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Configuring AuthorizeNet - where to start?


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Hi, I'm trying to get my AuthorizeNet account going and am at a complete loss as to where to start.


In admin/modules/payment, I am able to activate AuthorizeNet and change some settings. If activated, I get the credit card option to show up during checkout, and I can enter the card # and exp date (but not card type) but I then get an error saying there is a problem with the card.


I am sure it has to do with the fact that I do not know where to add in my AuthNet login and password info etc, and that I really don't know what some of the admin settings mean. Eventually, I need to add CVV, and I see that there's a contribution, but I guess I need the basics first!


Bottom line - can anyone point me to installation/configuration documentation for AuthorizeNet? Or give me a few pointers? I searched, but couldn't find anything - so sorry if I missed it...


Thanks so much for your help!

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i'm also trying to get started...i have successfully installed OSCOMMERCE and can't find anything in the help/install pages which might tell me how to proceed in hooking my site into a transaction system (some documentation would be nice).


where do i begin? before i start slinging my credit card number around, it would be good to know some general information about how it works, what to watch out for, something...anything.

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