing a Contribution. For the most part a Contribution is ok to install as long as you are backing up and follow the author's instructions accurately.


Hope this helps,


Ian Sears

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Depends on the MOD you want or need. BTS modifies alot of files - however - many MOD only affect a very few files (which may or may not be in the parts that BTS changed) - many ADD other files - or don't change any of the stock OSC files (IE: payment/shipping/lauguage add ons).


Only a few really big MOD I would think would have major problems (dealing with HTML layout or display).


I would suggest making a list of the MODs you want and compair which files are changed where.


You may find that people are working or have already fixed conflicts with BTS.


Mods I have add with BTS:

osCID Name:

1345 2.2 MS2 french language full pack

1359 Admin With Access Levels 2.2

137 All Products Page 2.3

1263 Basic Template Structure 1.0

1373 Categories Descriptions 1.5

825 Column Product Listing 2.3

1126 Contribution Control & Bookmark MOD 0.1.4 MS2 (where I keep track of this list)

282 Credit Class/Gift Voucher/Discount Coupons 5.05

86 Define Mainpage 1.3.3 (with HTML Editor)

1057 Down For Manitance 1.1b

1114 Dynamic Mo Pics 2.2

500 Easy Populate 2.61.2

1187 FedX 1.11

1459 Master Password for MS2

1435 Order Edit 1.2a

123 Specials On Main Page by Default 2.0

1347 WYSIWYG HTML Editor Added to Coupons and Gift Vouchers

1347 WYSIWYG HTML Editor for Admin 1.7

1415 X-Sell - Cross Sell

1420 EFSnet Payment Module

1412 GeoTrust/SkipJack Payment Module

1351 PayBox Payment Module

1352 PayPal IPN 0.981


I am working on (but had no time - maybe tommorow):

1353 Category List with bullet

1170 ccbyfax - Credit Card by Fax v1.2

1458 Edit Langauges

949 Visitor Web Stats V1.6c

539 Monthly Sales & Tax Report 1.55a

1494 Dhtml-CoolMenu choose from Admin (combo of 1238 & 1033)

1155 osC_GiftWrap_V1.0_OSC2.2_MS2

1496 SearchBox Enhancement

1476 Human confirmation v1.1a

1201 Canada Post Shipping Module with dimensions 3.4

1026 Information Pages Unlimited v1.1g


And Still waiting for SEC - Shoppe Enhancment Controler to be MS2 Compatable

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Hi jpf,


thanks for this list (I am considering wether I should stick with the BTS to).

Do you have all these contribs installed on osC with the BTS at the same time? Or did try some and tried some others later?

I am working on (but had no time - maybe tommorow):  

1353  Category List with bullet          

The Catagory Box Enhancement (1480) already works with TBS (adapted version). It is similar with Category List with bullet but more advanced.


I am thinking about making Catagory Descriptions (1373) to work with BTS, but I am note sure if I can.

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BTS does not affect Lauguage. All it does it moves all (sorry most) HTML to separate files for eaier editing. It still calls the sames varables as per the section/lauguage. There is nothing to "translate" in BTS other than maybe the installation instructions and changelog. Install and that is all...

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Hi guys!


I have MS2 installed with a few mods including basic templates. everything seems working fine except a few things:

1. design changes are not carrying over to affilaite/GV pages.

2. I couldnt remove the "new products of the month" and specials of the month" mods. could not find the relevant code in index.php.

Also, is it possible to increase the width of left column only.


Thanks very much !

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Hi guys!

1. design changes are not carrying over to affilaite/GV pages.

OSC-Affiliate is not configured for BTS. I with the help of Lango created a modified version of Affiliate for BTS. I will be adding it as a contribution soon, but for now you can dowload my files from here:



I also have not been able to get the password forgotten page to work with BTS, don't know why, but if you or somebody else figures it out let me know how you did it.


Make sure you add the following to catalog/includes/filenames.php

// Lango and PopioWeb added for Affiliate Mod: BOF 

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_affiliate');

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_banners');

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_clicks');

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_contact');

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_details');

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_details_ok');

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_faq');

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_info');

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_logout');

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_password_forgotten');

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_payment');

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_sales');

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_show_banner');

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_signup');

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_signup_ok');

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_summary');

 define('CONTENT_AFFILIATE', 'affiliate_terms');

BTW, what does GV stand for?

Samuel Mateo, Jr.

osC 2.2 MS2

Installed Mods:

WYSIWYG HTMLArea 1.7 | Basic Template System 1.0 | osC-Affiliate | OSC-SupportTicket

Featured Products 1.3 | LoginBox 5.2 | LatestNews 1.1.3 | Extras for IE

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Sorry forgot to tell you how to install it. :roll:

Just overwrite the included files in catalog and add the rest of the files to their respective folders.


HTH :)

Samuel Mateo, Jr.

osC 2.2 MS2

Installed Mods:

WYSIWYG HTMLArea 1.7 | Basic Template System 1.0 | osC-Affiliate | OSC-SupportTicket

Featured Products 1.3 | LoginBox 5.2 | LatestNews 1.1.3 | Extras for IE

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