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"No tile" Background Images


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I have a background image set in my colum_left.php, but I'd like osC not to "tile" that image, rather I'd only like the image to show up once.


I tried to empty the column_left.php file except for some html code with a table that included the image, but then the left.php file takes up the entire space above the New Produicts box insted of being beside it. When trying to fix that problem is when I placed the background image into the code on the default.php page, and now the image tiles.


What can I do to correct the problem (either way is fine)?


Once again, thanks!



Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.


Delegated to web lackey - again.

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I take it you have no info boxes in your left column??


If so then open catalog/includes/column_left.php and insert the following line;


    echo tep_href_link(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'kitkat.gif');


Otherwise! if you want it as a background image make the height of the image about 1000pixels and leave the width of the image as it is. Save it as a gif with transparent background, and unless your page heaigh goes over 1000pixels its wont tile! Sneeky but effective, although the image size is alot more!

Reddy to Rumble


Thank you osCommerce and all who Contribute to her!

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That solution looks like it should work but just doesn't in practice. I cut-and-paste the code as you have it posted above, but it's kicking out text instead of the image.


Take a look: http://www.kitkatmoore.com

Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.


Delegated to web lackey - again.

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Sorry Sorry Sorry :oops:


It should be.......


echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'kitkat.gif', 'KitKatMoore', '', '');


Sorry! This should work honest!!! :)

Reddy to Rumble


Thank you osCommerce and all who Contribute to her!

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