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How can I sort Product Option list?


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I can't find this in the archives but I could have missed it.


I sell clothing and need the customer to choose a size when they order. One way to do this is to put "Choose One" as the very first option of the products options drop down box. But I can't seem to find out what the standard for ordering of those options is - alphabetic? orderID? what?


This way if someone forgets to choose a size, their shopping cart shows they've ordered

Product X - size "choose one"


instead of

Product X - size 3T


and hopefully they'll fix it before finishing the check out process.


More importantly, it prevents the cart from automatically ordering whatever the default size is without the customer's intention. We all know customers can miss the obvious but *I* need to know if that's what's happened or if they indeed want the size they've ordered.


BTW, I LOVE this shopping cart!!! It's very easy to set up and this forum is a wealth of knowledge. (Gotten tons of questions answered already just from searching.)




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I did find a bug and now I'm getting an error.


The files admin/includes/filenames.php and admin/includes/database_tables.php are missing.


I created empty files and the script is now giving me this error:


1146 - Table 'database.TABLE_CONFIGURATION' doesn't exist


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from TABLE_CONFIGURATION


I couldn't find a place that defines that table so I can't create it manually.



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The above error occurs when I run admin.


When I run catalog, I get:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_parse_input_field_data() (previously declared in catalog/includes/functions/general.php:61) in catalog/includes/functions/html_output.php on line 15


I'm wondering if there's another module that should have been installed previously? I only downloaded the most recent file for the Attributes Copier contribution.



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I did find a bug and now I'm getting an error.


The files admin/includes/filenames.php and admin/includes/database_tables.php are missing.


These are both new files added after the MS1 release. What snapshot/milestone are you using for OSC and what is the date of the contribution you are adding? You will not be able to add empty files with these names and have it work. If you are trying to add the 7/13 contribution on let's say Milestone 1 it is not likely to work since there were some file changes.

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