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[Suggestion] - "Let's see what we have here"


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Could someone work on making the "Let's see what we have here" converted into the "Catagory Title"?

I know this has been talked about before, but it was never make into a real contribution.

Would someone take it upon themselves to make this a real contribution?


I only know if two threads that have discussed changing this. I have also tried to follow it the best I could, but it didn't work.


Here are the two threads I found.






I have even tried to look this up in the ib forum, but couldn't find one hit!


Thankyou to all that try.

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Thanks, I will give it a try... only I might screw it up because of the default.php being now index.php. You need to go slow with me, I get confused easily.


I will get back to you to see if it works. Peace Outside!

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The change I made was slightly different and will save you the extral sql query when loading category listings. I am by no means a php expert, so I may have missed something. It works great on my site though.


In /catalog/includes/languages/[lang_here]/default.php:


Find the define for heading_title and change it to


  define('HEADING_TITLE', ucwords(strtolower($categories['categories_name'])));


This will work!!!!


There were three changes I made to /catalog/includes/languages/english/index.php:


line 19: define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Let's See What We Have Here');

line 38: define('HEADING_TITLE', 'What's New Here?');

line 40: define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Categories');


Change each of these to:


define('HEADING_TITLE', ucwords(strtolower($categories['categories_name'])));


And it will work!


Thank-you vidmaster for making this and Thank-you The_Bear for finding it!

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By the way does someone want to make this an "Official Contribution"?

You can copy what I have written (It makes more sense) and give vidmaster the credit. I really don't need the attention. I get enough from the press and the photographers. It's a pain really.

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