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shopping cart does not longer work with MS2


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after making the updates in MS2 I found that the shopping cart does not work any longer. I can add items into the cart but after I logged in as customer, my cart is empty.


When I then go back to shopping_cart.php, I have all chosen Items, When I go to checkout, I have nothing in the cart.


I suspect the problem is related to SSL/NONSSL issues and sessions. I reverted my version to an older CVS version (before all the changes with 'HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN' etc.) and it works fine.


Anybody else with this behaviour? It worked fine on my local WAMP setup withoult SSL.




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I have exactly the same problem.


Whith the ssl turned on, the items in the http aren't included in the items of the https. Meaning, I order something, log on to my account and click on checkout - nothing appears in the shopping cart, althoug I have items on it placed before the checkout.


The problem is solved when I'm not using SSL, the shopping cart works fine without it.


I'm using MS2.2 1, I don't know about the previous versions of osc because only know I have an SSL certificate.


Does anyone knows any solution?

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Meanwhile I did a fresh installation with MS2 (without any of my modifications) and I had the same problem.


The problem was solved, after I set the correct values into the HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN and HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN. Here I had to enter a different domain and path because I use a shared certificate, so the both domains are not identical for SSL and NONSSL.


Nonetheless, I don't understand the concept of COOKIE_DOMAIN yet. Maybe I have to dig a bit deeper into the code :?





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