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NOCHEX - Quick Send


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I believe that someone has modified the NOCHEX module to allow the new facility of sending up to 100 pounds without needing a NOCHEX account - the link will change from that in the original module to the new payment link.


Has anyone got this modified code?


Thanks in advance

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If the account is "Xtra enabled" then the normal checkout procedure via Osc will take the buyer to the "quicksend" page (if the amount is below 50.00).


If the amount is above 50.00 or the Nochex a/c is not Xtra enabled then it goes to the normal Nochex screen.


No changes required to the Nochex module to do this, it happens automatically at the Nochex site.

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Here is another related problem - NOCHEX charge 99p or 1% per transaction whichever is greater but I do not want to pass this expense on to the customer. How do I alter the amount sent to NOCHEX to reflect this so say the customer's cart is ?49 - NOCHEX will ask for ?49.99 from the customer so I would want to submit the amount of ?48.01 to NOCHEX who would then add their 99p.



Is there anyway to amend the code to reflect this?



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  • 6 months later...
Here is another related problem - NOCHEX charge 99p or 1% per transaction whichever is greater but I do not want to pass this expense on to the customer. How do I alter the amount sent to NOCHEX to reflect this so say the customer's cart is ?49 - NOCHEX will ask for ?49.99 from the customer so I would want to submit the amount of ?48.01 to NOCHEX who would then add their 99p.



Is there anyway to amend the code to reflect this?



You can do that from your Nochex account.


There is an option within nochex for either you - or your customer to pay the fee. You can even set a level that it will change over from one to the other.


Dont know if you have sorted it out but just thought I'd post to help any others in the same boat in future.

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