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Menu Help (if possible)


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I'd like to use a DTHML (JavaScript) menu in the header of my osC shop to list the categories. As you can see from the site http://www.kitkatmoore.com I have removed the boxes in the left and right columns and I'd like to have a horizontal row of JavaScript buttons where the text

Welcome to KITKAT Moore Cafe. The cafe is ...
currently is.


My question is - what code do I need to put in my JavaScript to get it to show the information on the default (or any other) page when the customer clicks on it? If I were using regular HTML and Frames, I'd simply add the code "http:// ... /category.html target=main" to my JavaScript, but since I'm NOT using HTML with Frames, how can I get the same results using JavaScript with PHP??


In case I didn't make myself clear, I'll recap. I want JavaScript category buttons in my header instead of using the categories box in the right_column.php. How can I do this?


If it's possible, detailed instructions on what I need to do would be greatly



Thanks! :D

Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.


Delegated to web lackey - again.

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Thank you so much for your response, I must have missed those when I was lightly browsing the contributions!

Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.


Delegated to web lackey - again.

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